Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 3. All lofs Philipp 2: Towit, That you take heed of the wor- rying hurtful fortof Men, who live in wicked- nefs, and calling themfelves the Circumcifinh, are indeed the Concfon, that cut and rend the Churches. 3. For we are the circumcifion, which worship God in theSpirit, and re;oyce in Chrift Jefus, and have no confidence in the flefh. 3. For we are the Children ofcircumcifed ,Abraham, who worfhip God in Spirit and Truth, and have no Confidence in fielhly Privi- leges, or Carnal, Ceremonious, JewilhWorthip. 4. Though I might alto have confi- dence in the flefh. If any other man thinketh that he hàth whereof he might trufe in the flefh, I more : 4. Though ifYudaifmwere matter of Trutt or Boafting, I have more fuch taufe than any ofthem. tans: for Chrift. Ch. 3: q. Circumcifed the eighth day, of the flock of Ifrael , of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law , a Pharifee ; 6. Concerning zeal, perfecuting the church ; touching the righteoufnefs 'which is inthe law, blamelefs. s,6. I was circumcifed as the Law required, was an Ifraeite, a Benjamire, an Hebrew, a Pharifee, the fìriae[t Se& in Religion ; not cold in Religion, but a zealous Perfecutor of the Church, which I thought had been againft it : And as to the outward obfervance of the Lawof Mofes, I feemed to Men fo juft and harmlefs, that none accufed me. 7. But what things were gain to me, thon I counted lois for Chrift. 7. But I willingly difdaim all Confidence in thefe, and reje& all as lofs that would keep me from Chrift. ß. Yea doubtlefs, and I count all things but lofs, for the excellencyof the know ledge of Chrift Jefus my Lord ; for whom I bave fuffered the lofs of all things, and do count them but dung that I maywin Chrift. S. Yea, I reje& all as lofs and hurtful to me, which [landagainft the excellenèyof the know- ledgeof Chrift, for whom I have readily fuf fered the lofs ofall things, and count them but mDung in order to my part inChrift, and that I maybe found in him. 9. And be found in him, not ha- ving mine own ríghteoufnefs,which is of the law, but that which is tbrougk the faith of Chrift, the righteoufnefs which is of Godby faith : 9. Not having, and truShing not in that Righteoufnefs which confifteth in keeping the Law of Mofes, which is of my own Works, and I accounted formerly to be my juftifying Righteoufnefi ; but that which is of Faith is Chrift, even the Ri hteoufnefs which isf of God's freeGift by believing acceptance of his purchafèd and offeredGrace. 1o. That I may know him, and the power of his refurrehtion , and the fellowfhip of Lis fffering , being made conformable unto his death. so. Bywhich I (hall gain the knowledge of Chrift, and of the great Myftery of Salvation by him, and the powerful Work ofhis Grace and quickening Spirit, and preferving Provi- dence, anfwering in his Members that power . that railed him from the Dead, and a Commu- nion with him in Sufferings , by which I (hall be made conformable to him as cruci- fied for our Sins, and thus in all be made as a Member fuitable to him that is my Head. u. If by any means I might attain unto the refurreftion of the dead. I T. In hope that by all thefe means and methods, ( which I account not too dear) I may at laSh attain that bleffed Perfe&ion in which I flail be alto like him, as he is now ri- fen from the Dead, and glorified, in the Rate of Immortality. 12. Not as though I had already attained , either were already per. fea : but I followafter, ifthat I may apprehend that for which alto I am apprehended of Chrift Jefus. rz. Not that I have already attained this Conformity to my Glorified Lord, or were already perfe&, by reaching all that I purfue But I run as for this Prize, and earneflyShrive, that at left I may lay hold on and attain the Rate of Glory, to bring me to which Jefus Chrift did elec4, redeem., and call me to himfelf. r 3. Brethren, I count not my felf to have apprehended: but skit one thing I do, forgetting thofe things which are behind, and reaching forth unto thofe things which are before, 14. I preis toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Chrift Jefus. .. 14: I