Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch 4. Prat on the newman. Ephefians. Exhortations to Love Cho; 29. Let no finful, rotten, or filthy Difcourfe and given himfeIf for us, an Offering andSacri. come out ofyour Mouths, (which will frgnifie fire for our fins, with which God was highly a polluted Heart, and may corrupt the hearers) pleafedin him. but let your wordsbe filch as are not only harm lets to Others, but profitable, even that which 3, But fornication, and all unclean- is ufeful to edification, (for ufelefs truth it felf nefs, or covetculnefs,, let it not be- is not to be chafen.) once named amongft you, as becom- 3e. And grieve not the holy Spirit eth faints: 4 Neither filthinefs, nor of God, whereby ye are fealed unto foolilh talking, nor jefting, Which are theday of redemption, not convenient. but rather giving so. For the Spirit of God, which is his Mark ofthanks. and Seal upon you to prepare you for the day 3, 4. But let not Fornication or any unclean. of Salvation, is a hater of all filthinefs and vani- ne&, or filthy luit be once named amongit you, ty, and alover of Purity and Holinefs, and Mu- milers by necefTary oppofition and detettarion tuai Edification: And though he have not Paf for this is the courte befeeming all Chriftians, fion and Grief as 'Men have, yet as offendedwho mulo be pure or Saints: Nor yet ufe any Men will in difpleafure forfake that which.i,, ribald talk, or filthy aótion, nor foolifh fpeak- filthy and abhorred, fo will the Spirit of Godin ing, nor vain jetting or drollery, the foam ofa difpleafure forfake a filthy finner:And that is one light Bain wit; for thefe are unbefeenïing Holy of the foreft kind ofPunithment. Perfons;'hut rattier employ your Tongues in 3r. Let all bitternefs, and wrath, thanks andjoyful praife to God, andin holy and anger, and clamour, and evil edifying ni2óurfe. fpeaking be put'àway from'yon, With , 5. For this.,-ye know, that no all malice. whoremonger, =nor unclean Perfon, 31. And God's Spirit being the Spirit of nor covetous Mari -who is an Idolater, rove, calo away Malice and ail that füvoit.eeth bath- an inheritance. in the kingdom ofit; bitterhels, wrath, and huetfulanger, cia Of Chrift, and of God. anorous, fierce and ill and hurtful words. S. Let riogepretend that Chriftianity by free- 32. And be ye kind one toanother,, ing them Lam rhe;Láuç giveth them liberty; tender-hearted,forgivingone another, to fin npunitl;rd .`For if you are Chriliians, the r Word and`' Lawof Chrilt bath taught you, even 2S' God for Cltrift'S... Sàke ha th- that whatemonger, on Unclean Perlon, or forgiven you. . So-ikons Perlon, who is an Idolater by loving 32. As having the- fame Spirit" in the fantë the World more than God (or one that Body, be kind and tender hearted oneto ano- imitateth Idolaters in lofts) hath right ofInhe- ther, taking the goodor hart ofeach other as ritance itt Heaven, or in the Holy Church oit your own : And as you can eafily fortiearand Earth. forgive you (elves, and be willing that others 6. Let no man deceive you With forgive you, fo forgive one another, and the vain words : for becaufe of thole out of the belief and thankful fente ofGod's for- giving you much more, fbr the fake ofJefas things cometh the wrath of Godupon Chrift. the children of difobeclience. 7. Be not ye therefore partakers with them. 6, y. Let no Hereticke br Libertines deceive CH A P.' V. you with falle Pretences of Liberty ; for thefe are the Sins for which God's wrath cometh on the Unbelievers, and therefore wilt do fo on W ye therefore followers ofGod-, all the Duíòhcd leimt that live in them: Therefore as dear children; be not you Partakers in the Sin, if you would 2. And walk in love, as' Chrift alto not partake 'all) of the Punifhment. häth loved us, and hath given him- 8. For yewere fometimesdarknefs, felf for us, as an offering and a facri- but now are ye light in the Lord: fice . to God for a fweet-finelling walk as children of light, favour. 8. For you were in darknefs formerly your' 1, 2. Having therefore fo obliging an exam- Id ckes, but Chrift bath brought you into the ple of your Heavenly Father, thew that you light of ravingKnowledge' Live then as in the are his true beloved Children, by imitating him ; Light according to the Gape! and Spirit of and let Love be your very Nature and sou feof Chrift, and do that of which you need not be l fe remembring ft:n howChrift bath' loved us,. aftramed 9., so, (For