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Ch.4. Liberalitÿcommenclecl Philippiatls._Mutual faldtations.Clt,4, 17. Not that I am craving more by com= mending you, or value molt my own Sup- plies ; but I commend and delire your fruit. fulnefs in goed Works, that it may abound to your own Confolation when you mutt be ac- countable for all to God. 18. But I have all, and abound : I am full, having received of Epaphrc= dints the things which were feet from you, an odour of a fweet finell, a facrifice axeptable, well-pleafing to God. need. 18. But I certifie you, that I received your I2. I know how tobe in a low and poor Gift from Epaphrodinss , and it was a very Condition , without repining ; and how to liberal Supply tome; and to encourage you, I have Plenty, without fenfuality and abufe : add, That under and through Chrift, the great F have learn'd how to live in every Place and propitiating Sacrifice, fach Works are the fweet Cafe, both to be flirty provided, and to be in Incenfe and Sacrifice acceptable and pleating" hunger through Poverty, to abound, and to to God. /infer need, and glorifie God in all. foever frate I am, therewith to be content. t e. t mean not that I fo much rejoyce that my Wants were fitpplied: For .1 have learned to beofa quieted and contented Mind, in what- ever Condition God thall bringme. 12. I knowboth how to be abated, and I know how to abound : every where, and in all things I am in- firuEled, both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to fuller : ?. I can do all things through Chrift which ftrengthneth me. 13. All this is but my Duty s and Christwill ttrengthenme for all that he calls one to. 14. Notwithftanding, ye havewell done, that ye did communicatewith any atAiftions. 14. But this Communication for my Supply in my Suffering for the Gofpel, was your Du- ty, and you did well in doing it. 29. But my God íhall fupply all your need, accordingto his riches in glory, by Chrift Jefus. 19. Andmy God, whoemployeth me in his Work, will fee that you shall lofe nothingby furthering his Service, but, out of the Riches of his. Glory by Chrift, will give a more ex. collent Supply of all your Wants. 20. Now unto Godand our Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen. 2o. Now to God, who is Love and a Father 15. Now ye Philippians know al- to us through Chrift, be Glory for all his Mer- fo, that at thebeginning of thegofpel, Gies, and for and by all his Works, for ever. when I departed from Macedonia, Itnrn. no church communicated with me, as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only. 1 g. I fuppofe you know that this Honour of contributing to ale was due onely to you, when I firít had preached the Gofpel in Mate- dodo, no other Church doing the like at my departure. 16. For even in Theífalonica ye bent once and again unto nay necef- fity. 16. Note, How much profeufed Chriftians differ in Liberality, as they do in Charity. 17. Not becaufe I delire a gift : but I delire fruit that may abound to your account. 21, 22, 23.- Salute every faint in Chrift Jefus. Thebrethrenwhich are with me greet you. All the faints fa- lute you, chiefly they Coat are of Cefar's houíhold. The grace of our' Lord Jefus Christ be with you all. Amen. Nate, 1. That Chrtítians were all then called Saints, betide they were by Rrofeffion and Vow God in the Covenant of Ho. lime, and were not debauched,. as Multitudes now are. z. That God had his Saints even in a Heu' then, PerfecutingEmperour's Family. 3. That the Grace of Christ is the Sam of alt Benodation. onEarth. The