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Ch. 3. Put of the old man. Coloflians. Exhort-at. to Charity. Ch.3. , q. For years dead to the World and Sin, of God, holy and beloved) bowels and the too- of your fpiritual Life is not in your of me les, kindneis, limnblenefs of Lives; but butta your Oujee`iue Life, which is mind, meeknefs, long-fulfering ; yourHap,,imf,and theRoot of all, your;ipiritnal t r Let tlhef t be your very Habit, Lite, are out of fightwith Chrift in God. It a.ul Nature, and herefore ice, be God's is by him that you live, std it is with him and chofen, holy, and beloved ones, Bowels of ®n him tihzx yctt muff lice in Glory for ever. Mercy, Kindnefs,e; r. Mort your. Members 5 } 13. 1£orbearing one another, and which are upon the earth ; fornicati for =ivine one another, if any mail on, uncleannels, inordinate affetlion, have a quarrel agaiuít any : even as evil conca hifcence, and covetouiì;els which is idolatry F For which things, Chritt forgaveyou, fo alfo do ye. y : 3. Mte, I. That it is fuppof3 that we are fake the wrath of God cometh on the wronged, elfè there is no need of fGrel,ing. children of dilobedience. a. True Chriftians are known by this ipiritual s, G. Therefore, tho' your -Lofts are as it Nature, as well as by religious Exercües. were the very Membersof your corrupt flatly 14. And above all there things Nanue, kill them all, even Fornication, Un- on Charity, wíì1011 is the bond of cd_aruhcls, inordinate Aifedions of Love or Do_ higlr, all evil Luftingsor Delres, andCovetoul. perfeanels. 14. But as the moat neceffary ana excellent of all, put on true endeared Love to others as your felves, for the false of God, who mutt be moft loved : For as this is the higheft Grace which Cheitt'sSpirit worketh in it, fo it is that Pond which by uniting Believers to Chrift and each other, teideth to the perfea compagina- tion, growth, and welfare of the Church, and everyMember of it. nefi, which lr,veth the Creature above God, and which is idolaters Sin. For it is for there things that the Unbelieving RebelliousWorld is underthe Wrath of God. 7. In the which ve alto walked fir.:tinfewhen ye lived in them. Thefe Sirs were formerly your own Pre,- dices,. when you were Heathens among them. h. But now you allo put off' all i5. And let thepeace of God rule thef ; anger, wrath, malice, blaljhhe- in your hearts, to the which allo ye my, filthy communication out of your are called in one body ; and be ye mouth, 9. Lie not one to another, thankful. fe'eing that ye have put off the old Is. And let that Peace which God both man with his deeds ;- giveth you within, and calleth you to exercife, t, 9. But now ye m-R not only cart off all by dwelling in your hearts, bear rule in your there filthy Tit's, but alto all that is contrary to lives towards ail men,asheing of the fame ßndy Lovcand !'care, all lotted Wrath, and Malice, And live in continual thankfulnefs to God. and evil (peaking, and Ribaldry, and Lying : For all tihefe are the Members and Deeds of the 16. Let the word of Chrift dwell OldMan,or State whichyou have renounced. in you richly in all wiflom; teaching to. And have put on the new man, and admonifhing one another in which is renewed in knowledge, after plalms and hymns, and fpiritual longs, the image of him that created him. tinging with grace in your hearts to io. And you have by Converfion become the Lord. NewMen, renewed in SavingKnowledge, un- 16. Let the Word of God fo roll'efs your to the Lnage of that God and Saviour who is Souls, that you may by it have plenteous holy the Maker of thisNew-Creature. Wif<lom to infirm` . and admonifh one another, I i. Where there is neither Greek and holy Affeftions, that mofe who have the nor Jew, circuincilion nor uncircum- gift of comnofing holy Pfalms, and Hymns, and cifion, barbarian, Scythian, bond nor fpirintal Songs for themfeives and others nfç free : but Chrift is all, and in all. may do it wifely, and all of you tiff damwith holyToy in Waging to the Lord. ti. Where the Intereft and Union that we have all in One Chrift, who is All in all, 17. And whatfoever ve do in cloth fwallo..v up all the little differences, of word or deed , do ail in the name Greeks and 7rws, &c. And fo malt do in our of the Lord reins , giving thanks to, Communion. God and the Father by him. 12. Put on therefore (as the elef I i ¢ 7. And.