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Ch. 1. Thefruits Philippians. of Faith. Ch. I. z3. I conclude with this Pencdi.9rion and love our Lord Jelus Chrl$ in fince- Praycr for You That God the Father ofour Fitt,, Amen. Lord Jefes Chrift will give, maintain, and in- 24. And let the Grace, Favour, andBlefíing create in you all, that confirmed Faith which of God be frill with all them who love our may fill you with Love, and keep you in Peace Lord Jefes Chrift with fincere, incorruptible, and Welfare. confirmed Love. .egman. 24. Grace be with all them that The oF St. PAUL the Apoíile to the PHILIPPIANS. C H A P. I. Aril and Timotheus the fer- vants of)efus Chrift, to all the faints in Chrift lefus, which are at Philippi , with the. hifhops and deacons e Grace be unto you, and peace from God our Father , and from the Lord Jefus Chrift. 1, 2. I Paul, and Timothy now with me, fend greeting with this Epiftle to all the Saints (or Chriflians) which are atPkiiìppì, with the Bi- fhops and Deacons there s wi!hing to them Grace and Peace, which are all Bleflings in fum, From God err Father, and J airs Chrift our Lord. Nie, t. That Dr..F7,Pnmrrd a'Trming, That Parad meant here all rho Bifhops and Deacons in alaredenia, or a whole Province, doth this wrrhoutany cogent proof ; as he faith the like cif Cod; :tb, Erbefsr, to . tho' it may be granted, that coulcqucntly they to whom ehefe Epiftles were writtenwere to communicate ehem to as many as they could. z. That he contraditueth himfelf, in raying there was ,but one Bithop in a City, when elfe- where he faith, There was one of ihe Tema Church, and another of the Gentiles. 3. That Paul faith it was [ the Saints which areat Püilippi, with rite "Whops and Deacons ,4 towit, which were at Philippi with them. But fare all that were in a Province fo great, were not.atPti ?ipr; And his Condufion, That every Church in Scripture-times had but Cie Bithop, with Dea- eir,r his Servants, [there 'being then no middle Order sn rJ; ; 3 and that In all the New Tefta- neent the Words tSrjhop hodPr,..btrpr] fignihed only fact as me now call Bifhops, r. Is contrary ro the Dcfçtspt ogs of tl qt1WCINS of 7eraéfa. lem, ...Antioch, Corinth, 6-c. where, -in one Af- fenibly, there were íò many Prophets fit for the publick Minittry, that they needed regu- lating reliraiut in Miniftring. 2. But this he mutt maintain, That defrays no Church had then more than one Presbyter , and fo no fhop more than one fixed Congregation, (being but in one place at one time : ) And fo that there was no Bithop that governed Presbyters, nor any Presbyters fubje& to Bifhops, (but on. ly to itinerant Apoflles.) So that all that re- maineth in Controverfie will be, 144 a infiltrated this middle Order of Presbyters after Scripture. rinses? and, fuo jute? arid, I3ów it's provccj that theyhad Power fo to du ? 3. I thankmy God,npon every re- membrance of you. 4. ( Always in, every prayer ofmine for you all, ma- king requeft with joy.) 3, 4. Whenever I remember you, it is with thankfnlnefs to God ; and in all my-,Prayers for you, I do it with joy. g. For your fellowship in the go- fpel from the flrft clay until now ; 5 For the hearty Communion and Cotnmuu ideation in; and for the Gofpel, which you have exercifed from the lirft day of your Con - verfron until now. 6. Being confident of this very thing, that he which bath begun a good work in you, will perform it un- til theday of jefus Chrift. 6. Not iloubtmng but God, who hard beers theAuthor of this good Beginning, will carry it on, till you are preferited pet'febt ir, the day of theconingofChrift. H h 7. Even