Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch z. It Thefralonlans. Ch: z. fuch large Reproofs? and why not called Sims, ere. any more than to have fen Hacker nians, as well Nice!Means? If they were not or a Bedlam rave. then known tobe his Ofbfpring it feems thefe q. And if fuch wonders of 'deceit had bean 'Heretics had other Fathersbefore him, more no- wroaght by him, as is herementioned, asfhould ted and followed.- 2. Sims.n was revealed Be- delude thofe that received not the Cove of the fore the writingof this Epiftle, .AEC. 8. and the Truth to alvation, Hiftory would have fuller Herefies before too common. 3 There were recorded h Miracles, and this Succefs:.Even fevenor eight other HerefiesdefcribedbyEpipha- on ,All 1inmt at believed notthe Truth, but had vies, as Early as theSimonianm andGnofticks, and pleafrtreinUT righteoufnefs. as bad. 4. Sure Gnofticifmwas not thenan un- 4. Some ink that Paul here fpeakethofd revealed Myftery, if it be mentioned as oft as Seditioás Ring-leader of the Yews, that drew the Dottorrhinketh. s. And throngGod's. Mer- them into Rebellion, to their deftrudiou ; and ey thefa/ling arrayfsrt4 was comparatively but of that the fear of Some Roman Governour wasit few, and not offo great a number of Churches that for a time reftrained him. But this Opinion "orChrifians, as was a ftop to their Expeftation few follow. ofthe comingofChrift.Itis notnoted su..4d. t. - S. Lyraandfouieother Papifts think, that ¡t that the Sameritanrwere feduced by him after was Mamma that was this great Deceiver, and they believed. If it were true, that they, and the Antichrift, and the Empire that withheld. Come at Rame were, what's that to all the His Reafons are rendred inhis Annotations on Churches? 6. Iris sealed; Sixteen hundred years the Revelations, and on this Text: And Zanchy fine Simonwas revealed; and yet Chrift is not was muchof thefame mind, thoughhe thought come; How then is that made an Occatìon of the Popewas a kind of a fecond Antichrift. Mena delayed Expee`,tation? 7. That Chrift's g, But the far greateft number ofProteftants coming before thawed to be very improbable, as the Manof Sin, and Son rfPerditson, 6y. and and fuller might be, How many hot Perfecuti- is the Roman Empire that.withheld his ens of Cite, ans after that,do all Church-Hifto- Revelation: But foam few think that it was the ries defcribe, in another manner than through Godly Bifbops of Rome, that for Come Ages pof- ? And what could the Yews do t left that Seat, (and many were Martyrs) that all the Empire,being condemnedVagabonds, but withheld this-Revelation of Antichrift, till they by way ofRabble tumult, which the Raman weretaken away byDeath: For Men wouldnot Power Chemed? B. And it [him that taeer vi- believethat theSucceffoursof fo good Men could oleuce m the Text, to make b withhold- be Antichrift. Abundance of Volumes arewrit- erh,Oi EKteP5Jtofgnifienot [him],but(that ten to provethePope to be the Antichtift ; and thntg] which withheldeth even the Chriftians one of the chef, by Bithop George Damname. not yet feparating from the Yews, For, a . There Fcr my felf, t. I can better try hint by thé was no let-time of feparation : Paul did it long plain parts of Scripture, than by the hard Pro- before the Apoftlesthat convetfed with thorn in phecies. And I can eally fee many and great Yudea, and when they did, none know. And points in which Popery is contrary to the Word Paul withdrew from them as Obftinacy, gave ofGod, andI ammothmoved by loch Moral 9 r him caufe, in one Place boner than in others; gumenes as Dr. H. More trfeth in his Myftery of and navet fo far, but that he laboured for their taigsiry. And I find enough to fettleone againft Converlion. Nor were any fuch direful Perle- Popery. 2. But whether it belie that this Text culions an affe&of that Separation, as far as juft meaneth, or thofeapplied to him in theRevela- Htilory informeth us ; it was theLeered Yams tion, I have not skill enough tobe Pure, or very thatwere the Rudiments'of molt of the Chrifti- confident. And, 3, I thinka Chriftian may bë an Churches in theEmpire, to whom the Gen- very fife without underftanding Chafe obfcurd tiles were added. And this Doctor himfelf oft Texts: I long to know G.d andYefas Chrift bet- afferteth, That Rome, .Alexandria,.Amioch, and ter, more than to know .Anticfrriff : His name fuch other great Cities, had two Bifhops, and is not in the Creed; nor is it an Article of thé two Churches, one of the Yews, and one of the ancient neceffaty Faith to know who he is ; fa Gentiles. And the Chriftian Yews did not Pepe- we know the Palle Do&rines and Pra&icea rate float their Country-men of along time. which we mutt avoid. Perhaps, thofe that havé That which the Apoftlenientionedi,thewhole more throughlyfudied thefeTexts may know .Catholick Church feemeth to be concerned in i more ; (though I muff fay,that their great difä- whereas the little Pranks ofSimon Magus were greement ofopiniondifcouragethmy hopesof full like Yam of Leyden's, and Knipperdohing`s, and underftanding them)I think it my duty to con= `tamesNa1lors, whichhad a few contemnedFol- fees mitIgnorance ,andnotpretendto theKnow= lowersiin a few Towns, a littlewhile, and then ledgewhich I have not.They that are offended ended in Shame: Like the Boys Squibs compa- at this gapor defe& in my Paraphrafe, May turn red to a War. to many others that know more, or are more 8. And what Myftery was there in fo grofi confident. Iniquity, as fat Simon to call him&lf God the If ym; fay, Why werethee Pmopls flea writ+ Kit a ten