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Ch. 3. To avoididlenef, .1. The1%Ionians. andill company. Ch.3: 3. Ncr cloth it make all to be ofequal power vnproftable Servants forfeit Wages; Ohwhat in. Church Matters, nor bindany-to gobeyond a deal of Buliinefs to little purpofe hathtthe his Power. t. Of Mans Capacity for Publick World toanfwer for 1 WAX EQjctCO y... V51 Church Communion, thePaftors are judges: , á y tot not labouring,but And if they be negligent, its their fin, which P P4So ` o , will not allow Private Men toforfake the Pub- bufily Trifling ; men will find that God gave lick Communion, till the Church fo far forfake t :em Life and Rearm for greater things. God as to beforfaken by him. 2. But Private 12. Now them that are fuch we Familiarity is in Private Mens Power, where command, and exhort by our Lord theymaydifcountenancetheScandalousbywith. fetus Chrift, that with quietneCs they .drawing fromthem. e work, and eat their own bread. 7. For your felves know how y r 2. To live on the labours or coft ofothers, ought to-follow us : for we behaved through bufe, indulging,flefhiy cafe, or unpro- not our fèlves diforderly among you, finable trifling, is fo great a fin, that I do com- 8.Neither did we eat any mans bread mand you, and exhort you, by theauthority cf for nought ; but wrought with labour Clarift, and as you will obey-him, that you a- -and travel night and day, that We void ít, and that you quietly and willingly get yourownliving by fouie profitable labour, and might not be chargeable toanyofyou : eat not other Mens Bread, but your own and 7, 8. Youknow whatyourExamplewas, that that not theBread of-Idlenefs. ought to be imitated: I did not live idly, and Ig. 14 But ye, brethren, be not look that the Church íhould maintain me, nor 'weary in well doing. And if any man barely hangou any, or needled), burden them : nor take their Bread which I paid not for: but obeynot our word by this epüfle,note while I taught you, I laboured and toiled at that man, and have no company with my Trade, that 'might be chargeable to none him, that he may be afhamed.i 5.Yet of you. count him not as an enemy, but ad- 9. Not becaufe wehave not power, mogith bim as a brother. bu_ to make our felves an enfample 13, 14,1 s If after all this the floathful will un.oyou to follow us. not labour, thoag't you are not to cut him off 9. My Minifterial Office and Labour made from the Church, as if it were forrejeding an maintenance fromyou my due; but Idlenefs I Effential part of Chriftianity, yet there is a fawwas a fir-, that had need ofExample as well Difcipline to beufed in the Church towards its as Dod}rine to fubdue it. Members: Seta note of flame upon that Man, to. For even when we were with by avoiding familiarity withhim: But yet take you, this we command you that if him not for an Enemy or Heathen, but an of- any would not work, neither thould fending hriftian, and continue to call him to Repentance. he eat. ate, Qt. Rat what if it be a Son? muff the to. Note, Poor Menthat will not work when Parents deny him Focd ? ...dal' If he be obftinate they can,do forfeit the Bread of Charity from in an idle or unprolitabe Life being able for a Men; but rich Men that live idly do by that better, T. The Parents lhould mark him out to fin forfeit their Food, (and more, even their rhame; 2. And fhould fo far ftraiten him in -lives and Souls) to God; but Men may not the Quality of his Food and Maintenance, as therefore take it from them. may make. his Sloth a penal Suffering to him, r 1. For we hear, that there are and fignifie their abhorrenceofhis Sin, though fome which walk among youdiforder- they may notfamifhhim to death. ív, working not at all, but are bufie- 16. Now the Lord of peace him' bodies. felf give you peace always by all aI. By diforderly Perfonl I fpecially mean means. The Lord be with you all, rich as I hear forne among you are who live not r7. The falutation of me Paul with in any profitable Trade and Labour, but yet mine own .. hand, which is the token in are bufie, but its about circumltantial, unnecef- every epiflae. fo I write; 18. The faty or unprofitable by-matters. tW.?e, That as Idlenefs is a bate fin, which grace ofour LordJefus Chrift be with gquala Life and Death, fo unneceffary and un- you all. Amen. profitable Labour is a mit-pending time; and a r6, r7, tR. Note, we may boldly Craft hint forfeiture of maintenance as well as Idlenefs: for our Peace and fafety, who will be called The and to make a Trade or Daily Employment of Lard if Peace, and by the Grace of Chrift will vain or unprofitable $ufinefs, is but a Cloak he with us, andgive us Pace always, and by elDeceic for an Idle Life: The Sloatffr,l anti all means. .Arises?. The }