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1, 5: .biver3 Pui epts. L Theft: Divers Precepts. Ch. 22. Avoid all Sin fo carefully, as not to ven- but one, with there three Faculties. q. Some, cute on that which you have loft caute, to ful- that he loath but one, with thefe two Faculties, pea to be finful, till you have tried whether it Intelle&ual and Senfitive. 5. Some, that he be fò or, not, bath but one, with the Faculty of Intellei}ion 2). And Cie very God of peace and Will; and that the Sen rive is Corporeal. fanaifie you wholly : and I pray God Solire.e do we'kuowour Pelves. What I chink you whole -1pi it and foul and body moil probable, I have opened io Methada Tiret. l.,çia; That Man bath but one SubftautialSoul, be preferved blamelefs unto the co- wich both intelleP`tual and S_ufrtive Faculties; Ming Of our Lord JefusChrift. and that it is uncertain whether the Vegetative 23. And God who giveth and loveth the be its Faculty, or ouely the Faculty ofthe Igne- Peace and Prolperity of his Servant; faudtifie ous or Etherial Sob l-toce, which is the immedi- you wholly: And I pray God that you may are Vehicle of the Soul. It is enough for us to wholly, in Spirit, Soul, and Body, be fo pre- know fo much of our Souls as our Dash in ufing ferved from Sin, that you may Band uncondem- them and our Felicity do reyure: As he may bed, approved as faithful, at the coming of know to :de his Clock, Watch, Houle, Horte, Chrlle. who knoweth not how to make them, nor can Nate, x.Ic is ofgreat oie for our Comfort and auatomile them. Imitation,to kn lx not that be their Bodies Papa the G ffPe Peace. 24. Faithful is he that calleth you, live till Chrift's coming, or that they Mould be who alf0 will do it. without all Sin and Blame; but without all 24. Nofe, God's Faithfdnefs may give the condemning Sin, and lb jufdtied and forgiven San }shed great Hope of their Perreverunee. as to their hnperfeOrionx, 25. Brethren, pray for us. 26. Great 3. Hedoth not make Spirit, Soul, and Body all the brethren with an holykin. theee fubftantial compounding Parts of Man, 25, 2G. Nec. r. Apoilles needed the Prayers (as far as can be proved ;) hut fecmech onely to of weak Chrillians. toucan, that he deiireth that they may Band ap- r 2. The Ceremony ofKiffing,and fuck other proved in all chele three re(e}s: I. In the are mutable, ficor untie, as cuítom of Countries Spirit, that is the Habits and Difpofrtion of the varieth theSigui cac;ou. Soul, looking beyond it fell toits End. 2., In 27.1 charge you by the Lord, that the Seal, as it aáeth the Body which it anima- this ej iÍfle be read Unto all holy lare- tech. 3. In the Body, as it is the Iofrumeo c of the Soul. But cf there things even Chriftian . t}]r:ri. 2 The grace of our Lrld philofophers di.fer. t. Some think, Matt bath Jefus Chrift be with you. Amen. three dittincaSouls, Intelleitoal, Senficive, and z7, 28. Note, That the Epi4les wyitcen to vegetative. z. Some that he hatla two, Intel- tingle Cimrche' were not confined to their ufe, 'canal and Senitive; and that the Vegetative but by them toba communicated to as many ou is a part of the Body. 3. Some, that he huh they well could. The Second Epi[l;le of St. L the Apoiil:: to t::e 7BESSALflNIA1t' S. C II A P. I. T. Aul, and Silvanos, and Timos thous, unto the Church of the Thifalor,ians, in God our lather, and the Lord bibs Chrift. 2. Grace etlz: unto yauand peace from God our Faer er, and the Lord :ferias Chrift: 3. We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren as it is meet, be- esule that your faith groweth exceed ingly, and the charity of every one of you all towards each other abound- 3 a'atë,