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Gh.6. `T'he duty ofparenta,&c.Eptlerans.?he chriflian marfare.Ch 6. 4. And let Parentsremember, that Childrens corrupt Nature and Weakneh are liable to Cuch Paffrons as may pervert them: and therefore let not your Cour and provokingGovernment and Carriage tempt them hereto, beyond their ftrength: but govern themwith Fatherly Love, and bring them up to the Knowledge and Obe- dience ofthe Lord, bywife and diligent Example, Admonition, and Difcipline. would have them be of their Duty to you ; and rule them not tyrannically, by infalting and paf- fionate Menaces and Reproaches: Knowing that 'Chrift in Heaven is equally the Lord of them and you, and will not be partial to you for your Wealth or Superiority, but will equally do Juice unto all. Io. Finally, mybrethren, be ftrong in the Lord, and in the power of his 5. Servants, be obedient to them might. that are your mafters according to it,. To conclude, Behave your felves in the the fle(h with fear and trembling, difcharge ofall your Duties, and refinance of in fingleners of your heart, as unto alt the Temlttions of your Warfare, as refol- Chrift. ved valiant Chrinians, ftrong in the Faith and g. And let not Servants think rhatChrinani- LoveofGhrin, byhis powerful affrfting Grace. ty freeth them fromService, or fromObedience. I. Put on the whole armour of Diligence, or Reverenceto their Mailers, though they be Unbelivers , but give them all due O- God, that ye may be able to ftand bediente, and reverent Submiffion, and this in againifthe wiles of the devil. confcience and fincerity, as part of your Obe- r t . And with skill and care put on and tire dience to Chrift, who doth command it, and the Grace and Helps which God vouchfafeth will reward you. you, (which are to a Chriftian like compleat Armour to a Souldier) that you may be able to 6. Not with eye-fervice, as men- Rand fall againft all the Stratagems and Plots pleatrs, but as the fervants of Chrift, of the Devil, who feeketh to overthrow you. doing thewill ofGod from the heart 12. For we wreftle not againft fle(h 6. Not deceitfully, when your Mailers fee and blood, but againft principalities, and know whatyou do, meerly to pleafe Men; againft powers, againft the rulers of but as the true Servants of Chrift, with hearti- nefs, and in ferret things as well as open, do- the darknefs of this world, againft ing Service to Men in obedience to the Will of fpiritual wickednels in highplaces. God, and to pleafe him. tz. For the great Confsiá which Chriftlana 7. With good will doing fervice, are engaged in, is not meetly againft Men, but as to the Lord, and not to men. againft Devils, who by Gods Ordinatio 7. I repeat it, becaufe it greatly conctrneth and the Succefs of their Temptations, arePrin, you, that you alo all your Service faithfully cipalities and Powers, and theRulersof the per- and willingly, without grudging; and thatnot Cons and Way of Darknefs, Ignorance, and as a bare Service to Man, but as a part Unbelief in the World, and are fpiritual Wick, ofyour Service to the Lord himfeif, which he ednefs, above us in the Air. bath prefcribed, and will accept. 13. Wherefore take unto you the 8. Knowing that whatfoever good whole armour of God, that ye may thing any man doth, the fame (hall be able to withftand in the evil day, bereceive of the Lord whether he be and having done all, to ftand. bondor free. S. Be fare of this, That your IoweR and 3. Therefore negleá no part of the Armour bar B Sarre o being your Dour, is good afforded you by God, but ulè it all, that in the Work; and Cuch Works of Fidelity n the lowers time of Temptation you may be able to evfill y and conquer the Affaults of Men and Devils, $end-fervants are accepted of God, as well as and when they have donetheir worth, and you the more honoured Servants ofthe Greaten. have withftood them, you may Rand Taft in g. And ye mafters, do the fame Faith, and Hotineih, andxope, things unto them, forbearing threat- 14. Stand therefore, having your ring: knowing that your Maher allo loyns girt about with truth, and ha- is in heaven, neither is there refpea ving on the Breaft-plate of righter uf perlons with him. ouenets; is. And your Meet £hoc 9. And youthat areMaftersfee that you be as, with the prepatation Of the gapes' o reful of your Parr to your Servants, as you of peace. K. 11 A 84, is. Stait4