Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch, z, The mun,offn, II. Thef ilonians. rho he is. Ch. t; ftians rejoiced in Chris'sfending the Romans to ` above all Humane Power, and will arrogate deftroy Send-alum, that they greatly lamented ` the Name' and worfhip ofGods and put down it.: The Cities name was precious to them, the ' God's own inftituted Worship, and will have ,lìrft Chriftians being all Yews, andthe Gentiles ` Altars and Images ere&ed to themfclves. receiving the Gofpel from 3erufalem , Chrift ` 6. What delayeth themyet youknow : They wept over them when he Prophefied their, ruin : are killing one another for Frnpire at Rome; Nuts lamentation was great for them: The ' andthe fin of the poor Yews againft Chrift and ruin was dreadful, t r r 000 killed, and .7oonoo ` his Apoftlesisnot yet ripe for utter ruine; and carried Captive; And the Apoftles were all 'then next thedeftroyer will appear: For their 76ws; and there wasa common.expeitation a- `Self-Idolizing is already at work, as Caligulas mong the Yews of the Mef'iah's Glorious King- attempt affurethus, withNerq's Pride andCeo- t otn at yerufa!em, and they called it, The Holy 'elty : Onely the forefaid impedimentsat Rome, City, and Land. &c. do [top the Defolation and Abomination 3. The Abomination of defolation is by ' till it be removed, and then it will invade the Chrift himfelfcompared to that fpoken of by 'Holy City and Temple, and yudea ¡hall feel Daniel the Prophet, which was the deftroying the RomanPride and Idolatry. Who come as the Holy Placeand Worship, andletting up Ido- ` from Satan with all the help that he can give fatty in its Read. "And the Authors themfelves 'them, by PowerfulArmies,and with the Coun- of the fecond Ezpófition (as againft the Pope) tenance of the Roman Idolaters, Learning, and Expound the Defolating Abomination in Math. ' Magick, and Lying Oracles and Wonders, 24. to be the Roman Heathen Army coming to filch as Vefpafan pretended to work, and the lay welle theHoly City and Temple : For that ` Virtues that hisSon Taus made oftentation of Abomination of Defolation was to go before 'Andwith all else deceitful Learning and Arts the flight of-Men from Yerufatem, or to concur. ' whichmay countenance Idolatry and Wicked- And this Text, v. 3, doe feemeth Plainly to 'nefs, and beguile Men fitted to deftruCìiont follow Chrift, and fpeak of the fame that he ' Becaufe thefe poor Yews received not the Go- fpeaketh of. `feel inlove that they might befaved byChill, 4, Vefpafzan and his Son Titus by his Com- and many Chriftians proved Hypocrites, and wand were the Men that deftroyed' the Holy ' Formalifts, and Hereticks,therefareGod penal- City, Tempe, and Nation, and the Idolatrous ' ly will let lode upon them the Learned Ra- Heathens and their Worship there took prefent ' man Idolaters with their Arts and Subtlety, poffeflton, and fo fet up the Defolation and A- ' and advantages ofPower to delude them to bomination : And his younger Son Dominan worship Idols, which are Lying vanities: And deftroyed the Cnriftians, and Proclaimed him- fo they that would not believe the Truth, but (elfto be God, and to be worshipped with AL ' had pleafure in Unrighteoufnefs, might beleft tars and Sacrifices as God. ' to be their own deltroyers, by believing and s. This 1 <fafan took on him to work Mi- 'pradifingthe Idolatry and Wickednefswhich'. racles, healing a Blind Man, and many others : will damn them. So that fume foolifh Ye a s called him the Meffi- The Matter of all thefe three Expofitions in ah : and he and his Son Titus by their flattery it felt, hath a great deal ofTruth, that is, Ma- and fairlives got great efteetn asexcellent Men : homes is an Añtichrift (moll notorious ): The And their Learned Orators, &c. promoted the Pope as pretendedUnìverfaiHeadof the Church, honour of Idolaty bytheirs. corrupting Chriftianity in Doctrine, Worship, 6. This way of Selfedifying and promoting and Difcipline, and bloodily deftroying Soon- Idolatry, and Captivatingtheyews andall Chri- der Chrift, isone fort ofAntichrift. The Roman Mans, went on, though not equally, through Pagan Idolaters that fet up the Defolating A- all the Emperours almoft, till Conti-amine. bomination were no lets: But, whichthis Text 7. The attempt of (*aims Caligula told the meaneth, I know not, But I detat that Opi- Chriftiatas what further to expele, whenheCorn- pion that maketh all the Vifible Church Idola- mended Perronius to fee up his Image in the tersandAntichriftiaalinceConttantinedeliveredit Temple to be worshipped as yupiter. from Pagan Perfecution. Sure loch should not . Net's Cruelty prognofticated much. now complain of Perfecution, but fear Dt'iie- 3. ButVefpa&anand Ti; us were ftopt from the raneeand Profperity, Defolation heft attempted by the Life ofClan- dins, 13. But we are bound to give' VireUius; till he was made thanks alwa to God for you, bre- Érttperour himfelf. y v. And Chrift confumed their Idolatry by three, beloved of the' Lord, becaulè his Gofpe!, and deltroyed it by Conffanrinr. Gods hath from the beginning chofeti Thefe things premifed, their Paraphrafe is, 'v. you to falvarion through fan&ificati- '3. The dayof the Lord will not come till the onof the Spirit,and beliefof thetruth. 'yews- Rebellion and Revolt from the Romans 'provoke them to deftroy them, and thenwill 13. But whets I (peak of this petnicous A- ' the wicked Deftroyer appear,even the Romans poftafie of the followers of this Manof fin and jrxtßerjaiPride andRage, whoexalt themfelves perdition, it mindeth me to be thankful to K k 3 Got