Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

The Epiale of St. PA U L th . Aponte to the COLO sSIANS. CHAP. T. r> Aul an apoftle of Jefus -Chrift, IL by thewill of God, and Timo- theus our brother. 2. To the faints and faithful-brethren in Chrift, which are at Coloffe t Grace be unto you, and peace from God our Father, and the Lord JefusChrift. 3. We give thanks to God, aid the Father of our Lord Jefas Chrift, prayingalways for you : 4. Since we heard of your fai.:h in Chrift Jefas, -and of the love which ye hive to all the faints ; 3,4.lOre, ,.That Faith andLove overlie Suns ofReligion, and treater Riches than all earth- ly things. z. Love aloft extend to all Saints, and not ónely thaiS that are'of one Party. For the hope which is laid tip for you in heaven, whereof ye heard be- fore in theword of the truth of the Gofpel : 6: Which is come. untoyou, as it is in all the world, and bringeth forth fruit, as is dab allo in you, tnce the day ye heard of it, and knew the graceof God in truth. S, 6. Note, t. It is the Hope of Heavenly Felicity, which is tie End , and effè&ual MO. five of Chr.ftian Love and Duty. 2. it is the true Nord of the Gofpel that giveth us this Hope. 3. This Gofpel divulged to the World is fruitful exrenfively in the number of Con- veres, and iucenfley in their Holinefs, when it isfo heard as tócantè Men toknowGod' Grace in Truth. 7. As ye áiíù learned of Eiaphras our dear feilow-fervant, who is for you a faithful minifter of Cìirïft; 8.Who allia declared unto us your love in the Spirit. 7, 8. Note; It's like Epaptrir was he lay Whom they were converted, or at leali their grefent ilithop. 9. For this caute, we allo, fnce the day we heard it, do not ceare to pray for you, and to defre that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will, in all wifdom and fpicitual un- der ftanding. 9: True Convertshave need to be prayed for, that they may have Spiritual and Praftical Wit dom to know theWill of God. lo. That ye might walkworthy of the Lord unto all pleating, being fruitful in every good work, and ow creating in the knowledge of God , ' ro. That you mas live fuicably to your pro- fefi'ed Faith, linrerely obeying andpleating God in all things , which is your Worthinef, in a Gofpel-fenfe, bringing forth the Fruits of all forts of good Works , and increaing in the Knowledge (or acknowledging) of God. 1 s. Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, un- to all patience and long-differing wilt joyfulnefs ; I r. Note, r. The glorious Power. of God ap- peareth in his Servants Strength. z. The Strength of Chriftiaos appeareth moll in fùf- fering long and patiently for Chrift with joy. and not in overcbming Menby Strength. 12. Giving thanks unto theFather$ which hash made us meet to he par- takers of the inheritanceof the faints in light : ü. Note,,. The Inheri n_^ of the Saints is in the State and Wor d of Light, t'Oar is, of Vition and Glory. 2. God's way of bringing Men to this Glory, is by fitting them for it now by Holindss. 3. This is the Gift wl'i'c.h obliged(us to tile greateltThankfulness to God. 13. Who bath delivered us front the power of darknefs ; and hat' ö tranfláted us into the kingdom of his dear Son : 53. Nate, The World is divided into two Societies: One under the Power of Darknefs, that is, Satan the Prince of Darknefs; who leads Menby the way ofÌguoranae, Error, Unbelief, and Lies, to the utter Darknef of Mifèry ; The other is the Kingdom of Çhriff, led by him wlso is the Light of the World, by Truth Kilo al :dge; andFaith, to theheavenly Light. 1 i 2. When