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Ch. 4 Several deities. Co.loílians. Several ¿tides. Ch. 4, 07. And let all that you offer to God in God would opon untous a door of ut- word or deed, in \Vorflnp or Obedience, he terance , to (peak the myftery of done in the name of the Lord Jefus, fruiting for acceptance to his Mediation, and offer your ChYi1i, Which I am ó1fo in hu : daily Thankfgiviugto Gcd the Father,aby hint 3 Praying for us Milliners of C ens that our High Prieftin the Heavens. God would give us freedom' from Mens Re- ßraints and our own Infirmities, that we may 18, I9, 2Ó, 21, 22, 23. Wives, tub with enlargednefs and boldneß preach the mit your delves unto your own lief- Gofpel, for which I Puffer. hands, as it is fit in the Lord. Huf- 4. That I may Make it manifeft, as bands, love your wives, and be not I ought to Ipeak. bitter againft them. Children, obey 4. That I may open and apply ir, as the your parents in all things : for this is Work and the Souls ofMen require. well-pleating unto the Lord, Fathers 5.Walk inwitdolr, toward them that provoke not your children to anger, are without, redeeming the time. le, they be difcouraged. Servants, withoutfetheeChurch, vhoicha is nédfulttoa theaere obey in all things your mafferS actor- d you from receiving hurt by theta, or in doing ing to the flesh ; not with eye-fervice good to them. as men -pleafers, but in finglenefs of 6. Let your fpeech be a':way with heart, fearing God C And wh tfoever grace, cr feafoned with flit, that ye may and rot unto men; 24. Knowing that do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, llow how ye ought to ánfwer every oftheLord ye 'hall receive the reward. 6. Let all your fpeechbethe exercifeofGod's of the Inheritance ; for ye ferve the Grace in your hearts, not roten, filthy,or vain; Lord Chrift. but wife and favoury, that you may fpeak perti- 15, t9, 20, 2t, 22, 23, ?a. See all this be- néntlyand fruitfully to every Man, efpecially tripe Paraaphrafed. Eph. 5, & 6. in the necefPary defence of the Truth, againft Gainfayers, and retaining of the Doubtful. 25. But he that dothwrong, fhall receive for the wrong which he. }lath 7. All my ftate'hall Tycüicus de- done : and thefe is norelpei`t of per- ciare unto you, who is a beloved bru- foes. tiler, and a faithful Ivsiniftea ,and 25. But if Mailers or Servants do wrong ro fellow-fYf ant in the Lord t'u- ocher, rite' they may efcape the punifhue ,t 7. Tjrbicess a faithful ,4rother, fully (hall ac- 'of Men, God, 'who uefpeéteth no Maus fetter, quaint youwithmy Cnncernments. willjudge and pwtith them 8, 9. Whom I' Lave fens unto you -- for the fame purpofe, that he might C H A P. IV. know your eflate, and comfort your hearts ; With Onefinnis a fateful 7A,4ers, give unto your Pct and beloved brother, who is one of vants that which is 1 ill you. îheyfhall make knownunto yod and equal:, knowing,_hat ye afîo have all things which are done here. to: a Wier in heat Cfl. Ariftarchus, my fellow-pritoner, falu- I. Let nor your power over your Servants tcth. you, and Tin arcrs filters Ihn to embolden you to abutè, oppress, or curer them, but give them all wages and ufage which IraYnaba8 (touch, if cot ye received Juftice and Equity require ; far you. have a corn mandtnen is ; he comeuntoyon, Mailer in Heaven, who will judge you as you receive him.) u. And jabs which is are and do. called Tuftus, whoare of the circum- 2. Continue in prayer, and watch cifnön. Thefe onlyare ray fellow-work- in the fame with thankhivir.'g ; ers uáto the kingdom of Gcd, which 2. neconftant in Prayer, atad tuercarrory or have been a comfort unto Me. cold, and watch in it agaiuil your Corruptions and T'emptatións, joyunig Tloank giviüg with 8, 9, to, II. There are all thst have help'd your Regtiefls. me -here at Rom `rn my Suffering, and have much tomrirced rue. . Withal, praying alto for us; that .., a pp?°