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Pr i Thsfaith increafed PhiPppians. by Paul's faferings. Ch,t. 7. Even as it is meet for me to s3. So that my bonds in Chrift are think this of you all , becaufe I have manifeft in all the palace, and in all you in my heart, in as much as both other places ; in mybonds, and in the defence and ay. For my lmprifonmene for Chrift bath on+ rmariori of the gofpel ye all are but madeMe, andconfequentl my Preaching, Partakers of my trace. to be known in the Court, and places of Judi- 7 It is meet that I think this of you all ; catu,e, and abroad to 'others. for you have great room in my heart, becaufe 14. And many of the brethren in in my Bonds and Sufferings, and in all that we the Lord waxing confident by my do'for the Defnce end -Confirthation of the bonds, are much more bold to (peak PoCpel, you have manifefted the fame Grace, the wordwithout fear. by yourCommunication and Co-operation nave your part in the Bleffng and Reward of -14. And theExample of my Patience, Bold- imYMrnifterial Grace -ánd Labours. nefs, and Succefs in Suffering, ltath embpldned 8. For God is my record, hqw ñmanyofthe Brethren,contìdently, without fear, to preachand profefs the Gofiel. greatly I long after you all, in the 15, Some indeed preach Chrift e gavels of Jens Chriff. ven of envy and $r-ife; and foie 8. For God is my Witnefs,with whatearneft alto of good will. 16. The one preach Love I long for your Welfare , even with that love which Chrift bath kindled in me for his Clint( or contention, not fincerely, owu fake, who lovethyou. fuppofing to add afilihion to my 9. And this I pray, that your love bonds: 17. But the other of love; knowing that Iam fet for the defence may abound yet more and More in of thegofpel. cngwlédge, and in all judgment 9. And my Prayer for you is, That you may t s, t 6, t 7. There heTome here at Rome, and 'me eafe and abound in holy Love to Chrift and elfewhere, that becaufe I reprove them for Ju- his Gofpel, andeach other, and in all fpiritual d esot by on thong the Law and ch other., 'Wifdom and difcerningJudgment. nies of ire q on the Gentiles, and fuch c : to. That ye may approve things chafes, are quarrelfotm with me, and feek my Defamation ; and while they preach Chrift, it that 'are excellent; that ye may be is with the miltture'of Spleen and Bitteruets fincere; 'and without offence till the againfe me, and in an envious, llriving, and Flay of Chrift ; reproachful manner,againf me, and Inch as I; tr.?. That you mayyet more grow up in the who conform not to their ceremonio;s Impoli- Approbation and Love of the excellent things pions.' Thut fume preach the fame Gnat that I Of Chriltian Faith , and Life, and Hope, and do, but contentioufly, and not in Sincerity, and Love, and Meeknefs, but to add to my wi the' found'`atìd fnèere in Faith and Life, Bonds the Affil&ion of Mens Contempt and without warping in judgméür, or (Candid iii ' Dìfaffe&ion, to turn the heauts of People front ia lice, tilLehe day ofJudgment. >2 fe and myMini(try. But there hie cacti F t. Benny filled with the fruits OÌ that preach in Ciiiftian Love, and carry it. righteoufnefs , which are by Jeftl§ with kindnefs toward me, knowing that I am Chrit unto the glory and raite of called to propagateand defend Cnrift's Gofpel, 5 p and that it's It that i Filter for, and not for my God. Fault and Ereour, as the other would perfwade r t: And that you may abound with all that the people. ' Righteoufnefs towards God and Man which is I S. What then ? notwithftanding !fie true fruit of Faich.atid of the Spirit, by which youMay praife and .glorihcGod. everyway, whether in pretence, or in 12 But I lhould and r- truth, Chrift is preached ; and I there- tkand, brethten,`uld e the things which in do rejoyce, yea,and will rejoyce. hs t g. But though fume leek Preeminence,and happened unto me, have fallen oh , their own Honour and Intereft, and envy me, rather unto the fuftherdnce of he` alit? joys too much felf- Peeking with the ópel g f} . preaching of the Gofpel,.änd do it not with the d2, f think meet togive you notice, left Mir- (,óve and Sincerity that they ought yet eve- information d (courage on that my'Imprìf<m- ry way Chrift" is preached, and I therein re iì ent and Sufferings have not hindered Joyce, yea, and will rejoyce. h,.rcd the Gof¿eí.g it d t>u#ur dote t. That they miftake who think Pest fÿ,eaketh of`the Preachers of fälle Do&rine in