Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

The rirf} Epifle of St. PAUL the Apole to TIMOTHY. C H A P. I. and Ordaining Bithops over particular Churches . ( Epifcoposgregis) by their own and the Flocks pAul an apoftle of Jefus Çhrift content, and not otherwife; and then exhort. by the' commandment of God i ag tech Paftors and Churches onjut occafions GuI Saviour, and the' Lord to do their Duties. And who can be againft Chrift; which is our hope ; 2. Unto filch Archhe But fotite thacnow feign the Idea ofaHilltop Timothy, my own fon in the faith : to be one that huh many fcore or Hundred G race, mercy, r(nd peace from God Churches under him, which have no Bithop our Father, and Jefus (hrift cur hut himfelf, and one that is fet over theta with- Lord. out their content, and thatruler] them byforce, I, 2. Nate, T. A oflefhi was by God's C11 of the adjoyned Sword, Impri(ònrnent, orRtí- p P 3 , ine, are ready to Dream that Timothy and Tiles and Command. were filch B.fhops. Doubtlefs every City or 2 Guift is the Believers Hope. Corporationwheie were Chriftians, had then 3. It is meet to have Come (pedal endeared a Church (at leaft) and every Church a Bifóop Love to thole that are our Sons in the Faith, (at leaft.) And whether it was Timothy, or anti- converted by pur Miniftry.. Cher, Ephefes was not without. Tho' it's true 4 As thedelire of Worldingsi is to worldly thatwe find him fo conftantly with Paul,alinoft Profperity, fo the funs of all holy .Chriftian de- every where, where he was, that it's hard to 'fires, is Grace, Mercy, andPeace fromGod the believe that he was very long at Epnefus. Father, and fromChrif. 2Nre, That Churches are in danger ofCor- 3. As I befought thee to abide frig mption by other Dc{Ìrines than thofedelivered at Ephefus when I went intoMacedo- by the Apoftlee. And their Doctrines were fo pia, that thou mighteft charge tome fufodcnc, that no ether fhould be taught. that they teach° no other doctrine 3. 1 hough force think it is fill the Gnoffiris that are here defcribed by Fables and Genealgie , 4 Neither give heed to fables, and its inoft like to be all the 7uda f rs. And though endlefs genealogies, which minifter Genealogies be par t of Scripture, it's perverit- queftions rather than godly eglifying, liens to make too great a firabout them, and 'Which isin faith ; fo do. to turnReligion into endlefs queftions, and di- 34/osre, t. Whether this imply that.Timerhy vat from matter of Faith, in which our Edifi- cation chiefly cloth confift. Multitudes fin by them th fb'know,what a offnien too much flit about leflèr Scripture Verities, to themthat knowwhat Bithop then was. A when by wrangling or long Rudy it hindreeh Hilhop,as Dr.Haanmondmainraineth,hsd then but flìem from greater. one Congregation,and noSubject-Presbyter un- dar'him. He certainly had nuFower of the Sword 5 row the end of the command- no force Men. He was orielya Guide toVolun- went is charity out of pure heart, tiers andÇonfenters; andnot to any againf their and, ofa ggood'confcience, and of faith will. It is certain, that every Church had at ttllfeigned : leaft one fuch Bishop; (I think tribally more.) t s. The Holy Scripture isas acompleat Body, And no doubt Ephefus had fach, either7irsorly, which bath its Accidents and Ornaments, as or others.) If it he Archbiil:ops that are made weal as F.ticntial and Integral Parts, (as Hair, the matter of this Doubt, it's certain, that an Nails, Colour) be. But it i the end that is the Archbif hop had no Power of the Sword, nor chief part and aituft be preferred: And the end was a Bithop to any but contenting Voluntiers, ofall Chsift's Dgétrine and Law is, Charity, or and worked onely on cenfcienee, and pot ins- to bring Mens Souls to the love of God, and mediarely on ¢rdy or Peril.. And I believe Man, and Goodnedi, as its very Nature: And that Timothy andTirais, and the Apcftles, were thegrand means to this are, I. A Heerr purified {o far Archbishops, as that they' had by Office by pods Spirit. 2. A geed Ctnfcience, not guilty theCareof gathering many Churehes,'and then of reigning fin, and juftfñed from the guilt of taking care oftheir Prefervarion and Ltcreafe,by former fin and perlent bin firmity by Chri(t, ttrfind that Ao ìtine and Go samaáu{s ófCbrift, f: And p feiSucd Faith Chtift, by which wp