Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch 2: IL Thelralonkans. Ch. 2, . ten, if not to be underftood? I anfwer, Tobe Church, fay fome, orof moltor much ofit, fay underftood by them that can, and not tobe ex- others, unto Idolatrous Worship, andfubje&iòn prïunded by them that cannot. And I add, ' to the Papacy, and that Manof fin, thePope, that the great beloved Prophet Danielthus con- ' berevealed, the A&iveandPat1ive Son ofPer- dudeth, Ch. Ia.8,9.Iheard, bat lunderftood no.--- 'dition, the..4baddon, the Head of this Apo. And theAngel faid, Go thy may, Daniel, for the ' Racy, given up to all fin himfelf, and to pro- words areclefed up and fealed te the time of the end. ` Wrote ir. q: Who clain.eth Chrift's Preroga- And I take it tobeno excel ofHumility to con- tive under the name of his univerfal Vicar,and fefs, that inExpounding Prophecies,I am not fo ' overthrows his Officers and Laws, and fetsup wife as Daniel. That Popery is a heinous cor- his own againit them, andovertoppeth and Cub- ruption ofChrifianity, I am pall doubt : And ' je&ethall Princes and Magiftrates ; and this in thatit is aggravated by theProfeffronof the Gof- ' the Churchof God, fay mofe, or ¡n that Ido- gel, and fathering their Sin on Chrift. ' latrous Churchof hrl own, falfely, called;.. The But forthe help ofchofethat are morecapable 'Church ofGod, fay others, as if he were there ofarrivingat certainty than I any I willdiftin& chief Lord himfelf, and arrogating names of ly tell the Reader the Paraphralè of the three.' Blafphemy. I told you formerly of all this. aloft confiderab'.e fort ofExpoficoiS. ' And now you knowwhet hindrethhisfpeedy L 'Y. 3. Let no Man peifwade you that 'atiling: Even the Empire as fuch, (fay fome), Chrif'scoming is at hand,for it will not betill ` including both the Pagan and Chriftian : Or .a great part of the Church fall away from Chri- ' (as others) the Empire, as Paganonly. 6. For ' ftianity, and Mah met that wicked Man and 'the beginnings ofAntichriftianiry are fecredy `Seducer be revealed, who is a Detroyer, and ' and myfterioulyalready working, which will ' (hall bedeftroyed, q. Who oppofeth and exalt- ' bringhim forth in time, even the Pride and ethhimfelf not only above all earthly Powers, Ambitionof Miniftersfeeking Superiority,and- ' but above, all forts ofDivine Worship, both ' the Peoples excels of Fa&iousrefpe&s to fome Heathenish and Chriftian. So that as if hewere ' above others, and falling into Se&s- andHere- ' a Gad, he will fet up his ownWorship as next ' fies in following them. Onely the Empire that to thefupreme only God, both. in the Temple ' now hindreth malt &1t be taken out of the 'at Yrrnfalem, and throughout all the now Chri- ' way : B. And then (hall thePope, that Manof Rian Haftern Empire,, and a great part further ' Wickednefs, arife (fay Come), on beopenly dil of the World ;, and under the Titleof God's ' covered to bpAntichrift (fay others :) Whom `greateftProphet, will put down God's own In- ' the Lord !hall confume by the Power of his ` Ritutions, and Laws, andGofpel, and fetuphis ' Word, preached by the two Witnefles,and. °own in the Read. 6. What it. is that (tops him , ' then deiroy by pouring out the Vials of his. is a thing known to you all, even thelmperi. ' Wrath upon him at Chit-latter coming to re- 'al Power; which as it falls, he will rife: For ' flare his Church. 9. Even that Pope, with ' as-he is tomake his talkReligion by a compoli- ' his Ram Chiurch ofPapiRs, whole coming to ' donof .Ariaoifm,Yudeifn-,?nd his own Inven- ' theP*cy is after that wayof working, by dons, fo the fwarm ofHerefies now among us, ' forcéandcheats, and feigned Miracles, which (Mrslairans, Ebionites C<rinihians,Gneffi-.4, -c) 'Saran teacheth and giveth them to (educe the 'arefecretly a MyferiìusIniquity preparing for ' Chriftian World. Io, And withal the de- him : Only that Empire that now letteth,muft ' ceiving Arts of falihoods by, which unrighte- give place to him, by diminution at his firf `oofnefs-is upheld' and promoted, to delude riling, and by its total overthrow irrthe Eaff, thofe that (hall perilh for ever: Becaufe they .at his full poffefîron. And fo he ¡hall in his received not found Do&rine when it was. '.time become the openSeducerand Captivater delivered, nor held the Chriftian Faithin. of the Church and World s and mutt Ray till,' Love, and in its power, burin Cullom, Hy- ChriR diminishand confume Mahometanifinby ' pocrifie, and Form,that It might fan&ìhe and ' his Word preached, and utterly deftroy it with. five then. . the gloryofhismore fullappearance before the ' Therefore God jufly gavethem upby defer- , end. 9. Even that Mahomet sKingdom, whafe tiono,toDeceivers andDelufions,to believe a lie.. , coming is by. Satanical, Murdering Wars, and ' I r. That all thefe. PäpiRs mightbe damned deceitful Pretences ofHeavenly Signs and Re- ' whobelieved: not the Truth that is contrary velations ; and with the unrighteousdeceit of to Popery, but had pleafu in its unrighre pretended oppofition to Idolatry, and to Chri- ' taus Principlesand Pra&ifes, and in that fen - Rians, as if they worship two or three Gods,' foal life which is contrary to the Chriftianiry and their Laws were not fo good as his: And 'Which they profels. chafe Superficial, Hypocrite-Chriftians, that III. The third confiderable Opinions runs ' had but the Name and Farm, and not the thus in the ParaphrafeEEpofitioit. hearty belief, love and obedience to theTruth I. Pouts words have relation both to (hall turn Mehemetans, and be damned. Daniel'swords, a..Antiochur, fay'mof, but of ' II. The commoneR Proteftant Paraphrafe is the Rona, Power rather, fay Calvin and Bright. thus, `i . 3 Chrift's coming(hall not be till there-man (who largely proveth it). " be a general Apofiacy of the wholevifible 2. It is Co fat from being true, that theChut. Maas