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Ch.2.Horo the7hef"alonians I.Theíl'alonians. rcceiv'dthee-ofel,Ch 2, S. For from you founded Out the craftily tomake advantage of you to our gain : word ofthe Lord, not onely in !1$e.' But as God approved and chofe me to be put in donia and Achaia, but allo in every truft with the Praching of the Gofpel, I do it to pleafe himwho trieth our Hearts, and not to glace your faith toGod-ward is fpread pleafetlre Humours and Lofts of Men. abroad, fo that we need not to (peak any thing. g For neither at any t i me ufcd vvë S. For from you the Word of God fpread. flattering words, as ye know, nor a abroad, even in many other Countries it is cloakofcovetoufnefs i God is vvituels. known ; fo that I need not tell it them, to S. Foryou your felves know, that I flattered you nor, nor indulged fle¢uly Pleafares ; and your Praife, and their Imitation. God knoweth, that I made not the Gofpel a 9. For they themfelves Thew of uS,. Cloak to hide any covetous Delign. what manner of entring in we had 6. Nor of men fought we glory, unto you, and how ye turned to God neither of you, nor yetof others,when from Idols, to fetus the living and we might have_been burthenfome, as. true God. the a softies ofChrift. g. Thee tell abroad themfelves, what Succefs 6. Ivor did I preach up my fell, for vain wehad in your Converfion from Idolatry to the glory (Power or Probt), neither with you or true God. any others ,- though , as Chrift's Apoftic ; I 10. And to wait for his Son from might have pleaded my Power, and demanded heaven , whom he railed from the Maintenance. dead, even Jefus which deliveredus 7. But we were gentle among you, from the wrath to come. even as a nurfe cherilheth het chil- ro. And to wait-in Faith and Hope, that dren ifs Son, that is mired fromdeath, and afcended, 7; But we fought not our Gain and Glory, svdl come final Heaven for our Salvation, even but your Good; and that with all the love and Jeffs, who delivereth us from the wrath that tenderne(s to you, as a Nurfe cheri(lteth her will come on Unbelievers.. Children, in Self -denial. C A A P. II. FOr your felves,brethren, know our entrance inuntoyou, that it was not in vain. r. Foryou are myWitne(%s, that I carne not to you in deceit, or any falle delignormanner. 2. But even after that we had fuf- feted before, and were lhamefully en- treated, as ye know at Philippi, we were bold in our God to (peak unto you the gofpel ofGod withmuch con- tention. s. But our fhamefel ufage at Philippi dial not difcourage us ; bur our traff in our God did emboldenus topreach his Gofpcl to you, though in aCouái&of great Oppofirion. 3. For our exhortation maa not of deceit nor of uncleannefs,nor in guile : 4. But as we were allowedof God to be put in truft with the gofpel, even fo we fpeak., not as pleating men, but God, whichtrieth our hearts. 3, g. For I came not to youtodeceive you in- to Errour,,, not to, plead for flethly Luûs not 8. So being affeaionateiy deurous of you, we were willing to bave ime parted unto you , not the gefpel of God onely, but allo our own fouls, becaufe ye were dear unto us. s. So my thong Love to you made me not only willingly to preach the Gofpel to you, (without any felfillt, proud, or covetousdefign) but you aretb dear to me, that I think not my Life too dear for you. 9. For ye remember, brethren, our labour and travel: for labouring night and day, becaufe we would not be chargeable unto anyofyou,we preach- ed unto you the golpel of God. 9. ye cannot but remember my great Toil and Labour, how working at my Trade Night and Day, becaufe i would not be chargeable to anyof you, I preached the Gospel to you freely. so. Ye are witneff_s, and God a1J , how holily, and juftly, -and unblame. ably we behaved our felves among you that believe. so. I appeal to your felves, and to God, as Witnefiès, that our behaviour with you was, hold', loft, and blamelclb.. t1, As