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Ch. 4. 0fthe Y. Thefialonians. lal= udgment. Ch. 5, 16.. For the Lord himlèlf 1hall de- of the Soul alone, the State ofwhich Godhath fcend from heaven witha Shout, with lets dearly anddal in ±ly reveat d tons. the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the' dead in thrift 'hall rifefiril : 56. For the Lord himfelf corning down in his vilìble Humanity. from Heaven, ;gall call the 'World together , as Men call A114htblics, by Shout,. by Voice, or by a Trumpet; fo Stall Ora by his unknown way, called theVoice of an Archangel, and the Trumpet of God ; and Soft the dead Chriftians Shall be raifcd to Lire. a7. Then we which are alive and remain, fhall be caught up together Zvih them in the cloud , to meet the Lord in the air: and fo (hall we ever b, with the Lord. i8. Wherefore, tonifort one ancth;rwith thefe words. 17, 513. Then thefe of us who Stall be alive and sevain, Shall by his Power be caught up with them, ro meet C in the Air; who will adjudge us to evetlhfing Life, and fo we Oral' ever after that be with Chrittrn Glory where he is: Therefore encourage and comfort your Pelves, and each other, with the lively Be- lief; the joyful Hopes, and the frequent_menti- ©u. of this muff blefièd Time and State Aare,. t. That tho' Peul knew not the time, it's a groundlefs Reproach of Paul by them that fly, 'He. thought that he fhcufd have lived hoe till the coming of ChriS to Judgment. Had Pau.' made Men believe that Chrift Shouldcosce again in that veryAge, .what a delusionwould it have been to the Churches; and what faith 1Çxpeiìations and Religious Duties would iit have enticed them to d and have.tempted the next Age, that faw the fruftration, to have re- vcted to Infidelity. Tuo' we are told, Thatwe muff meet the Lord in she Air, and then be ever with him ; it plea¡èd not God to give Sts yet a dißitti knowledge of the Platt, nor vhat he will do with the New Eaíth in which Righteoulnets will dwell : Bet where-ever it is, it will be in leavenly Gibry with Chrif. 3. They that will have true Chriftian Com- fort, nuif fetch it from the daily and lively Relief and Coufideration of this, That we ¡hall fssr ever he in Happiuels with Chrif our ,Lotd, and theholy Society of the Bleffed. 4. Q. Why ¿cub mt Paul vivifier Ikon tvitb Else mention rf the Soul's Immortality and Idppi- nefs before tie defurreITicn cf she Porly -? Ercaufc, T. It was-the Body that Suffered -by Perfecution,and that flept, and that they moat n- et for roo much 5 -and thereforeit was about it that they needed Comfort. 2. And the Souls Immortality was a more undoubted thing, (without which a Refurre&ionof the time Man had been imporlible.) 3. And the Felicity or Perfefiion of entire Marais greater than that CHf1P. V. i. Lit of the times and feafons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2. For your leaves know perfetfly thrt the day of the Lord fo comeh as a theif in the night. r. 2. But to write to you of the particular timeof ChriS's coming, I fuppoie y,ouexpe& not; for you havebeen told, that he comethas a Thief in the night, unexpe&ed, Men not fore-knowing when. 3. For when they (hall fay, Peace and Pafety; then hidden deftruttion cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they (hall not efcape. 3. So Muth muft the Time be unknown, that it will fcuprize then, with fudden unavoidalde Defiru&ion when they moltprefume that all is well with them, and fàfe. 4. But ye,brethren,arenot in dark- net's, that that day fhcuid overtake you es aThiéf. 5. Ye are all the chil- dren of light, and the childrenOf the . day : we arenot of the night, nor cf darknefs. 4, 5. But oho' youkrownot the time, it will not lb furprize you, as Thieves do Men alley]) in thenight: for ye are all in the Day-light,ancl not unprepared, in a fiase of rkrfcnefi. 6. Therefore let us not Beep -as do others ; but ler us watch and be f uber. 6. T,ereföre let this remember you to avoid the carelcfs Prefumption, she ti ices, and untie- paired Rate of the Sleepy World. (and to live as awake, and°in fobriety. 7. For they that fleep, fleep in the night : and they that be drunken, are drunken in- the night. 7. For the Night is the timeofSleep, and to hide the Shame ofDruukennefi by Darknefs. 8. But let us who are of the day, be faber, puttingon thebreallplate of faith and love, and for an helmet the hope of íàlvation. 8. But lei us,whom God bath broughtout of Darknefs into the CM-la an Light, lice foberly, wearing Faith and Love as Soldiers dg a Bread- plate, and the Hope of Salvation as they do an iieltnet,to fave Head andHeart from ail mtanits,