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O.T. Paul's thcnkfulnefs. Coloi lansThe trucChrigdefcribedCh.t. 2. When Men are trulyconverted to Chrift, a l'art. But others avoid this, as dangerous. they are initially delivered from she Power, 2. The .,Art o s think Chrift is but a Crea- State, and Wayof Darknets, into the Kingdom tare, is but a Superangebeal Spirit, the tint o of Chrift and Light. created by whom Godmade all the rdt ; and that he Aimed the Humane Nature, and may 14,4n whom we have redemption be well caned God, but not as the Farber is, through his blood, even the forgive- nor of the (ime Subltance: Aid fog that he nefs of fins. hash two Natures, Superaugelical and Humane. 14. Note, Chrift's Blood is the Price ofour Of thole, r. Some think that the Superange Redemption, and remiffiott of Si,t is much of [Coal, as a Sad, aftiuned onclya Humane Body: the Collation and Applicati.,u. Redemption And, 2. Some, that he alfineet{ a Soul and Sgnifieth Dcliveri.nce from Bondage. Body. 15. Who is the image of the invi- ?. A turd fort fay, Chid hath three fble God the frff born of every Cures ; The Divine, producing by Emana- lion the brit created SvFera,ngeüead Nature, uni- ereatme: ted to it felf, and by it creating all other things; t s. In whole HumaneNature, Do&rime, and and both theft Natures in the fulnels of time Works, the Iuvifible God, whole Image he is attuning the Humaue Nnturs(entire, fòme; manifcfted to Man; and who in his DivineP:a- and a Body Owly lay others) time was begotten of the Father before any d. The lrft andworft is that of the Ssciuíans, Creature was made, Even from Eternity,) and that count atilt a nicer Glori ìed Man. This i] his Peron, as God-Man is molt Excellent, Text leemeth to fpcak but the licit, though the and is Lord of all. Favourers of the third think it is for them; and . (This [Pint-born] numbreth him not with that other Texts are Co alfo ['hey think it was, but lets hint aböve them.) not oncly the Divine Nature, but the Superan- 16. For by' hint Were all things gelical which appeared to ibrahave, Mops. ßí^e. n a viftbie Body, beGrethe Incarnation: And created that are in Heaven, and that by. afGiting thefethree Natures in Chrift, they aie in earth, viable and lily aftble, would reconcile ehe Orthodox and the Arians. whether they be thrones, or donlini- The Controverftesalío whether Chrift be two oils, or principalities, or powers: all Per&ins or but one, atel have two Wills and things are created by him, and for Operations, or but one, and whether it may be /aid That Mary was the Mother ofGod, and him. 17. And he isbefore all things, that one of the Trinity was crucified, dee.'did and by him all things CorlliÍt, grievouliy rend the Char, h; of which I, 16, 17. By hint, as God, were all things have fpokeu elfcwhere, and plainly fhewed in created, and for him; and he is from Ear refry what fade Chrift is vivo, yea, many Perfons before them all, and by him 'they are upheld in (relatrvely),and in what lrrfe í u one; and in being. what fenfe his Wills are two, andin what fente Note, 1, Some I y [t iagsbr HeavvinndPerna ut one. and [Thereat Dominions, e c.] undcrftaud onely 12. And he is the head of the ho- [fetrs and Gentiles}, and [the Po rtes of Men]: dy, the chords: who is the begin- But titis forced Expofition is groundlels: it be- ning, the lint-horn from the dead; ing certain, that all Heavenly Powers anal Or- that in all things Ice might have the dens were created by the Eternal Word, and teeth ir'et1Ce. Pawl being here extolling his Magnilicuce, wiw Mould we feign him to leave out the higheft 18. And he is now the Head, both by Go- Parr, which he fa plainly exprefFeth? that Ce- vernment and quickning Influence, of the lefiial Spirits have potent Superiorityboth over Church, which is his Body Politick, and tinned us and one another, is no doubt. to him incomprehenlìbly the Spring of Life H. Theancient Churches and Heretieks had to us, and the Mil that sole from Death to gio- fo great Contentions about the right Notionsof vials Immortality, triumphantly, by his own tie Nature and Perfou of Chrift, and with Iì,:h P °`vet; by whom it is that we live and Stall be dilnal Effe2s, as makethmany Lovers of Peace railed r F'or in ill things he is Higheft, above to with, that fudt Points had been handled all Creatures. more cautetoufly, reverently, and peaceably. 19. For it pleated ;he Father, that Four notable Opinions there be about the Na- in him fhould all fulnefs dwell: tares and Perfn of Chrilt. 19. For it teemed wind to the Father that . i. The Orthodox hold, That he bath onely Jefns Chrift Mould be filled with all Created two Natures in one Perlon, the Divine sod Hit- l'erfe&inn, as well as hehath Divine Pofectmn, mane. And of theee, the lubtie Philuluphers and be the Spring and Treafùre ofall Good, as Thy , that the Humane Nature is no part (ibis the Head over ali things to his Church, and the d'eton, brit anAdjunct, becáufè God cannot be Vnive;lalAdminíftrator. 2o. And