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Ch. 4. General Philippians. exhortation.. Ch. 4 6. Let no Want nor Danger diiurla yont C tI A P. Iv. Mind with anxious diferuftful Cares; but in every cafe, go and open it toGod in Prayer, Herefore, mybrethren, dear- for your (elves and others, vvi, th Thankfgiving for ly beloved and longed for, chorewwho nuly ltruf received ' as befeemetkì 'shy joy and crown, fo Eland fait -in the 7. And the peace of God Which Lord, any dearlybeloved. palfeth all understanding, fliall kerá I., fore, That the molt amiable Chrif ans your hearts and minds through Chrift have need of Warning and earneft Exhortation your againft Back-Hiding by Temptation and De- ceivers. 7. Ahd by this LenityofMind, and Trull: in 2. I. bel'ech uodias, and befeech God by Prayer, the Peacewhich you flail hase z in God's Loveto ou, in your own Souls, and, Syntiche, that they be of the fame in Concord with the Church, which is ofinc. mind in the Lord. (Killable value, above much notional Know- 2. Nee, It's like he heard of Contentions ledge, Shall, as a Gatifno, keep yourAffe3iotas between thefe two, Which he befeecheth them from difturbauce, and your judgments from tò ceagj. L-rrour through the Grace of Chrift. 3. And I intreat thee alCo, true. 8. Finally, brethren, .vhatfoever yoke-fellow, help thofe women which thin are trite , whatfoever things laboured with me in the gofpel, with (ire Stone t , whatloever things are Clement alIo, and with other my fel- )uít,whatfoeaer things arepure,what- low labourers, whole names are in fòever things are lovely, whatfiever the book of life. things are of good report; if -there be 3. And I intreat thee, my true Fellow-Saban any virtue, and if There be any praife,, ter, ( it's like he meancthEpaphradiras, but un- think on thole things. certain :) take care of thole Women that fur- I. In general, to conclude, Be fare that yota thered our Work, (by entertaining us, and cleave to Truth, againft Falrhood ; Co' things- faffering for the Faith,) with Clement, and feemly and venerable, against things thaniefrl; other Helpers, who are of thenumber of thosè to things juf, against Injuftice to thingspure that God will own.) againft Luft and Pollution ; to things lain f amiable, against deceiving Paint, and flattering 4. Rejoyce in the Lord alway, and Allurements ; to things defervedlyofgood re- again I fay, ReJoyce. port, and approved by Men, egairaft Scandal. a, Rejoyce in the Interei you have in the Ín a word, lee all things that are truly virtu Lord, his Grace, andProtedtion, and Promife out andpraife- worthy be faithfully minded and of Glory : Yea, I again urge it on jtou, Al+ followed by you; 'bap ',Aye. 9. Thofe things which ehaveboth Note, r. That Chriftians even in a Care of g oppofaion from the World, have alwaysgreat- learned and received, and heard and er caufe of rejoycing in God, than offarrow feen in me, do : and theGod.of peace for the World, . ( Though if they wilfully fin, than bewith you. it may interrupt their joy, by making themun- 9. Prattice the Do`trine which yott itavv fit för it, asWounds and Sicknefs do the Body.. heard and» received frònï tee, andthe good 2. That holy joy in the Lord is that Flower Example which you have fees in me, and the of Religion which all Chriftiausfhould defile, God of Love and Peace will be with you, thus andchiefly labour to attain. walking in Love and Peace. 5. Let your moderation be known to. But I rejoyced in the Lord unto all men, TheLord is at hand. greatly,that now at the last your care s. Let all men fee that you put the bei of me hath floufilhed again, wherein fehle on all that befals you from God and ye were alto careful, but ye lacked Man, and that you take nothing by impati- opportunity. ente or uncharitablenefs at the_worf, but can duffer Injuries : For God is with you, and the ro. I was glad, and thanked God, that your day ofítís deliveringyou is near. Care of my Supply at last revived ;nor that Ì fuppofed it dead before, but that you lacked. 6. Be careful for nothing, but in opportunity of fending Co me, ratherthanwill, every thing byprayerand fupplication and care of mè: with thankfgivmg, let your requefli It. Not that I (peak in refpe£t be made knownunto God., of want for I have learned inwhat- Ibever