Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 2. Exhorteth to conffczncy Colofl'Lans. 'in- Chrift. Ch, 2. io. And ye are compleat in him, which might have been .produced. againft as who is the head of all principality ,rid Breakers of the Law CO our condemnation, and as it were nailed it to his Crofs, while by dy- POwer. ing he difabled it : So that you need not think r o. You need . not Peek after Wifdom in the that Judaiziiag is neceffary to your Salvation. Oracles or Knowledge of Demons or Angels; Arid having í'pniled pYlnCil)â.1^ for in Chrift you have complete Wifdom,(ifyou 15. truly receive him, and learn of him) who is not, ties and powers, he made a film of onely above ail Philofophers and Rabbits, but them openly, triumphing over them above the higheft Angels or Celeftiai Powers, in jr. and is the chiefF-ev aier of God to Man. 15. And when his Crucifers triumphed over II. In whom allo ye are circumCi- him on thrCrofs,as ifthey had utterly overcome fed, by the circumcihon made with- him, it was but his Conqueft and Spoils oft all out hands in putting oft the body Principalities and Powersof Devils oc Mco, that ' were Adverfaries to his Grace and Kingdom, of the Ins attic flelh, by the eirCum- and his open Oftentarion of his Victory, and CiiiOn of Chrift. Triumph over them, in that his Crucifixion. r I. Nor needyou go to Judaifm for Cireum- 16. Let no man therefore judge cifren : For you have the true favingCircurnci- .you in meat OT 111 drink, Of illYelpeEc fion in Chrift, even that of the Heart, made without Hand by the Spirit of 'arid', cutting Of an holy day, or of the new-moon, off and caftirg away the BodyofSin, or Heftily or ofthe Sabbath drys. : Lufts. 16. Seeing then that Chrift bath abrogated 12. Buried with him in baptilm, the Mof.ical Low, none ought to cenfure you as r f, Sinners, for not keeping the Ceremonies of the wherein allo you are rifen with him through the faith of the operation of Law, about Meat, or Drink, orin the Pointof Fe- l Rivals called Holy-days, orof the Mew Moon,or God who bath raild him from -the of theSabbsth -days. dead. ßt2. And it's more than a Crcumcifinn of 17. Which are a fhadow of things your Lufts that you have in Chritt; they are to come i but the body is ofChrift. dead and buried with him : For fo your Baptifm 17. For ehefe were but Shadows of the things figniheth, in which youare put under the Wa to come, even Chrift end Chriftianity, wheat ter, to fignitie and profefs, that your Old Man, are the Subftance tlradowed or Fla.), Luft is dead and buried with him; Note, That rSabbaths are abolifhed with the and you rife thence,to fignilie and profefs, that reft of Mofes's Law. As to the Lords-day-, con- you rife to fiewnefs of Life, and Heavenly fidertiatfe things diftiably. r. That ail r doss Hopes, through the Belief of God'sWorks that Law, as filch, bound onely the yens, to whrim railed from the dead. it was promulgate, and is now abotühod, ever, I .And you being dead in your fins,' (faith puazl) that written in Stone. 2. Tlaut all 3 5 g ) the Law of Chrift in Nature and Revelation ilia and the uucircumciíion of your fielh, bindeeh us, s. That the Word [Sasba,r] in _ huela he quickened together with him, Scripture properly tìgniiieth á Day of Ce,emo- having forgiven you all trefpaffes. vial Reif, in which the Bodily Rea was a Du- 1 And you, that were as dead in the Guilt ty diretfly in it fell, as Sacrificing and other 3 Y Ceremonies were.) g. That the Lords-clay is and Power of your Sins, your Hearts and Lufts, never called a Sabbath in Scripture, (however as }bur Flefh, being uncircumcifed, hash God fame miftake a Text or two.) ç. That the made fpiritually alive, as Chrift was quickened Lords-day is feperated by Divine Appointment and failed, and bath abfolved you by pardon to the holy Commemoration of Chrdfs Refur- of all Sin, (loin the Obligation to Everlafting re<4ionand our Redemption efpecially in Sacred Death Which you had contrafed. Affemblies for Church- worflaip. 6. That it i.i 14. Blotting out the hand writing of greater dignity than the Sabbaths were, as of ordinances that was a ainft us bring far more tùbftaatial, faCeral, excellent g , Work. 7. on it, Reft is not a Ceremonial Due, which was contrary to us, and took as it was on Sabbaths,Tor it felt.; but onelya it out Of the way, nailing it to his fubordinate Dory, That Soul and Body ( even of trots. . Servants) may be, vacant and free for Spiritual Worfuip: and no Breach of Reft is now a Sip, 14. Cancelling the Legal Impofition of Mr- but, r.Thatwhidhhindreth this Spiritual Work a .14 ,4 Rites and Ceremonies, ecco to us Yews, Z. Or is fcaidalous, encouraging others to tin.. 1i 5 & That