Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 2. Exi ortationto unity Philippians. án l humility; Ch. 27 q, 6. Let this mind be in you , my abfence; uo'ik out your own fal which was alto in Chrift Jefus: who vation with fear and trembling. -being in the form of God, thought it a,. Wherefore as you have always lived'ie not robbery to be equal with God : obedience to Clad% both while I was with 5, 6. Learnthis of Chrift, whobeing God, you, and holy Obedience which tG d regal- the Brightnefs of his Father's Glory, an the reth of you, for theobtaining ofSalvation, and exprell Image of his Subfitience, (or Pet foe) that with holy careand diligence, and watchful, Pleb. r:3. thought it no Robbery to be Equal cautelousfear of mifcarrying. with God the Father, being One with him: 13. For it is God which worketh 7j. But made himfelf of no reputa- in ou both to will and to do of his tion, and took upon him the form of good pleáfure. a fervant, and was made in the like- 13. Which I may the more confidently exhort nefs ofmen : 7. But yet condefcended to airtime Humane Nature, andfo in that which was vifible was a Man, and a Servant , obliged to Obedience in the molt humble Inflanee, and fo made himfelf, by this humble Selfdenial, of no Reputation With the unbelieving World-, that !chew not his Divinity thus veiled, yea, counted him a Malefá&or. 8. And being found in fafhion as a man, he humbledhimfelf, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the crof. 8. And being vifible onely in his Humane Nature, like other Men, heyet further humbled himfelf, obeying his Father, by fubmitting to the reproachful, curfed Deathof being crucified, as accufed of Blafphemy, ändTreafon againff GefNr. 9. Wherefore God altohath highly edited him, and given him a name which is above everyname : g. Wherefore God bath highly exalted him in that Manhood, in which he faltered, and hath given him greater Dignity, and Honour. and Renown than any Creature ever had over them all. to. That at the name of Jefus, every knee shall bowe, of things in heaven, and ihing'sin earth, and things under the earth ; so. That:to'his.Dignity and Power all Creaa tures thould he fubjel, andAngels, Men, and Devils Mould by their fubmiffion refpe&ively honour his Name 11. And that every tongue fhould confefs, that jefus Chrift is Lord to thegloryof God the Father. a t. And that allreafonable Creatures acknow- ledgeChrif's Dominion, to the Glory of the Father, 1.2. Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my pre- fine only, but now much more in you to in hope, becanfe youare not the prime Agents required to do this meetly of your (elves, but only under God, the primeCaute of all Good, both of Nature and Grace, who doth not onely give you Power, but worketh in you both the A& ofWilling andof Work- ing, cf lais own good Pleafure. 14. Do all things without murmur- ings, and difputings 14. And do all your Works ofObedience to God, in Love and Peace with one another, without murmuring at your Work, at one ano- ther, and without provokingWranglings. 15. That ye may be blamelefsand harmlefs , the fons of God without rebuke, in the midft of a crooked and perverfe nation , among whom ye fhineas lights in the world : Is. That you may be unreprovable and fiit- cere, the blamelefs Sonsof God, in themidit of a naughty, crooked, and perverfe Generation, or fort ofMen, among whomye Rain as Light: in the World. 16. Holding forth theword oflife ; I that may rejoyce in the day of Chrift, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain. 56. That in the day ofChrilt's Judgment, I may rejoyce, not only in the fincerity of my Labour, but in the Swats, that I have not preached, and laboured, and fuffered without Fruit. 17. Yea, and if I be offered upon the facrifice and fervice of your faith; I joy, and rejoyce withyou all. 17. Yea, if I Puffer Death asa Sacrifice for the fervice of your Faith, your Conftancy and Welfare will make it matter of joy to me for your f. kes. 18. For the fame cáufe alto do ye joy, and rejoyce with me. IS. And ifmy Suffering:be my joy, let it be yours alto; be not difcouraged, but rejoyce with use. 19. Bat