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Ch. 5. ro éieem Í. Ther alonians. Chriff's minif1ers. Ch. y 9. For God bath not appointed us that lived far off, and never laboured among to wrath , but to obtain fàlvation by them. our Lord (efüs C kilt. and Due Love andRefpeek between thePafhtes the Flock, and beingat peace among them- 9. For it is not us, that are his faithful Ser- (elves, the are way to eltablifh a Church in a vanes, but his rebellious Enemies, whom-God pofpero Bate. bath appointed ro Wrath ; but us he appoint- cab .NOW we exhort you, brethreny th to obtain Salvation by Chrift. 4 nc. Who died for us, that whether warn them that are unruly, comfort we wake or fleep, we fhould livetoge- the feeble- minded, fupport the weak, ther with him. patient tocards all men. . io: Who died for us, that whether we wakè i4. Thofe that are drforderly and unruly; warn : Thole that are feeble-minded, comfort or fleep in Body, live or die, we Should live Thofe that are weak, fupport, and help them with him. tobear their Burdens : Audbe gentle, and. pa- 11. Wherefore comfort your felves tient to all. together, and edifieone another, even N re, Howcontrary tothis is reviling and de- ftroying all tnelè forts : yea , filencing the as alto ye do. ftrongefl,thatfear finningagainfGod,byfwear- r t. Therefore continue asyou do to affemble ing, firb(cribing, and conforming to the need- end comfort your (elves together with thefe leß-and wicked Canonsof Papal Ofurpers. hopes, and to edifie one another thereby. Note, Parai knew that Rulers wore agaicft 15. See that none render evil for fuels Aeffemblies andExercifes. Qua. Bat muff evil unto any man : but ever follow nei theybe fireras, ifMen f ebid them? !nf Not that which is good, both among your as an A& of Obedience, when God common- felves, and to all men. deth us to ufe them: But Force may make it t s. Though Mea by doing evil to you, de: impoflïble to us; as it is to relieve the Poor, ferve evil, returnit not by Revenge, byWord, when Men difable us, and take away all that or Deed : But fee your felves to dogood, barb we have to give them. to Chriftians, and to all Men. 12. Andwe befeech you, brethren, 16 r 18. Rejoyce evermore. Pray to know them which labour among withoutceaing.I every thing give you, and are over you in the Lord, thanks: for this is the will of God in and admonilh you ; 13. And to e- Chrift Jefus concerning you. ifeem them very highly in love for 16,17, I S. Whatever you fuffer, aiwa sre: their works fake. And be at peace joice, becaufe frill your Caufe of Joy remain_ among your (elves. eth: And let Prayer be your conftant Pra&ice, 12,13. Acknowledge theirOfficeand Worth, and your habit of holy Defile be a continued and your Obligations, to them that are truly virtual Prayer. And inevery Cafe give Thanks called to be your Bitttops, or fpiritual Guides to God, becaufe your Mercies are ftill greater and Rulers, and labour among you in that Of than your Sufferings: And this God hathmade Tice, and admonifh you And as their Office is your Duty, by thegreat Bleflings which he halls high, their Labour and your Benefit great, let given you in Chrift. them begreatly efteemed by you, and dearly, 19, 20. Quench not theSpirit. De- loved fortheir Work. This dueLove and sub- tuft not r0 hhefariaS million to them, and living in Peace among 1 P 1 5 yourfelves,will make you a happy Church. 59, 20. Quench not DivineOperations ofthe Nate, t. That every Church Could have their Spirit, by Negle&, or by wilful Sin. Set not properOverfèers and Guides among them. light by thole inftru&ing Gifts which any ex- . 2.. That theft Patters are over them in the ercife by the fpecial'Affiftance of the Spirit of Lord, and not to be ruled by the People. God : For the Witnefs ofJefus is the Spirit of 3. That the Work of Bithops is to labour Prophecy. among them , and admonith their particular 21. Prove all things : hold fait Churches. that which is good. 4. That their Authority mutt be owned, and u r. Receive not hail or rally they highly eftecmed and loved. Y , without s. That it is for their Works fake that this °fuffrcient Proof, any Doftrines, or pretended is due to them, and tierefore not to thof that Revelations, or Pra&ices ; but the Good that work cat. is tried and proved, hold fait. 6. The Mopswhom in this Text they-were 22. Abltain from all appearance of intreared to own, honour, and love,were theft evil, that lábeuted smog them, and not manly thofç 22, Aveid