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Ch. 4. Of the Refur. I.-Theft: and Taft fudgment, C1i,rÏ 2, 3, 4,, s. You know how we charged you and to do your own bufinefs, and to fromChritl, as that whichGodrequiteth in you, work with your own hands, (as we that you be a Holy People, and therefore commanded you.) that you be no Fornicators, but be careful to r r. And to that end, that you make it our ufeyour Bodies in purity and honour, and not Y in flefhly Luit, like the ignorant Heathens, earneft care and itudy to avoid all ftrife, and to 6. That no man go beyond, and de- live in quietnefs with all Mela: And for this, fraud his brother in any matter' be- that you avoid medling in other Mens Matters caufe that the Lord is theavenger of unneceflàrily, but mind and meddle with the Bunch which is your own; and thatldlenefs cult you not on others for Supply, but thatyou work for your fclves, as I commaded you. Nate, That he that will increafein Love, mull I. Study Qietne/s: 2. And not meddle un- called with other Mens Matters: 3 Not make himfelf need the help of others: 4,And there- fore notlive in itupoverilhing Idlenefs. all loch, as we alto have forewarned you, and teftified. 6. That no Man tread upon or defraud his Brother in anyMatter, doc. Note, Some think that it is Unnatural Luit that is here obfeurely named by Modefty , But that it forbids all forcible or frudulent Wrong to another in body or Eftate, is moti probable. 12. That ye may walk honeftly to-, And note, That God is efpecially the Avenger ward them that are without, and that of filch Wrongs, in which the Power and Fraud of Oppreflòrs leaveth Men no otherHelp but ye may have lack of nothing. . Gods. ' 52.. That fa your Condition in the World 7. For God bath not called US unto may enable you to live in a comely fort, with nncleannefs, but unto holineís. Reputation, and not espofe you to Contempt, 7. It is to. Holinefs, and from allUuleanilefs, andthat Want maynot aflüft you. thatGodbath called, by us Chrift: And we mutt 13. Bu t ',would not have you to be live according to our vocation, if we are con- ignorant, brethren, concerning them voiced indeed. whichare aflae a thatye forrownot, e= 8. He therefore that defpifeth, del- 1 > laifeth not man, but God, who bath Yen as others which have no hope. alto given unto us his holy Spiri . 13. And left you be tempted to doubtful oe, $. Thofe therefore that plead for filch Sins as over - forrowful Thoughts of the Dead like them harmlefe, and defpile chete Bounds of Luft, dif- that believe not 'a better Life hereafter, I pife God's ownCommandments and him, and would not have you cherith filch Sorrows by not only us that preach them ; and they dcfpife ignorance of their Cafe, the Spirit ófHolinefs, given by God to all the 14. For if we believe that Jefus Faithful, which condemneth chefeLufts died, and role again, even fo them' 9. But as touching brotherly love. allo which (leep in Jefus, will God ye need not that I write unto you : brin with him. for ye your felves are taught ofGod 4gwi how can we believe that Chriit died to love one another. and role, but we mull alto believe the Refrre&i- 9; As for Brotherly Love, you have not filch on of thole that are the departed Members of need to be taught it as thole that know it: For Chrift he will bring their Souls with him, for beyond o bath a way of teaching by Efficiency, they are with him now r and he will raife their beyond that of bath taught you to love Bodies, and fo bring theentire Man with him oneanother, by giving you this Love, 14 his Holy Spirit. in Judgment. to, And indeed ye do it towards Note, That Death is called a Sleep to the Faithful, withrefped to the Body, and theReft all the brethren,which are in all Ma- of the Sodl from Stikrow; but not as if the Souk cedonia : but we befeech you, bre- were but in a fleepy Inaâivity. thren, that ye increa(è more and' 15, For this we fayunto you by the more; word of the Lord, that we which are to.. Awe, t. That it is a wife way to make alive and remain unto the coming of thhonbetrer> to praiÇe fo much Good as is in the Lord, (hall not prevent them 2, Even thole that God hath taught by his which are áiieep. own Operations, have need to be entreated by t s. For I fay this not as my Word, but Goes, Men to increafe, even in the Duty ófLoving That fitcli ofus Believers as (hall be found alive others. then, thall not go'before them that are dead to 1 i, And that ye ftudy to be quiet, Ch; ilt at his coining. 16. Far