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Ch. 2. Paul's love 1. Théflalonians. to t aem. Ch . t t: As you knáw howwe exhorted 3 That bloody Perfecutionoft goethwith the Carnal Church for a great Duty. and comforted , And charged every That God is W it pleated with the Perfe. one ofyou (as a Father doth his chit- c,tors of his Servants, though they doit as tó dren) 12. That yewould walk worthy plcare him. of God, who bath called youunto his c. That malignant Perfecutorsare oft fo mar. Kingdom and glory. as to be contrary to all men, or engage them. II, 12. As you know how tenderlyI exhor- felves againft thecommon Intereft ofMankind, ted, and comforted, and charged not only the that they may perfecure the Faithful. 6. It is thefilencing of the heft Preachers of Afiemblies, but every one that I could (peak the Gofpel, which hath the heat of their mabig to, even as a Father will do to everyChild ; Want zeal. thatnow you are Chriftians, you will live as is 7 It is that Preaching which would Cave (nimbler, the G'odyou ferce, and the Kingdom Souls, which they forbad : would becaufe this and Glory to which he hath called you. Preaching is the Means to lave Souls, it is that 13. For this cauCe allo thank we Satan aimeth hisMalitiaagainftit. God without ceafing i bdcaufe when s. Perlèctsting and lactating faithful Preach- ye received the ward of God Which ers, is the way to till up the Sins ofrhe ntEnemies. malig- 3'e heard ofus, ye received it not as God ufeth not to bririg theutmoft Wrath the word 'of men , but (as it is in on Men, till they have filled up their Sins. truth) tho word of God, which effe- to flow long foever they profper, Wrath tually worketh allo in you that be- will come at left to the uttermoft,onmalignant Sinnersand Perfecutors of the faithful Preached of the Gohpel. 17. But we, brethren, being taken from you for a fhort time, in pre: fence, not in heart, endeavoured the more abundantly to feeyour facewitk great defiré. 17. But our conftrained abfence from you, (in Perlon, not inHeart) made us the moreear- neftly delire to fee you. 18. Wherefore we would have come unto you ( even . I Paul ) once and again , but Satan hindred us. IR. I would oft have come to you , and feting by your own Neighbours, as well as in 'attempted it : but by God's permiflion Satan the fame Faith. N te, The fame Faith, Hope, and Holinefs, will meet with the fameermity in allCountries. lieve. 13. And it is the matter of our unceffant Thanks to God, that youteceived not the Go- fpel as Mens 'Word, with a meer Humane Faith and Obedience ; but as God's 'Word, with a Divine : which it appeareth tope, bt thepow- erful effr.acy of is on your (hives, who are true Believers. 34. For ye, brethren, became fol- lowers of the churches of God, which in Judea are in Chrift jelus: for }*e al fohave fulí'ered like things of your own country-men, even as they have of the Jews. 14. Ye follow the Churches in elder, in fuf- 15.Whoboth killed the Lord Jefus, and their own prophets, and have perfectited us; and they pleafe not God and are contrary to all men 16. Forbidding us to fpeak to the Gentiles, that they might be faved, to fill up their fins alway, for the wrath is come upon them to theut- termoft. hindred me, (by ftirring up Perfecution and Reftraints, and making me Work elfewhere bq Oppofition.) 19. For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoycing ? are not even ye in the pretence of our Lord Jefus Chrift at hiscoming ? 20. For ye are our glory and joy. 19,20. For what is that Hope, and Joy, and Crown, for which I labour fo hard, and fuffer fo much? Is it not your Converfron and Salvation, which before Chrift at his coming 15, 16. ALte, u. Thatthe CarnalChurch bath will be my Toy? Yes, ye are our Glory and been more perlecucing and bloody than the Joy' that God bath fo Llefsd our Labours to Heathens. your Salvation. 2. That Chrift himfelffcemed not to them trite, T. True Minifters ofChrift thin and good enough to live, e ro be endured among labour far more for Mens Convert n and Sal- them but was murdered as a Traytor_ and varion, than for Reputation, Hon r, Riches, BlaCphemer, by pretended LawandJuftice. And Prefermentor Domination. l?cophecs and Apofllts had thelike ufage, 2. Though