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Ch 5. The Duty ofibives, Ephefians;husbands,and children Ch.5.6, his Command. For the Husband is under 31, And as is was then (aid, [,A man /h41 Chiiít the Head or Ruler of the Wife, tò go- leave, &d fo and Believers leave all for Chrift, vero her in Love, and prote& her as Chrift is as Chrift laid down his Life for them; and the Supreme Head and Ruler of the Church, they !hall be made as one. and the Saviour of it as his Body. 32. This is a great myftery: but 24. Therefore as thechurch is fub- I fpeak concerning Chrift and the jeEt unto Chrift, 'fo let the wives he church. to their own husbands in every thing. 32. That that is raid of .Adam andEve,and 24. Therefore as theChurch is in all things of Marriage, did myfticallyprefigure the Mar. -to be fubje& to Chrift, fo muft the Wives be ridge ofJefus Chrift and the Church: and of to their Husbands, in all things belonging to this it is that I now fpeak. that Relation, under Chrift. 33. Neverthelefs, let every oneof 25. Husbands, love your wives, you in particular, fo love his wife even as Chrift allo loved thechurch, even as himfelf; and the wife fee and gave himfelf for ir : 26. That that the reverence ber husband. he might fan&ifie and cleanfe it with g 33. But though I have turned my Speech to the wafflingof water, by the word, Chriß and -the Church, I repeat my Counfel; 25, 26, Husbands, imitate Chrift, in loving Let every Man love his Wife With fach an your Wives, as Chrift did his Church, for entire, conßant, and forbear,'ng Love as he la which (in a (pedal fenfe) he gave himfelf by veth himfelf; and let the Wife fee that lire death, that he might fan&ifie'it to God, and live in loving Subje&ion and Reverence to her deanfe it from Sin by wafflingaway their.Guilt Husband. and Filth, hguified and Ceded in Baptiün, and ' by the Promifes and Preachingof his Word. 27. That he might prefent it to CH A P. VI. himfelfa glorious church, not having fpot or wrinkle, or any fuch thing; I. CHildren, obey your parents but that it fhould be holy, and with- in the Lord :. for this is out blemifh. right. 27. That he may prepare it for the great 1. Let Children be obedient to their Parents, Marriage-day, and then prefent it to himfêlf, under God, in obedience to him; for he hark deanfed an4beautiried, without Sin, Guilt, or commanded it. Blemish, but perfe& in Holinefs, and glorious. 2. Honour thv father and mother, 28. So ought men to love their (which is the firlt commandment with wives. as their own bodies:he that lo- promife) veth his wife, loveth himfelf. 2. Saying Honour thy Father and Mother: 2.8. As Eve was taken out of ,Adam, fo the And though general Promifes be intimated in Únion between Husband and Wife is fo near, the Fitt and Second Commandment, this is that Men Mould love their Wives in a fort as the firft Commandment that path annexed the their own Bodies; and to love a \Vife, lhpuld Promifeof the Landwhich God was then lead- be as the loving of our Pelves. . ing theljraeli:es to ; as it is ("aid, 29 For no man ever yet hated his 3. That it may be well with thee, . own flefh ; but nourifheth and cheri- and thou mayeft live long on the earth. iheth it,even as the Lord the church. 3. That thou mayß lice long, and profper, 29. And as Nature caufeth all Men to love, in the promifed Landofamous; which intima- nourifh, and cherifh their own .Flesh, and not tech alfo to us Chrißian Gentiles a Promife of to hate it; fo muft Men do by their Wives,'as more Profperity on Earth than difobedient Chrift doth by the Church . Children !hall have, and an earthly Curfe to 3o. For we are members of his bo- the difobedient. Note, Tb,t accordingly, God's Curfe on Earth dy, of his flelh, and of his bones. Both ufually follow Children that dithonour and 3o. And as Eve was laid to be to ..!dam, wrong their Parents, and rebell againß them; Fiefh of his Flesh, and Done ofhis Bone; fo, ,and ufually even Earthly Blefiings are given to by allufion, we may fay of the Churchand thofe thathonour and obey Parents(under God) Chrift in a fpiritual fettle. 4. Andye fathers provoke not your 3 I. For this caulè !hall a man leave children to wrath : but bring them up his father and mother, and fhall be in the nurture and admonition of the joyned unto his wife, and they two Lord. iball beone flea S. Ans.