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Ch. 5'. Not to converfe Ephefiafis. rvith the wicked. Ch. 5. 9, to. (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodnefs, and rìghteoufnefs, and truth) proving what is accepta- ble unto the Lord. 9, io, For Chri(t ruleth all true Chriftians by his Spirit of Illumination and Sand ihcation and the Fruits of that Spirit and Light are Goodnefs, Love, and Kindnefs, Righteoufnefs Truth, and Faithfulnefs; trying and chafing what is pleafing to the Lord. ti. And have no fellowfhip with theunfruitful works -of darknefs, but rather reprove them. t t. Communicate not with the Heathens Hereticks Works of Darknefs, and fleshly Lulls, but rather doyour beft to fave Men'from them by reproof. 12. For it is a fhame even to fpeak of thofe things which are done of them in fecret. 12. For their fecret Filehinefa, which cannot bear the Light, is fuch as Modefty is loth to name. 13. But all things that are repro- ved, ate triade manifeft by the light: for whatfoever doth make manileft, is light. 13. But all things, when the 'Light difcp- vereth them, are manifeft, and, if approvable, need not fear ic; for the Marine and Spirit of Guilt are a manifRing Light. 14. Wherefore he faith, Awake thou that fleepeft, and arife from the dead, andChrift 1haI1 give thee light. 14. Which is the fenfe of /fa. 6o. which ealleth the People that flept in Darkiicfs to a- wake, that the Lord may Line upon them s Which Chrift now doth to truebelievers. 15. See then that ye walk circum- fpe£fly, not as fools, but as wife, 16. Redeeming the time becaufe the days are evil. IT, 16. See then that you live not carelefly, but with watchfulnefs and accurate circumfpedi- tin, not as Fools, that fee nor, or mind not their danger, but as Wife Men, that -look on every fide, and are careful to a- void all forts ofEvil And therefore take hold of the prefent Opportunity, And ale well the Light ofthe Gofpel while you have it; forthe World is round about you full or Soarerand Dangers, which Without wife Circumfpekion cannot be avoided.- 17. Wherefore be ye not unwire; but underftanding what the will of the Lord is. xÿ: Whgrefore let tìot Ignòrance and Foli1) prepare You for Deceit, but labour to be well acquainted with the will of God concerning your Duty. ,8. And be not drunk with wine wherein is excefs ; but be filled with the Spirit: -19, Speaking to your felves in Palms, and hymns, and fpi' ritual Fong, finging and making me= lody inyour heart to the Lord, Ii, 19. And do not, like Heathens and fen= füal Libertines, think that the exhileration of excels of Wine, which caufeth Sotilhnefs and Luft .is either lawful, or flotable to Devotion but be you exhilerated by the Spirit of God, whole Grace you muff excite and exercilc bÿ Pfàlriis, and Hymns ofPrailè to Godand Spiri- tual Songswhich you mull ufe in holy manner to the Lord, with the inward Melody of the Heart. None, t. That Paul here .leaveth it to.,Chri.- ftian Wifdom, whether we Lail nfe Dacid'.a Pfahns, or others more fitted to Gofpel-Tim.s andWorship. z. That hence it is evident, that it is law. fui to ufe.fome Forms of W'oufltíp rio esied and impefed by Man: For Hymns and Songs cannot be ufed without invention : And the Church, or many, cannot join in them, unlefs fomeone lead and fmpole them on the tell, It would be Mad. Work for a íiongregarion to fing extern- notate Songs, and every one a feveral one of his own. And if Prayer and Pfeifle in Mare may he invented and impofed, the fame Rea; fons will hold Prole, when7niformity' ìs needful, (as in Baptifin, &c.) 2^. Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father, in the name ofour Lord lefos Chrift ; 26. Chearfully thanking God cohtiñually on' ell' occafions, for all his mercies, which are found in all things that he cloth; offering this to the Father ir the nameof thrift: Note, That Pfalms and 1`bankfgiving to God throrigh thrift muff be the molt conftant Pad ofChriflian Worship. 21. Submitting your felves one tot another in_ the fear .;f God. 2t. And léc God's Command move you tó be yielding and fubmiffive, and not (tout and Riff towards one another; but efpecially to your Superious : but lu as to fear andObey God. before Mén, 22.23. Wives, (Unlit your felves unto your own hús',,ands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head f theWife, even as Chrift is the head of the church and he is the Saviour of the body. 21, z3. Let Wives Phew the Subje&ion rd Chriltt' by fùbmitting -ro their, tmabatids; asby HIT z