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Ch 6. The Chrif ian Ephefians. Armour. Ch. 6 Lt. 15. Stand therefore to your Obligations 2. They thatforbid Prayer,forbid that which to Faith and Holinefs. I. See that the firm Be- God commandeth, and his Spirit inus as an lief of the Truth ofthe Gofpel, againft all De- Intetcefdor performeth. ceivers, be to you as a Military Girdle about 3. When God commandeth [ all Prayer and. yaür Loins. z. And that univerfal frncereObe- Supplication], wemuff obey him, though many dience to God, and Uprightnefs ofLife towards Men would confine us to the Fetters of their all Men, joined to your Pardon through theMe- narrow defe&ive Words and Books. tits of Chrift, may be to youas a Brcaftplate is 4. They that hate, revile , excommunicate to Soldiers in Fight, that no Adverfary may unjuftly, and perfècute thofe Saints whom God have matter of juft Aceufatiou againft you. 3. comniaudethus to love and pray for, fight uu. A ad, that the Gofpel of Cistiff, which fpeaketh der Satan, againft Chrift.. Prate to the World, and to your felves, may fo 19. And for me , that utterance dwell in your hearts, to make you Men of Peace, and in your mouths to invite others to may be given unto 111e, that I may Peace with God and one another, that it may open my mouth boldly , to make be to you as thofeShoes were to Soldiers, which known the myftery of the gofpel : they put on when they went to War, to keep 19. And let me have a fpecial pare in your their Feet from hurt and danger. Prayers, that I may be freed from frlencing, Im- 1.6. Above all, taking the íhield prifbnments and Reftraints, and may have Li- 4f faith, wherewith ye íhal] be able betty and Ability boldly to make known the to quench all the fiery darts of the Myftery of Man's Salvation by Chrift. wicked. 20. For which I am an ambaffador Id. Above all, fee that you firmly believe in bonds: that therein I may fpeak and troft to the Word and Prontifes of God, boldly, as I ought to fpeak. which will be to you as a Shield or Target to a 2.0. For I atn in BondsbyMen, the Chril}'s Soldier, by which he is preferved From all the Ambaflzdor, even for preaching to Men this Darts or Shot that is made againft him. And Gofpel of Salvation: But pray for me, that though Satan's Darts be fiery Perfecution and whatever it coft me, I may do my Duty, and fierce Temptations, this will defend you, and (peak (though forbidden) as I ought to fpeak. ouftrate all. Me, That as God worketh by Men, fo doth 17. And take the helmet of Salva- the Devil : And therefore it is no wonder that tion, and the (word of the Spirit, Paul was in Bonds for preaching Salvation ; Which is theword of Gcd sad thatMen make Laws againft Prayirg and Preaching, and if the Devil ,..:!l it Sedition : t7. And truthfully in Cladft asyour Saviour For really Praying and Preaching do tnore,tu for Salvation, and this will as an Helmet (or deftroy lads Kingdom, atad fave Souls, thanArana Head-piece) to-a Soldier, defend-your chiefett can do fart from danger. And skilfully Life the Word 21. But that yealfb may know my of God-, indited and fettled by his pirit, which affairs, and how I do, TychlctlS a when will ferve yeirforDefence and Conquelt hy.the help çf thefainSpirit, as a Sword loth beloved brother and faithful minifter a.o a Sodiet, in the Lord, !hall make known to you IS. Praying always withall prayer all things : and ff pplication in the Spirit., and 21. And that you may know how all things *aatchinti rhétéunto with all perfeve- go with me, Tychicasa will tell you, Whom you- rapce,and Cupplicáéicinfor all faints;' 1113' 'all'' 12. And becaufe you muff do all in de- 22. Whom T have fent unto you pendance on God, fee that you be conilant in for the fame purpofe, that ye might all forts er parts of Prayer, for your (elves and know our affairs, and that he might others ; even filch Prayer as God's Spirit di- comfort your hearts. 'rerderh you to lay his Word, and exciteth you zz I have Cent him, that he may repre- to by his Grace : And for that end keep your lent things truly to. you, and help to keepyou Minds by nor in a feriout praying from difèouragement, or undue trouble for toy temper, and be cold, or weary, but hold from ifeo ©n, and Forget not to .pray 'for ail holy perfbns s. (and holy things.) 23. Peace be to the brethren, and ASte, That, a. They chat '(corn praying iu hive with faith from God tit bather for by the Spirit,' (earn the Work of she Sl.irie and th Lord Jerom. mhrnfu. Cass alt acceptable Brayer oGa -il, 2-3 I