Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 1. Of St.Paul'scalling L Timothy. tobean .gpofile. Ch. 1, we are united to him, and haveour part in the fed God, which was committed to forefaid benefits. ,And this is the fumofTrue my truft. Chriftian Religion infew Words, which ismore r tz. malt be foreknown, t. That profitably infrfted on than Jangling Coma,. 9. á, verfies. the Worldwas not Lawlefs that had not - tfafes's Law : They had the Law ofNature, and the 6. From which foine having fwer- common Lawof Gracewhichwas given toMan- ved, have turned afide unto vain kind after the fall: And Chrift hath now jangling ; 7. Deering to be teachers brought us the Holy Spiritual Law ofGrace in of the law, underftanding neither the molt perfect edition. So that fin iscon- what they fay, not whereof they demned where Moless Law is not received or Y Y y known. 2. That Mofeis Laws, as fach, were affirm. all Political for the Government of that Repub- 6, 7. And Come that have roved from this lick, even the Tea Commandments, and had Mark, (not placing Religion finally in Love, penalties tobe executed by Menannexed, as an to be promoted aforefaid) ha e turned afide to effential part of it. New of this Law, faith vain Jangling, or vain Chat; as if Religion lay pawl, ilt was not made with theft Penalties et- in being Do&ors ofMofes s Law ;. when as they Cher tobridleer topunrfb them that without it were ïindedtand not what they fay themfelves, nor Righteous Men, that is, Who were obedient to the what the things are which they pretend to Law of Nature, and ofGrace, and whofe Hearts teach. were ruled with theloveofRighteoufnefs, and Note, r. They that (hoot not at this mark (as needed not to be frightened to it by Corporal aSa;l oev78S fignifieth) andpiece not Religi- Penalties; much letsfor usChriftians, who have on as aforefaid, have ever fince corrupted it ,by Chrilt's Taw of Grace, and are Satidified by VainJangling, though not about the fame Sub- his Spirit, writing it in our Heartsby Love of jets : Some fetting the Churches together by Goodnefs: But God knowingthe corruptionof the Ears about unneeeflàry, curious Notions Mans Heart, did make it for the Ifreelitec, to concerning the perfon ofChrift, orconcerning reftrain them by fear from living like Lawlefs, God's Decrees, and Concourfe, and fome about Difobedient Men, ev.e, and to punith them by the Clergies Lnive'rfal Domination, and about theMagiftrate, who wereungodly, linnets, un- theirCanen Taw(worfe than was that ofMofes) holy, prophase, murtherers, &c. which the and their Dunghil of Corruptions andeniharing Gofpd, and Chrift's Law, which I preach, isas Ceremonies, and tome about quibling Nocicns much againft as Mofes's Law, and more power- concerningJuftification, Faith, and Works. Sa- fully over- cometh: So that we that have bet_ tan hath Religious Diverfions for them that are ter, even Chrift'sLaw withoutus, need not the above Senfuality. And Ignorant confidence countenance ofMofes's Law. (with rage) is the ufual CharaEter of all fuch. 12. And I thank Chrift Jefus our 8. But we know that the law is Lord, who bath enabled me, for that good, if a man ufe it lawfully; he counted me faithful, puttingme g. We praife the Law as well as they: It is into the miniftry; God's Law, and therefore good, if lawfully u- . i 2. Note,. It is a great mercy to be entrufted fed ; which is to lead Men to Chrift, and typi- with the Miniftry of the Gotpel, with Ability fie Spiritual things to come, and to condemn and Faithfulnefs. and refttain fin,; but not to juftifre Men inftead 13. Who was before a blaf hewer, of Grace, nor to be impofed on the Genri!s, or P continued when a better doth di-place it. and a peafecutor, and injurious. But g. Knowing this, that the law is I obtained mercy becaufe I did h ig- not made for a righteous man, but norantly in unbelief: for the lawlefs and difobedient, for is. Nate, i. The great Mercy of God to great Sinners; even Perfecutors and Blafphe- the ungodly and for (inners, for un- mers may be converred. holy and prophane, for murderers of 2. That God giveth the greateftMercy with- fathers and murderers of mothers, out previous merit. for man- flayers, to. For whore- s The word [beeaufol here meaneth notthat mongers for them that defile them- Ignorance was a proper çaufe of God's Mercy: e But that it made Paula more capable re.eiverdf felves with mankind, for men-ftealers, Mercy, than he lhould have been, ifhe had fcr liars, for perjured perlons, and if malicioufly finned agaiuft Knowledge., there be any other thing that is con- 14. And the grace ofour Lordwas trary to found do&rine, i i. Accord- exceeding abundant, with faith, and ing to the glorious gofpel of the,blef love which is ila Çhfit Jeftls 'i4And