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Ch. 2. Exhortation to unity, Philippians. and humility. Ch. z, 29. For it is a greataddition to your Honour Chriftians ILonld live in this Unanimity, Love and Felicity, that God bathgiven you this Blel- and Concord, who do but know and agree in á:ag, not only to believe on thrift as Chriffi- the great things which conffiture true Chri!iia- ans, but to fuffer for him as Martyrs. (For by nity,though theymay not have skill enough to this you have the Promife of the greateft Re- know Right from Wrong in many final}, iudif- ward) ferent, or circumftantial things, The Church- Tyrants Expofition maketh Paul to fern them, 30. Having the Cameconifi& which rather than cotmfel them; as if Ire laid, [I ad- ye faw in me, and now hear to be jure you byall the Crmforts ofCi;rift andlris Spirit in me. that you be all fb wife ce to booty all that is it, the Bible, pea more, all than any Bilhops inCounfl yo. Having the fame kind of Conflict with acrd alttheir Cznáns fha/l tellyou, ofcoramandyar,; Oppofets and Perfecutors, which you law me yea, that you flow not anely all the Effëntialsand have when I was with you, and now hear that Integrals of Re!iirion, but even all the thingsindif. F have at Rcme whets I am from you. fervor, which Canons filch impale on you, to be really indifferent, that is, that every Man and it is to the Text, which kn tv.mprc than any'Doefor an Earth l¿notr, the Serinians ufe with Ver. 2n, 23. while they efts or eel you cannot live in Chrifti.>at Love anb, =pound Ver. 21. of [Gain to the Church by my Crrsfortì it is the Diabolical Expo!ition of the Muráyrdarr., and to me sooty as IJball be retvard- Scripture, litat ham tool and ruined the ChA- ed'es a_Mart artyr at Chrift's coming landVer. 23 of filmWorld. I.4 d :fire to depart by Martyrdom, that I may be with C'hrif at the lîaftsrrerltion;l or, [which isfar 2. And yet Paul here i mplieth, That no better fur the Church, that mill gainmore by my Chriffian Ihould affebtedly feruple any lawful Martyrdorm, tin my Preaching:} Clean contrary Command of their S.tperiour, or Cullomof the to what he faith Ver. 24,15. and to the plain Church, but Mould fo avoid Singularity and Text. Men that can thus alb the Scripture, may Difòhedíence, as to do any thing fave fin, for l`ælieve what they lift, let God lay what he Peace and Concord. Brill. Chrift'lath exprefly promifeed all his Let nothing be dine through Servants, loon 12.2 6. as well as the dying 3' n , that they Fan; be with him where he is, ftrife or vain: glory, but in iowlinefs every ç, Pa ife of mind let each eiteem other better C H A P. JI. rF t.berebe therefore any confola- tion in Chriff, if any comfort etf rove, if anyfellowship of the fpirit, if any bowels and mercies; 2. Fulfil Te my joy, that ye be like minded, baying the fame love, being of one accord., ofone mind. r,e. I adjure or beech you therefore, as ever you take Chrift our common Head; for your Hope and Comfort, and look to find Comfort its theExercife ofChri fti nrLove to all gaints,and if you are indeed united in the Corn tnunion of the lame Spirit, (without which you ete none of Chriff's)and if you have any Bow- els ofMercy to others,. (as all Chriffians nnull have) that you yet make me more jryful by your íncreated Unanimity, that you have 'all one and the fame Affedtion and Defrgn of Life,' that you all loveOne your elves, and heof one accord in your Dohrine dad Converte, and of one Mind and Judgment> Nate, That Paul here fuppofeth that ail then themCelves. 3. Let not Pride make you vain -glorious and Contentious : but let Chriftan Humility make you Co low in your ownEyes, as to be more inclinable to think highly ofother Mena WiCiom and Goodnefs than of your own, fur- ther than Evidence coufnainedt you to think nseaulicr ofauy. EStç, That Paul knew that it was Prideof Mens own Knowledge and Goodnefs, (efpeci- ally in the Clergy) fitting them in a vain- glori- cus ftriving agaiuff each other, that was like to taufe Schifmúrthe Church 4. Look not everyman on his own things, but every man alfo (xi the things of others. 4. Specially take heed ofSel ìffinefs which maketh Men over- regardful ofall that is their own, their owns Issterieft, Horsierr, or Profit; or Opinion; and to let too light by other Mena, yea, to fet.againf the Interelt of others to ad- Vance their ów11. Note, That Self-denial and Love (or, to love others vs our.Jìl.s ` are the great Means to ktep asad'raf out Schrt'm, and the waist of rherñ in Clergy grad Laity, is the common Mifchihiaed Refine of the Ciaarchee, g, 6. Lec