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ill. 4.. Exlortations 4nd ColoilîanS. /eu1 tutiofs. Ch. q I a. Epaphras, who is one ofyou, r 6. Ncte, t . It was the Duty of the Churches to communicate the Epiftles written to them a fervant of Chrift, faluteth you, al- l cheApoßles. 2. what that Eptßle written ways labouring fervently for you in to Lardiceowas, Wconcerneth us not toknow. It's vain to think that Paul and other Apoßles wrote no more Epiftics than be in the Bible; or, that God is bound to bring down all that they Wroteto Ls. prayers, that ye may Rand perfeft and ompleat in all the will of God. 13. For I bear him record, that he hath a great zeal for you, and them that are in Laodicea, and them in Hierápolis. 12, 13. Nate, I. That Prayer fhould be a Work Of fervent labouring. 2. That Miniftcrs Mould long for the Peoples increafe in Gr:ce and univerfal Obedience, more than to promote their own Intereft with them. 14,15 . Luke thebeloved Phyfician, and llamas greet you. Salute the bre- thren which are in Laodicea , and Nymphas, and thechurch: which is in his 1-Mule: ry. Which ufe to meet there. 16. And when this epiftle is read amongft you, caitlethat it be read alto in the church of the Laodiceans, and that ye likewife read 'the epiftle fromLaodicea. 17. And fay to Archippus, Take heed to the miniftry which thou haft received in the Lord, that thou ful, fil ir. 17. mte, That Bithops or rafters may have need to be admonished by the People to take heed to rheMiniftry which God called] them to, and not to (lubber it over, ( much lef per- vert it) but fulfil it. 18. The falutation by the hand of me Paul. Remember- my bonds. Grace be with you. Amen. as. In condufion, I fubfribe my Salutation to you. Let the remembrance ofmY Bonds re- member you of your Duty to me, in Prayer, and receivingof this Word. Grace bewith you, iS the luminary Benedidiion. .Amen. The Firfl Epif}fe o:`it. PAUL the Aporde to the THESSALONIANS. CHAP. I. 1 Anl, and Silvanus, and Timo- theus, unto tite church of the Theffalonians, which is in God the Fa- ther, and in the Lord Jefus Chrift : Gräce be untoyou,and peace fromGod our Father, and theLordJefiasChrift. Z. To the alfemSly of Chriftians affociated in the profeffed Belief of God the Father, and the Lord Iefus Chria, Vic. 2,-3. We give thanks to God always fer you all, snaking mention of you in óùr prayers,emembring without cea- fing your workof faith, and labour of love, and patience ofhope in our Lord Jefas Chrift, in the fight of God, and our Father. 2, 3. We thankf filly remet4eryour working Faith,your laborious Love, and patient Hope in Chrift, which is all fcen and accepted by God our Father. 4., 5. Knowing, brethren beloved, your elet3ion df God. For our Gofpel came not untoyou in word only, but aiíh, in power, and in the holyGhoi and in much aíffurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your fake. 4: S. For I was affured that God had freely elected you to be honoured as a Church of Chrift , in that he flint me particularly to you, and that with Power of Miracles, and pouring out of the Holy Ghoft, he confirmed my Mini - Cry, and caufèd me to fulfil ir, as your Experi- ence telleth you. 6. And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the word in much aßüflion, with joy of the holy Ghost 6. And hecaufe he bleffed all with fach Succef, chat you obeyed our Word, and were converted to Gad, receiving the Word in the Trial of (harp Afllietion and Oppofition, and yet with Joy, and the participation of the Holy Ghoß. 7. So that ye were enfampies to all that believe, in Macedonia and Achaia. 7. So that your Example tended to the hap- py imitation of all that now believe in Macedc- nil and chain. 8. For