Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch4,: forthe -Churches Epheffans. Edification. Gh.4. vernaurs,which makedhit themore impoffrble. And the only Pretends have been thegreat Dividers and Dehroyers what then is here meant, and to be done forUuity t Not to feign impoffibie Terms, itch as ate .Au Vmiverfil Sovcrciy;ity, and Multitradcs of. Ersraane, ÍJoa,Ltfu1, Vancc.ff ry Canon, ; which are the aloft eliedtual cauks of Difcord. Bar, to takeup with Chrift'sown prefèribedterms of Union here laiddown, u. 3, 4, 5. If Chrift have not made the Laws of ChurchUníon, he is not the Maker of the C.harch; for Unity is efieatial to it (as to a Hormfeon Bcdy.) z. To be one in Love, and to reprefs all Tyranny that would deftroy Love and l'ca.ce. 3. Asia the feveral Aflemblics they must exercife the fame Faithand Hope, and love and wcrlhip the fame God and Saviour, by the fame Spirit ; fò that thefe Churches mull live in love to each other, and avoid all Difcord : And ifany breach be made between them in Faith or Love, they multufe all reafor,ahle means to heal it; which is by writing or Meffengers giving to each o- theran account of their Faith and l'raciicet and when need is, confulting in Synods, of one or of divers Nations: Not that fach Synods are Governours ofmany Churches by a Majorvore, orby Metropolitan Power (fave as they mayex- ercife the Magiftrates Power of the Sword by his Commiffion, which (were filch tit) can be given only -in hisownDomin:ors, out of which Synodsand Metropolitans cant have no Political governing Power:) Put the Major yore moB be regardedfor Cursed, which is the rife ofSy- nods ; yet fo that it prevail not againft Divine Authority and Law, nor t n- againft Peafon, orthe Cnurches good. And therefore, A. Syrnedsare but for Caunfcl and Agreement. 2. And Cc. ceral Councils impoffible and neectef-, it being impofï:b!e and néedleis that all rite World have nonce of the Cafes of eery particulal Church, much leis that they meet for the redrefs. 3. And when Corruption and Tyranny ( as under the ,Arrianrand Papifts) have got the Major Vert, the Minor are rot bound to agreewith them, but to dificnt. As the Earth is Cod's Kingdom, and all Kings are his Officers in their feveral Kingdoms, but neitherany pre ç),lan, or ninny conjwtd}'in one Arihtocracy or Council,are One Sovereign Govenniug Power over all the Earth, but only thould by Confudtations reek TO keep the common Love and Peace ; even fo all Churches and Chriftians on Earth are Clvifl's Kingdom, or Church t niverfal, and all true Patters are his Officers in-their feveral Churches, but neither one Man, or many conjundi as one Political-Perfon, or Ariflocracy, are oneSunrnta stiv ino, over all Chriftians on Earth; but thofe that are within the reach and notice of each other, fhould, when it's needful, by Synods and Confidrations,keepup Unity of Faiths and Love, and all needful Concord: Had not Prin- ces bcclr mad_e too capable of ähgfe, theywag Aß5 t5. But (though we know but in part, yet) speaking and keeping the necefliry Truth or Eflèntials of our Religion, in Love and Con- cord, in this Faith and Love, may in all things gron up to hearer realities by degrees, even into a filler Communion with Chrift our Head, and likenefs to him. 16. From whom the whole body fitly joyned together and compa£ted by that which every jovnt fuppiieth, according to the effectual corking in the measure of every part, maketh increafe of thebody, unto theedifying of it Telf in lov . t 6. Front whom thewholeChurch receiveth both thatvital Influence, and that Conduct and Government, to its own intenfìve and execu- tive incrcafe in Lose, which is its fpiritual Life, -which the natural Body doth from the Headand Heart, by communiearicnof viral and animal 'Spirits and Heat : And this Life and Iacerare is received and communicated to each part from Chri'r, bythat coagn.entaticn and due connexi- on of all the Members of the Church together, while each keepeth his place, and perfotmerh his own Office, by the exercife of Faith End Love effecBiraily for the good of ail : Even as the Body iskept in Life and Health whileeve- sy inferiour Partand Joynt is rrrcptiie andacri, e according to irs proper Place and Oßice. Note. There is no Text which is fo plaufbly wrefted to maintain Popery,. that is, OneUri- aerial Humane Government of the whole Church on Earth, Monarchical or Ar,,ftocrarieai, (by Pope, Council, or combined Metropolitans, as cne Sovereignty) as this : Ir fiemingro fore- flalied Men, ro fpeak of the Church as cont- paaced in one Univedai Policy, fb governed: And it is a Text which null begreatly Birdied againft Dividers, and yet vindicated front Ro- man l'erverters. I. Daubed's tire Text fpeaketh flrongiy for Universal Concord, and not oncly for an uni- ting ofMembersiu feveral Cohgregacions,which (hall each he Independent, which would bebut like fo many ,Limbs cut off floor theBody ; brat for an uniting of Congregations, yea, of ail through the World, in one compafted Body : And therefore all Chriftians inuft abhor DiG feiiìion and Separation, orSchilht. IL Vet it is evident that Pawl fpeakethof no one Head but Chrift,and of no fort of 13niver1i Sovereign on Earth as under him. And indeed it isan Office that Humane Nature here is not capable cf, either in Monarchy or Prifloctacy ; It's impoftiibie for any ChurchSovereign Power, riveD;vine, ( or Angelical at leaft ) to rule the Church by Legiflation,judgmenr, and Execu- tion, all over the Earth ; much of it being out ofour reach, as the Moon is: And the Church k. under contrary, enetn,, militant, civil Go-