Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch I. 1eafons for comfort I I.Th 3. Nte, That it is the growthofthe Church in Faith and Love, which is the matter of their true Profperity, and thePaftorsjoy and Thanks to God, rather than their Riches, Honours, or notional contending 3Gnowledge. 4. So that we 'our (-elves glory in you in the churches ofGod, for your patience and faith in all your perfecu- tions, and tribulations that ye endure. 4. Nte, When Worldly Menare -Ahamed of Chriftians in Perfecution, godly Menrejoyce in their Faith snd Patience, as being then malt honourable. 5. Which is amanifeft token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye maybe counted worthy of the King- dom ofGod, for which ye alto fuffer. S. Which is a plain Prognoftick, that God, the tignreous Judge, will reward you with a part in that Kcngdom for which you (Infer, as being worthy of it in a fente of Grace, that is, qualified as thote to whom it is promifed and freelygiven. 6. Seeing it is a righteous thing with God ro recompence tribulation to them that trouble you; 7. And to you whoare troubled, reft with us. 6, 7, For God ntleth righreoufly; and it is thewayofhis Juliire, topunifhyour Perfecutors, and give you who are perfecuted reft with us hisApoftles. Nn*; That they who think this is meant of the Deffrudion of fcrssfalem, mutt think that Pans thóught he fhould live to fee it, and that he and they rhould then have reft on Earth; which were to be deceived, and to deceive them. 7, 8. When theLord Jefus [hall be revealed from heaven with his mightq` angels, in flaming fire taking ven- geance on them that know not God; and that obey not the gofpel of cur Lord Jefus Chrift 7, 8. Nt,, By [them that know not Gedi is ufually meant the Heathens; which confuteth them who diftort this to liignifie but the De- ftruf}ion ofthe7ews. And to them inbíacedonia; it was more to be delivered from the Heathens who were the Rulers, than from a handful of frattered defpifed f,,, e. 2. Chrift will appear with his Angels to judge and punifh the Ungodly . efTalonians. inperfecutions.Ch. r, 9. Who Shall be punished with e- verlafting deftriìfttion from the pre- fence of the Lord, and from thegory of his power : 9. Nte, That the Phrafes, [everlafeing de- t!rM£ion), andUfnin the prrfonceofdoe Lord), and [from the gkry cf bit Power], agree to the ufivi Scriptute-defcription of Damnation, and not to the Delttattion offeraafalera, without diflortiini Nor was it much afcribed then to an appear- ance of Chrift in Glory, that the Heathen who defpifed him, and killed him, and perfecuted his Caute and Servants, did alto deftroy the fewe. so. When he fhall come tobe glo- rifled in his faints, and to beadmired in all them that believe (becaufe cur Teftimony among you was believed) in that day. t 3. /Vac, The End of Chrift's glorious come ing will be tobe glorified and admired in holy Believers, as having by his Merit, Intercellion, and Spirit, made them by Holinefs fit for Glory, and in juftice let them above their Perfecutors.. 2. So far were the poor Chriftians from be- ingthen fuch a Glory and Admiration,that they continued abov. two hundred years after this to be perfecuted and made the lean of the World. e r. Wherefore alto we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleafure of his goodnefs, and the work of faith with power : t t. We pray that God will fir you by his Grace for this, and make you fuitable to your holy Galling, and hilly perform to you all the Purpofes of his Love and powcrfi lly finish your Work of Faith. Note, Worthinefs, its r Gofpcl- fenf, is that Moral Qalification by Grace, to which, as a Moral Condition, God bath promifed the Llef- fing. 12. That the name of our Lord Jefas Chrift may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God , and the Lord Jefas Chiít. 12. Note, That San4ifyinggrace maketh Chriftians aGlory to the Name ofChrift, dec'a:- ratively, as the Caute is honoured in-theEffect; and they are glorified in Chrift poffeffively, as theMeans in theBnd obtained, and the Runner in the Prize; and relatively, as an Adopted Sort ina Prince that adopted him, K CH A;''