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Ch 2. Tál'notheatsand Philippians. EEpaphrsd. commended. Ch.Z, 19. But I ttuft in the Lord Jefus, labourer, and Meßénger, who from y "ou fug- fo fend Timotheus fhortly unto you, plied my Wants. that I alfo may be of good comfort, 26. For he longed after you all, when I know your Rate. and was full of heavinefs, becaufe 1'9. But I hope by themercy of the Lord, that ye had heard that he had been to rend Timothy shortly to you, that when by tick. him I know your State , I may have comfort 7.6. Be tonged to be with you, and comfort inyou, as you may have in me. you by the fight ofhis health, hearing that his 2o. For I have no man like-min- $icknefs made you fad. ded, whowill naturally care for your 27. For indeed he was tick nigh áte, unto death ; but God had mercy on 20. For I have no man equal to him in love him; and not on him only, but on toyou, who will care for your State with tech me alfo, left Ifhouldhave forrow u affedtiop, even as Nature teacheth Men, to care 1 for their Childrenas themlelves on fgFrow. 2 I. For all leek their own, not the 27. He was nigh to death, but God in mer- s cy to him and me recovered him, not adding things which are Jens Chrift's. his Death to myAßfidion. 2t. For all are lip much let en minding their 28 I fent him therefore the more own Matters, and Peeking their own Intereß, that it abateth their Zeal and Diligence in Peek- carefully, that when ye fee him again, ïngthe Intereß and things of Chrift. ye may rejoyce, and that I may be Note, t. That fèlfifhly to prefer their own the lefs forrowful. carnal Intereß to. Chriß's, is a certain Mark of Hypocrite. 2. Therefore Paul mean- z S. Note. That Mercies reßored after Dan* eth not that all are fuch predominantly, but get, affe& us more than thofe continued in that all toe much Peek theirown, andChrift's Profperity toolittle. 3. But that this Pelf-feeking is the 29. Receive him therefore in the plague of the Clergy and Church, culpably in Lord with all gladnefs 3 , and hold all in various degrees, and predominantly in false-hearted Hypocrites. fuch in reputation o. Becau1 for 22. But ye know the proofof him, the work of Chrift he was nigh unto that as a ton with the father, he bath death , not regarding his life to feráed with me in thegofpel. fupply your lack of fervice toward 2z. Butyou know what experienceyou and me. I have had with him, that with the love of a 29, 30. Receive him gladly, as returned to Son, and the diligence of a Servant, he hath you by God, and account fuch honourable ; alifted me in my Mimf iy of theGofpel. for it was for the Work of Chrift , that he wit- 27 Him therefore I hope to fend Jingly hazarded his Life by his Travels andLa- bour to beCerviceable to me as your Meffenger prefentiv, fo loon as I (hail fee how it in your (lead. will go withme. 13. HimI hope to fend as loon as I know, and can by him tell you, how it is like to go with me. C H A P. III. 24. But I truft in the Lord, thatI alfo my Pelf (hall come fhortly. 1. Inally, mybrethren, rejoyce in 14. And I truß that the Lord's Mercy will the Lord. Towrite the fame deliver me, and I fhall Shortly come myfelt things to you, to me indeed is not 25. Yet. I fuppofed it necefrary grievous, butfor you it is Cafe. to fend to you EpdphroditBs, my r. Finally, Brethren, ferve God with joyful brother, and companion in labour hearts : That I write Lou you the fame things P s which I have formerly ght you, and warned and fellow-foldier, but your meffen- you of, is not throughBoth or çowardifein me, ger, and he that miniftred to my hut for your own fafety, as fiçteft för you. wants. ' 2. Beware of dogs., beware of 25 But I thought good to fend youback evil- workers, beware of the con-. 4101,0d/tut, who is my Brother and Fellow CifOjl. t7.1