Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch 2. Chrifr the head Colo to That therefore the Seventh -day Sabbath is aboliflted, r, l?ecaufe _MGis Law is abolithi.d e 2. And all proper Sabbaths areabolifted. 9.That yet(cvith the aucientChurches)wemay well call the Lords-day [tie Sa&bathl, (when it ttndeth not to Et rota) But only by Alluìon, or Meta - phórically, as they then called the Table an.A1- r r, the Miniftcrs PrieRs, and the Sacrament; and ,Alms, and Thanksgiving, Sacriffie,, This fs the fall Truth, as I have proved in a Cat Treatífe. 18. Let no man beguile you of your reward, in a voluntary humili- ty, and worfhipping of angels, intru- ding into thole things which be bath not leen, vainly puft up by his flelbìy mind.; 18. Let nö man beguile you of the Reward CfChriftianity, by Pretending greater Pelfhum- bling than God commandeth by worshipping Angels, intruding into and pretending to know the things which he never taw, nor God re- vealed to him, vainly puffed up by the Imagi- nations ofhis flatly Mind, and building on his deluded Conjesítures and Self -conceits. I9., And not holding the head ,. from which all the body by joynts and bands having nourishment miniftred, and knit together, increalèth with the increale of God. 19. By which they depart from their Blue de- yctadunce on Christ the Head,whofèOff:ce it is to be the Cole immediate Mediator between God and Man, and the Law-giver to theChurch, Who hatlt given us ftOìcienr notice what Wor- fhip God acceptech, Ic is front hint the Head (of Life and Government) that the Body, even the Church, receiveth its Nourifirment and holy Ltcreafe by the Blefhnq of God, it being by joynts and Ligaments of Faith, Love, and Mi- níftry, and communion for Concord,conjnyned and Made a meet Receiver. 2o. Wherefore if ye he dead with Chrift from the rudiments of the world ; why, as though living in the world, are ye sub ezt to ordinances, 21. ( Touch not, tafte not, handle not s 22. Which all are to peri(h with the tiling) after the command- Inents and doctrines of men 26, 21, 2i. If then ydu be dead to the Rat- aliments ofall other Mafters andCuftoms in the World, of yens or Heathens, its conformity to }'our crucified Lord, why, as though yet you were not fèparated from the World to Chrift, tare you f ibje/} to filch O:d i nanccs, whichChrift never made ydu, but bath abolithed ? as, Touch l;ttt, taftenör, t }ieddle not with finch and füeh halls. bfthe Church. Ch. 3 Meats, as unclean, and the like: whichwere all temporary things, and coffin} in tranfient unprofitable Actions , having no Reward of God, as being but the Precincts of the Coin- mands and Doctrines of unaurhorhed Men, 23. Which things have indeed a fhew of wisdom in w_ ill-worfhip, sad humility, and neglecting of the body, not in any honour 'to the faLisfy'ingof the flefh, 23. Which are the things for wh:ch, as de- ceitfidShews, the Heretical And Heathen Seale. cers pretend to be wifer Men than the Gpoliles and Chrifliaus, and to be more piòus Men, and to would draw you to their Errors; as being fiai :ter in voluntary Wori,ip and greater Hu- mility, and occluding of tile Body on pretence of being more forthe Soul, and not, as fèn ùal Men do, fatting tap andpampering the Flesh. A',te, The Defèriptiou of Paal and Church - Fliftorians notifie to us, that titefe Hereticks made up a Religion of three Parrs : 1. Of the Naaee and tome part of Chriftianity, to keep in with theChriftians. 2. Ofmany jewift Rites, to keep fair with theYews. 3h But the main Sub- fiance which they boafaed of, was Pyrhagereme Heathcnilin , in which they pretended great knowledge of Spirits, 'D.emons, and invilibie things, their Orders, Powers, Offices, Duran, ons, Vie. which God never re, ealed, but the delúded imaginationsof themfelves and the (lid Pythgar, sal and Platanek Philofòphe:s taught them. In many of whichSuperftitions, of wiL- wm (hip, Angel-worfti p, Lawsof Penance on the Flesh, (while the vain Mind ufurarah Chrift's Legi(lative Power) too many of the carnal cor- rupt Church do imitate them to this day. C ri A P. III. t F ye then be rifen with Chrift, leek thole things which are a- bove , where fhriftftteth on the right hand (AGM. r. If then }nu be true Chrif ians, rifem with Chriff, as youprofei, to they hope of a Ccleflial Glory, and to a holy Life, Phew it by Peeking the things which are aboce,where Chrift, who you trust in, is as your Head, Over all in Glory. 2. Set your affeftion on things a- bot'e,not on thingson theea,th. 2. Let, the heavenly things, and not the things on Earth, have your Brongeft affections, yoar Love, your Deere, your Hope, your Joy, your Care, your Very Hearts. 3. For yeare dead, and your life is hid with Chrift in God. 4. When Chrift who is our life 11011 appear, then leall ye allo appear with him in g1'' rya ed0pot