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h.-3: C'hrißiañ Philippi 1e, 14. I know I have -not yet attained the ind that I ran for, even glorious Pate:lion: But this I do, not minding the things of the 'World which I have forlaken, but neglehing land forgetting them, and with all my might and diligence ftriving towards the things which ire before, I preisand haften towards the Mark, for that glorious Crown and Prize, for obtain- ing whereof, the high Caning of Godby Jeiùs hrilt bath encouraged me to feek and hope. t5. Let us therefore, as many as be perfea, be thus minded r and If in any thing ye be otherwife minded, God (hall reveal even this unto you, is. And let all that are found and frncere Ghrittisns, holding therethings that are necef- fïry to Salvation, be thus minded, and with joint endeavour confefl'ing our Defenis, thus preis toward the End of our Faith in Love And then, if through impérfe&ion of Know= ledge you come lhort, and differ in other things, while you wait on God in Humility, Love, and Peace, God will in time.make you know what yet is wanting to you, 16: Neverthelefs , whereto we have already attained, let us walkby the fame rule, let us mind the fame thing. 16. But let all that have attained foundnefs in theftneceffary Effentials ofChriftianiey, !till live accordingto there Gofpel Truths which we all acknowledge, and in Love and Concord pra&ice and promote theeeie things in whichwe areagreed. Note, How direfily Paul condemneth both Church-Tyrants and Se&aries, theformer filen- ting, reviling, and perfecuting, and the other reproachfully cenfuring and feparaiin¢ from thole that ag:ce in all here inianced, for not wonfenting to needlefs Trifles of the Clergies impoftion, or to the Errours of fuperltitfous jgnorant Men. 17. Brethren, be followers toge- Cher of me, and mark them which walk fo, as ye have uS for an en- fample. 17. God that bath Cent me to teach pou, hash herein alfö made me an Enfample to you; I befeech you therefore herein follow me, (in humble thriving towards Perfed -ion, uniting in fucere Chrídinnity , and bearing in other things with each other, till God teach you she reti.) 18. ( For many walk, of whom I have told youoften, and now tell you even weeping, that they are theenea mies of the Crofs of Christ: Ig;, Whole end is deílruaion, whole God arts. 'ónverfiittnn. Ch. g is their belly: and wbofe glory is h; their (hame,whu mindearthlythings j 18;19, For many, of whom I haveoft told you, and now mention them with Tears, for their own fakes and the Churches, do fo live, as that while they are calledChriffians, they are filch Enemies to the bearing of the Crofs, in following a crucified Chris, that they will fuf. fur frothing for their Faith r For taking up Chriftianity notionally in their Brains, without the Lifeand Power ora their Hearts, theWorld was never overcome,or their Luft mortified by it ;. Co that their Belly, or flelhly Luft, is the God which they molt love and obey and while they glory that they know more of Chrifliau Liberty than we do, and fomay law- filly pleaféflelhiyLufts, it is their lame and bmtifhnefs which they glory in. And there- fore Deftruftiorr will be their end. 2o. For our converfation is in hea- ven, from whence alto we look for the Saviour, the LordJens Chrift 21. Who thall change our vile body, that it mayhe fashioned like unto his glorious body, accordingto the work. ingwhereby he is able even to fübdue all things unto hfmfelf. 2o, 21. But our City -freedom, Relation, Treaiire,Converfe, and Bufinef is in Heaven; among the heavenly Society, in the 7erafulrm above ; Fromthence, by Faith and joyful Hope, we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jefas, who isr our Headand Interceffor there; and who will not only receive Our Souls at death, but will also change thefe vile Bodies, ( which being madeof the low difl'oluble Elements, are a clog to our Souls, and mutt corrupt like the'fiefhof Brutes) and will make them like hisown now= glorious Body,(fpiritual,incorruptible,and g ors ous;) and this Ile can aradwill do, howunlikely foever it appears-to us,by theexcerci feof his O:n- riipotency, by which he canconguerall Diflicul- ties and Enemies, for the accomplifhing of the Wórk of the Salvation of his Church. abre, I. That the great difference between miferable Hypocrites and found Chriftian.s, is, That the former lèt molt by Fief': and Earth; and rzhe latter by the hopes of Heaven, to which `they fubje& all Worldly Inrereft, and on which and for which they live and la- bour mbn , as Worldlings do for a Worldly Welfare. 2. That a fake, fenfhal, worldly, unmorti' fled Heart, betrayed!' Hypocrites into worldly fènfuaiOpinions and Heretics, and they earily believe all to be lawful which makcth forthrir flelhly worldly Interefts and Lufts , becs.dé their fake heartswould heve itto be lawful. CFïAP;