Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch.4 Paultalleth themfremEphefiáns.the impurityofthe Gent Ch.4 not take well the Doctrine ofa late Learned 224 That ye put ofcbricerning the andTriumphant Writer, who tells us, that the former 'converfation, the old man,: defaao, Princes do not, yet they ought to C áccordin rü u- nite which i5 COr their Power in one Council; which Mould p g to thè be the brighteft Goverlfour of themall: And deceitful hilts'. 23. And be renew- fo, 1. all Kings mutt be Subje&s. s. Arilto- ed in the fpirit ofyour Mind j cracy mutt rule Monarchy. 3. How !hall all zz z;: That you put Off the old liefhíy- Kings from the Antipòdes, or overall the Earth Minddaüd Life, which is corrupt in dilpolìtton meet? 4. Whe, !hall call them? y. Where Mull they nueet?6.Shall they truft to acrd praúice; bÿ the deceit. of fenf allußs: And Delegate Subje&s? 7. What if the múß be that you be made New Men, iii the very bear d Heathens and Mahom etans, and molt Chriftian and habits ofyour Mind; wit h Nevi J r gment F! reric%a in each others account ? 8. Ifhe con- and Af e tiöns. defcend Lc :limit this Soveraign Diet, who !hall f24. And that ye put on the.nelw limit it, andhow? And then theUniverfàlSo- man, which after God is created in vcraign is Bill wanting. rinht'eouihefs and true holiness They that dare plead for no more thanVe , - b verfal Communion, ilwuld have underfìood that .24. And that you become NewMen pèi)ifi 6-pro-amnion as filch belongs but toa Cmmuniry; of New Difpólicions; wrought in you by God, and a meer Community is no Body Politick, or Go- according to his Word, and for his Glory, con-, vrrned Society, but a Confederacy pfEquals (as to rifting in Righreoufuefs and true Holinefs. , Rule) With refpeft to God only the Welod is 25. Whereforeputtingaway lying? one Governed Kingdom, and withrefpeóhto Cbrift, fpeak every man truth With hie the Church is one Ruled Body Politick: But nei- ther of them is Óne as united in any Vicarious neighbour for We ate inembeS5 one Soceraign, but in their fevetal Provinces mutt ofanother: keepCommunion in Faith, Loveand Peace; 255 And in particular, as partsofy&srRigh'te . 17. This I fay therefore, and kefti-, ouiirfs, fee that you avoid all lying and Fraud and freak the plain truth to one another; for fie in the Lord, that ye henceforth we are fellowMembers ofone Body, and there.. walk not as other Gentiles walk in fore should not be false and frauduteht toeach' the vanity of their mind. orinar. . 17. Therefore I charge you as from Crhirill, 26. Be ye angry and fin null' let' that you that are.Chriftians live not henceforth not the fun go down upon: your as the Uncdnverted Heathens, that follow their wrath: own folk Immaginatious 18: Having the tl aderftaudiri 2S Anger is given us for the due renßitlg. g of Evil ; but ore it nut blindly, ralhiy and in-' darkened, being alienated from the ordinately to fin; much lets may you lie down, life of God, through the ignorance anti continue in fach fur. that is in theln,'becaufe of theblind- 27. Neither give place to° the nefs of their heart: ,19. Who being devil. pat feeling, have given themfelvea 27. And do not yield to Satin; who by over unto lafcivioufnefs, to workall dens provocations woulddraw you to iii. uncleannefs with greedinefs. IS. Let him that ftole, Beal rid is, i9: Their Underffanding being dar- mtirè: bu rather let him laboúrr (tened,and they being meet ftrangers;to a holy working with his hands the thing on and unto God: beaauf of the which is good, that he may have to' rance and blindnefs of their Minds, which have loll thevery lighilofNature,and,being ftupilied give to him that needeth. by Pravity and Cuftoìn in lin, have given 28. If any have by want or errour been fhemfelves up to fleshly Lußs co do the fifth, tempted to Real, or take an34, thing that is afro- eß ASs with greedy defire and delight. thers againft his Will, let hint do fó no more; 2o. But ye hive not fo Iëarned nor by idleness continue his necel ir:es, but ai he is able labour in Tome rofitable work, and Chrifl i+ 2 t : If fo be that ye have that not only, fo cupyty his ovin Wants; but ti heard him, and have been taught by relieve as many othersas fie well can, him, as the truth is in JeMs. 29.. Let loo corrupt cömmunïcatioi 2o, learned But Chrift has taught you, andyou proceed out Of your mouth; but that have a clean contrary courfe of Life: If. ì indeed you have heard what he teacheth; arid. which is good to the late ofedifying; la ve been caughttheTrue osee the of C»'ift: that it may miunf er glace until the he rets< Ir I»