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Cli. i. Reconciliation by Chrifi'.ColoílianS, Reconcil. by Chüft.Ch. 20. And (having made peace 24. Who now rejoyce in my ful£er, through the blood the crofs) by ings for you, and fill up that which g is behind of the afflì ions of Chria 'him to reconcile all things unto him feh'ì, by him, 1fay, whether they be in my flefb, for his bodies fake, which thins in ear_h,or things in heaven. is the church. 20. And having accepted his Sacrifice on the 24. And I rejoyce that God honoureth me tc Crd; for agcneralAttouement and Propitiation, fuffer for his Church in foexc Jlent a Work:: by him to reconcile the guilty, fir.ful, and cur- For it is by the Crofs, or Suffering, that God fed World to him, lb far as that their G.olt will bring the Church to Glory: And as Chrift and Enmity should not hinder the Tenders of bath pettedly done his own part, as the oncly Free Mercy and Salvation to. ycros and Gcnúls, Propitiating Sacrifice; fo I, with the reft cif nor keep his Elea and F'aithfùl Flock from that his Mewbels, aloft undergo and make up the Heavenly Glory, where Angels and Saints. ref., even for the fame Chinches fakefor which Thal be One Bleff dSociety, united in Love to he died, though not as a Mediator, to reconcile ` God and each other. God and Man, ashe was. 21. And you that were fometimes 25.' Whereof I am made aminiftc,_ r, alienated, and enemies in your mind according to the difpenlation of God, by wicked works yet now bathhe re- which is given to me for you, tó ful, '.cohdled. fil theword of God. 21. Arid you, who Viere not ouely, as all 25. Of which Crouch I ammade a Servant, others, origin<aly guilty, as the. Seed of.ilda,,r, by God's appointment and commifI:on, gives but silo of the Á>ce and Society of Gentiles, by me for You as well as for others, tl}ar t nir.y your w;cked Works eftranged from God, and fully divulge the word ofGod. CIA of the way of his Going Grace, and Eoe- 26. Evee the myftery whin lath miei to it and him, yet now bath he reconciled been hid from ages, and from gene-. 1. Çitrilt, and takenyou for his Children, i rations, but now is,made Izianife:t to 27. In the burly cf his flesh hr faints : . through death, to prefcnt you holy 26. The great M-Rery of Redemption. and unblameable, and unreprcvable (God man fcf'ed in the .leis, as the Head and in his l ght. Savions' of theChurch) which (though notwhat- t ly, yet comparatively) bath been hid from yesn,s 22. By givingup his body of to death, under dsrn Types, as well as more from 6,0, as a ifyingry Sato fper and by oly,fÿsod tiles by greater Darkncf', in all Foregoing A- and ele2ífaidg you you him and' lint now is plainlier madckuown to God's biamcicfs, and jultrhed at salt before him. Saints. 23, if ye Amtinue in the faith, 27. To whom God would make grounded apct fettled, and be not mo known Fv °hat is the riches of the glo- ved away f>- m the hope of the gofpela ry ofthis myftery among theGentiles which ye have heard, and which was which is Chrift in }'cn, the hope of preached to every creature which is i,lory: Udder heaven whereof I Paul a n 27. 1;o wheal God of his good 1'id ore nia[le a 1Ehl would fpecially ..rake bemoan the Riches and 23.1Fay, you c5ll he thitsperfefed at hi, Glory of this Myftery of Calling the whole ifyou prove tosend confirn',ed.Chriflians, conti- World of G r !a,. Tian Sum of it i,, Carift sating in Clue Faith, gr<.unded and ftsled, and among you, and to you, purcha(n[*, giving, by noTemiptationbe everturned from theHope and aititrieg to you the Heavenly - Glory, lo[ which Ch,ilt. Bath given you in his ,Gomel which he bath commanded you joyfully to hope which by Chrill's Comm iflion we preach to all Chr;it the Way, Glory the End. Men in this lower V6' 61:A:which a'euly happ,- 23. WlQ111 we preach, warning lyb -gais, the Church being no anote confined every man, and *caching every 111a;' .to jests, but gathered out of all the Earth; to its all wilt um that we may prefer. which S biciflbathConamifiìoned mew,ho_ every man perfc'it In Chi let }elm: ám labouring tl °rein 28. To prenda this Chrdt t the i t tk ei. Ae That limy he true t Jufti :ed that found Believers Ileal, the finally give m judgment, our Ot3ìcc, warning and teaching every Man as and Sloth ed d, Pwmïtc. giveth Phan Might we have ópinrtuonty, r eg,et}mg shone of any to it but on Condition of ierfeverance; and Rank, in all the faring W[fdosnoffthe Goapd Clod u[ith Conditional Prowl {ès to engage us that we may preCie as many as poGlible, pç - rationally to our Dut and asa Meaux to accou - feat CO Salt ,[iota. Pi lls Isis Abfclt c Decrees, 3 I. ? * °V'l'.rr