Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch.t. Paul's defire. Philip any great Point; for he would not rejoyce in that. It is but preaching with corrupt l'allions and Purpofes, perhaps for little Differences in a (plenátickmanner, contrary to Loveand Peace- ablen'e s. 2. Paul here entreth his profelfed Dilrent, both againft Church -Tyranny, thatwould forbid thofe to preach that crofs them and their Opi- nions or Intereft, and againft thofe Separatifts who cry down the Miniftry of chofe that are faulty in tolerable things, yea, that crof than and their Ways. 19. For I know that this (hall turn to my falvation through your prayer, and the fupply of the fpirit of Jefus Chrift, ry. Fór I doubt not but even this accumula- ting Aftli&ion on me, by envious Brethren, with Heathen Pcrfecutors, Ihall through your Prayer, and Chrift's Spirit, all turn to good, and but further my own andother mens Sal- vation. 20. According to my earneft ex- pe£tation, and my hope, that in no- thing I fhall be aihamed, but that with all boldnefs, as always, fo now alfo Chrift (hall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life or by death. no. For, as it is my earneft eapeftation, fo . it is my comfortable hope, that whether it be bymy Life or Death, all that befalls my Body {hall he to the honour ofChrift, and then I have my End. 21. For to me to live is Chrift, and todie is gain. '2t. For to me to live, is to retire and honour Chrift ; He is the End ofmy life, and hisWork the Bufinefs ; it is for Chrift that I live ; and if I die, it will be my Gain. 22. But ifI live in the flefh, this is the fruit of my labour : yet what I íhali choofe Iwot not. 22. But if God will have me live longer, it will be timegiven for my Labour, (or it will be worth defiring, for my Labour-Cake., ) or, es Beza, (Whether it ill be worth my Labour and' Suffering], and what to choofe (ifGod would leave st to my choice) I know nor. 23. For I am in ftreight betwixt two', having a defire to depart , . and to be with Chrift; which is 'far better. 2/. 'For it is to me ,a great difficulty tg kpow which is more defirable: I would fain be with ChiSt, which is far better for me than eo be here, pians. Paul's defire. Ch r. 24. Neverthelefs to abide in the flefh. is more needful for you. 24. Bat my Life feemeth more needful for your further Service. 25. And having this confidence, i. know that I {hall abide and continue with you all, for your furtherance and joyoffaith ; 25. And being afl'urcd ofthis, (and know- ing withal Chrift's Love to his Church) I am perfwaded that I !hall yet longercontinue in Life , for your furtherance and comfort, and confirmation in your Chriftian Faithand Hope. 26. That your rejoycing may be more abundant inJefusChrift for me, bymy coming toyou again. 29. That whenyou fee me with you again. you may greatly, for my fake, rejoyce its Chrift. 27. Only letyour converfationbe as it becometh the gofpel of Christ: that whether I come and fee you, or elfe be abfent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye Rand faft in one fpi- rit, with one mind, ftriving together for the faith of the gofpel : 27. But I befeech youlook to this one thing' on your own parr, that your Converfation may be filch as becometh the Belief andProfeffion of toe Gofpel of Salvation ; that whether Ì come again to you, or not , I may hear that you Band faB, in One Spiritad}uating you,and with One Mind and loving Concord, (nor tid- ying again{ one another , as Perfecutors and SeSaries do, but) co-operating and ftriving to- gether, to defend and propagare the Belief of the Gofpel, (though youmay differ about many leffer things.) 28. And in nothing terrified by. your- adverfaries : which is to then an evident token of perdition, but to you of falvation , and that of God. 29. And that you be in nothing terrified by your Adverfaries Power or Rage ; for Their Perfecution, and Your Patience, are an evident Prognoftick of Their Perdition , but of Your Salvation, even by God, whowill condemn the Wicked, and juftifie the Juif. 29. For untoyou it is given in the behalf of Chrift , not only to be- lieve'on him, but alto to fuffer for his fake{ á9, Pc- -u