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Ch. 3. Exhortations to I. T 2. Though God will reward Faithful Preach- ers though they have (Mall Succefs, yet to have great Sneed's, to the loving ofmany, isfar more comfortable, not only now, but at theComing of (hrift. C H A F-lerefore when we could no longer forbear, we thought it good to be left at Athens alone : 2. And fent Timotheus our brother and minifter of God, and our fellow- labourer in the gc,pel of Chrift, to efftablifh you, and to comfort you con- cerning your faith. 1, 2. Nate, Thatin the time oftrying Perfeca- tions, Chriftiaus have fpecíal need of confirming and comfortingHelps. 3. That no man fhould be moved by thefe afiCtions: for your fives know that we areappoinred thereunto. 3. Nate, Sufferings for Chrift Mould be foex- pected, that they fhould teem no ftrange fur- prifing thing. 4.. For verily when we were with you, we told you before, that we liould duffer tribulation; even as it came to lugs, and ye know. 4. God's foretelling us of S,,ffering, fnould fore-arm la for it. q. For this caufe when I could no longer forbear, I gent to know your faith, left by fotne means the tempter have tempted you, and our labour be in vain. S. Nate, That though cenforious Sufpicions of Men be forbidden, yet Man is fo mutable and weak a thing, that loving Sufpicions for preventing Hurt, are nec.ffàry to them that have the Care of Men. 6. But now when Timotheus came frein you unto us, and brought us good tidings ofyour faith and charity, and that ye have good remembrance of us always, del1rin,g greatly to fee us, as we alto tofee you : 7. There- fore, brethren, we were comforted o- ver you in all our of lidion and dif- trefs by your faith. 6, 7. tote, That they that by Affii&ion are not drawn to Sin, are matter ofJoy to them- felves and their Friends, notwithftanding their Sufferings.** 8. For nowwe live, if ye Rand fait in the Lord. hell. Holinefs andLove. Ch 4. 8. Your Sredfaf taefs and Victory is the Joy or Life of our Live'. 9. For what thanks can we render to God again for you, for all the joy wherewith we joy for your fake before our God, 9. We can never be thankful enough to God, for the Comfort which we have in you. so. Night andday praying exceed- ingly that we might- fee your face, and might perfeft that which is lack- ing in your faith ? t u. note, That the Faith of good Chriftiaps is wanting in A& and Obje&),, and naederh Increafe and Help thereto. r i. Now (.od himfelf, and ocr Father, and our Lord Jefus Chrift direa our way unto you: 12. And the Lord make you to increafè and abound in love one towards another, and towards all men, even as we do towards you. rt, tZ. Nate, That to abound in Love to Saintsas Saints, and to all Men as Men, is the fiate of true Increafe in Grace. s 3. To the end he may eftabli ds your hearts unblamable in holinefs before GM even our Father, at the coming ofour Lord Jefus Chrift, with all his faints. a3. rate, That it is confirmed Faith working by abounding Love, which is the Q,alification in which we may ftand uncondemned, as truly holy before God, at the coming of Chrift to Judgment. CH A P. IV. s. ürthermore then we befeech you, brethren, and exhort you by `the Lord Jefus, that as ye have received of us how you ought to walk, and topleat God, fa ye would abound more and more. r. Note, That Posts Doctrine,gainft Joftiíi- cation by the Works of the Law, contifteth with vehement urgency, for Men topleafe God, bydohig their Duty, andabounding therein. 2, 2, 4., 5. For ye know what com- mandments we gave you by the Lord jells. For this is the will of God, e- ven )tour fànflification, that ye (he old abftain from fornication : That every one of you Ihould know how topoffefs his veffel infan£tification andhonour; not in the luit of conuapifcence, even as the Gentiles which knownot God; 7.. 3, 4, S, Y'oá