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Ch. q.: Diversgifts Ephefians. ofGod Ch. 4,' Note. That in there feven things that Unity gelifts : and fofne, PaÌtors and Tea. of the Church confifteth, which is God's prefcri- cher. ; I2. For the perfeting of the bed and conferred Qu3ifìcation for Chtiftian faints, for the work of the miniftry, Communion inLove and Peace. And that as Satan ufeth to undo by over -doing, (and the for theedifyingof thebodyof Chri ft Pharifees had mare Laws , Traditions , and t t, I z. And hegave, by Qualification by and ftri `ctnefs therein as needful to Communion, Miffion , Come Apoftlm , Cent his of than Chrift had, whowould have Mercy rather mouth, tobe the m,ft eminent Attefiers his than Sacrifice ¡) So it is by adding a multitude Miracles , Dottrine , and Refurreétion , and ;ofeufnaringCanons, Cuftorns, andOpinions, as Founders of the Churches , fettle rropltets, by neceffàryto Communion, that he hath corrupted Revelation and Ifpiration to confirm the Chri- and torn the vifrble Church, and turned Love friar Faith ; Come Evangelifts,whofeWork was and Communion into Wrath and Perfecution. as eminently qualified to go abroad, to preach And yet this 'Unity muft be kept in Peace, the Gofpel, and gather Churches, or confirm and' thereforeboth Perfecutisg,and Contumelious, them, without being fixed to a ached Placear Turbulent 'Unpeaceablenefagainft thole that own Flock ; and Come Elders) sand Teachers, (called thefeSeven Points of 'Union, Should be avoided alga Bifhops and who were let over the by Chr thane, and reflrained by iwagif}rates, Particular Churches as their Guides and Atftre- who muff keep the Peace. And whenever God ¿lors, as being their fpecial Flock and Charge, in mercy will healthe lacerated Church, it will And all chafe Gifts and Offices aregiven for be upon thefe terms. that Minifterial Work which God (who work- , eth by Means) will ufe, to bring on all his 7. But unto every one of us is given Saints towards thePerfeatron ofthemfelves and grace according to the meafure of the of the Church, and by the Increafe, Concord gift ofChrift. andSan`iityof the Members, to edifieor build, 7. But though we have all one Spirit, and up the Body of Chrift. are One in all the foreCaid Effential.s of our Res 13. Till we all come in the unity of ligion, yet thisUnity is found in very great di- the faith, and of the knowledgeof the verfity of degrees of Grace, and both degrees man, Sonof God, unto a perfeEt -unto kind of Gifts, (See 1 01-.12.) as it pieafetlt Citra to diftribute them, the meafure ofthe mature of the ful- E. Wherefore hé faith, When he nefs ofChrift : afcended n onhi h, he led Ca t vit 13 Till by hisi creafeofNumber, andHo- p g P Y arts, and Concord, we all YCa:s and Gentiles captive, and gave gifts unto men. make up that Church, which in the 'Unity of 8. As it is fold in Pfal. 68. 18. When, d's. Faith, and Knowledge and Acknowledgment So when Chrift afcended, he triumphed over of Chrift, attainethta that degreeofPerfeaion Satan, Death, and Hell, and Cent clown from in which confifteth the meafure of Grace, and Heaven the Gifts of his Spirit fulnefs of Stature, which Chrift will bring his 9. (Now that he afcended, what i5 Church unto, which is that maturity which hot- it but that he alto defcended firft into tateth our natural growth from Infancy to full Manhood. the lower parts of the earth ? Ito. He that defcended, is the fame allo that 14. That we henceforthbeno more a[cended up far above all heavens, children, tared toand fro, and carried that lie might fill all things.) about with every wind of doarine, by the fleight of men, and cunning 9, to. And when it is laid that he afcended, craftinefs, whereby they lie in wait to it implieth that he lira dcfcended into this lower Lvodd. , into a low Condition, and into the deceive: Grave. And therefore it is the fame Jefits who i 4. That being byGod's bleffing by latch a was herehumbled in his Defcent, who is ex- Miniftry brought up to Manhood, we may no alted by his Accent ; far above all Heavens longer be like Children, who through weak- which Man (loth fee or know, that thence (as nefs cannot Stand in the Wind, but are carried the Sun by theinfluence of its Heat, and Light, about by it ; fo childifh Clariftians are by every and Motion, filleth all below, according to the Wind of plaufible Dolarine, by the flight Fab- receptive Capacity of each, fo) our glorified tilty and craft of Men, that by pretences of Lord, by his admiuiftr ng,jmlux, might fill all Know/edge, Hotinefs, Paver, or Love, lay ¡hares, with common or ffzcial'Grace , according to and lie in waitto deceive the weak. their various receptivity. 15. But Speaking the truth in love, t i. And he gave Tome, Apofiles : may grow up into him in all things, andfume, ProphéCs.: andCome, Evan- 'which is the head, even Chrift: Iç, Btt