Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

C. I I,Pcrul commendeth his mini,. 29: Whereunto I all labour, ftri- viug according to his working, which Worked] in me mightily. 29. In this Labour I am employed; in which with diligence I ftrive, according to the Grace of him-that called me which wrought in me (or worked, by me) in Power, (confirming my Minill'ry by Miracles and Succef, as well is qualifyingme for it.) COioff: Exhort. to conf amcyC.I Lf, Faith: but yet I knowwhereyour danger lieth. 6. As ye have therefore received Chrift fetus the Lord, fo walk ye in him : 6. Let it then he ynatr care to hold fall and pra&ife the Goiael of Chrift, as you havealeady received him and his Word. and turn not to any other way. 7. Rooted and built up in him, and $ablifed in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding thereinwith thankfgiving. 7. As growing downwards in the Roots is necellary ,to Trees, for ftedfaftnels and Fruit 5, and as the Houle nmR be built up, when the Foundationis laid Co mutt younow be more and more rooted, and built up, and ftablifhed in the fame Faith which you were caught at firf, and mull abound with joyful Thanks to God, in the increafed Knowledge Love, and Pradice of that, h aftead Of hearkning to Novelties or Errors. K. Beware left any man fpoil you through philofophy and vain deceit, alter the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Chrift: 8. The danger which I advife you to beware, is, left any by pretending that theHeathen Phi- lofòphy is a higher fort of Wifdom and Lear- ning (more methodical, accurate, eutenfìve) than the Cofpel of Chrift, fhould deceive you, and draw you from the true Wifdom of Chri- ftianit}', of Hereticks draw youby Phiiofephical Pretences to their Herelìcs; and they tt:oald fat up the Tradition, Books, or Opinions of any Seél of Philofophers, agaiuft the Heavenly Do- Eiriue of Gloat.. Nre, That as ._.sea's Law was very ufeful in fubordinatiou to the Covenant of Grace, and to Chriff; but p rnicious to them thx let it in oppolition to Chrift, or in reperationfrom him: fo is true Philolophy ; which is the Knowledge of the knowable part of God's Works, uleful in fiobordination to Chrift: But the Heathen Sedi of Phitofophers were the molt dangerous Adverfaries toChrilliauity, by deriding itsSim- plicity, and pretending to far greater Learning, and defpifiug Chriftians as Ignorant and credu- lous, and tiling agoinft them their Logical Are atad Sophittry, and the Reputation of all their Sciences. 9. For in him dwellethall the ful- nefs of the Godhead bodily. 9. For as the Divine Nature it felt bath uni- ted it felt to, and fo dwelleth in his Humane Nature; fo in the Perron, Do&rine, and Works of Chrift Incarnate, God bath treafured up, and by that In-dwelling, placed thefulleft Manifefta- tian of hunfelf to Mankind, that ever he will give them in this Life otnEarth . Io, Anti CHAP.II. z. Or I would that ye knew what great confli£t I have for you, and for their at Laodicea, and for as many as have not teen my face in the fleht : t. (Cot fio.] by Prayer, andCare, andStudy, to do them good. Lete, Good Men long for the Good of them vehom they never 1äw. 2., Î hat their hearts might be com- forted, being kint togetoer in love, and unto all richesof thefull aflurance of underftanding, to the acknowledg- ment of the myftery of God, and of the Father, and of Chrift. z. That they may grow up to a State of joy, by holy Union and Communion in Lóve, and to he yet richer and happier in the fall and allured underífanding and acknOwledgen nr of the Myftery of God's Love, and ofCltrilh's Grace, in the Promifes, Prefigurarions, and Performance ofour Redemption. ?, In whom are hid all the trca- hires of wildom and knowledge. 3 Though it be not difcerned by carnal Men, who feardt more after other Knowledge in the World, the depth, excellency, and beofit of all true Wifdom and Knowledge, are compri- fed in the Knowledge of God mauifefted iii Caitiff : This is the true Philolophy, in comps- r'ifau of which, all other is Vanity and Folly. 4. And this I fay, left any titan ítouldbeguile you With incitingwords. 4.I tell you this, left any delude you by the fpecious oftentation of any other fèrt of l nowledge, called l'hilofophy, or Oracular, or Endwfiaftical, or Pharifaical Tradition, as it it were Cvrewhat more excellent than the Know- lege ofChrift. 5. For thóugh I be iabfent in the fleht, yet atti I withyou in the Spirit, joying and beholding your order and the fedfaftnefsof your faith in Chrift. 5. For though I fee you not, I air in the Spi- rit as ifr was prefent with you affeé}ed with Joy to hear of your Order, acd ftedfaflnefs of