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Ch I. OfSt: Paul'icalling 1. T'imothy. to be anApoflle.Ch: 1,2, tq. And this Merci which galled niehath poured ouron me, by the Holy Gholt, anabun- dant mealure of Faith in Chrift, and love to -him and his, which carried, meon in his Work withZeal and unwearied diligence. 1,5. This is a faithful Paying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Chrift Jefus came into the world to fave fin- sers ; ofwhom I am chief. t s. Tisis isthe Grgat ArticleofourChriftiah Faith, which we may truft to, and of great comfort to us all, and worthy of our thankful acceptation, That Chrift came into the World to face Sinners; which I, that am one of the chief muff therefore predicate with chiefeft Thanks. ' 6. Howbeit, for this caufe I ob- tamed mercy, that in me ñrft Jefus ChriSt might (hew forth all long-fuf- fering, fur a pattern to them which Mould hereafter believeon him to life everlafting. t 6. But it pleated God to fhew mercy to me, fo great a Sinner, to magnifie his Grace, and encourage all Sinners againft' Defpair, that in roe Chrift might exemplarily ¡sew his gracious Patience and Forbearance, and confirm all Sin - ners in the hope of EverlaftingLife, who after shall believeand be converted. 17. Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invifible, the onely wife God, he honour and glory, for ever and ever. Amen. r7. The feel of this unfpeakable Mercy cal- jab up my Soul (and fhould do all) to freak Withjoy the- Praifes ofour God, who is Eternal, mmortat, rnviible, the onely God, ablolutely Wife. over Angels, andallCreatures: To him Pe honour and Gtory, for ever and ever. ;Amen. iio. This charge I commit unto thee; fon Timothy, accordingto the prophecies which went beforeon thee, that thou by them mighteft war a good warfare. to. Holding faith, :and a good confcience; t8. Note, 1. By CG,arge) is meant holding Faith and a good Confcience, and keeping the 1yo`trine committed to him by Paul, as a faith- ful Minifter and Souldier of Chrifl, againft all Oppofstion z. It feems fome particular Prophecy ((licit as ,Agabus had ofPant, and many then had) had foretold that Timothy fhould be a faithful Minifter. to. Which fonne having put away, concernftlgfaithhave made (hipwrack, 20. Of whom is Hymeneus and Alex- ander; whom I hat e delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blafpheme. 19, 20: Which fotne have cart away, and loft theChriftianFaith : Such are Hymeneùsand Alexander, whom Ihave delivered to Satan,as Gods Executioner of Tome Bodily Punillsment, to fee whether Correctionwill convince them of their lilafphemy. I51,re, r. What their Blafphemy was, is after ¡hewn, 2 277m. 2. t7..& 4.54. 2. That Satan is oft God's Executioner in Corre`dhion andDeftru&ion, is certain; and that fisch is the Delivery here meant (for want of Chriftian Magiftrates), But it was none of Sa- tan's delire, but God's,herehy to teach themnot to blafpheme. CHAP. 11. I. T Exhort therefore, that firft of I all fupplications, prayers, inter- ceffions and giving of thanks be made for all men: t. As.I have oft Paid, That Charity is the End and Sum of Religion, I exhort, that ;his may be fincerely manifeíted in your Religious worfnip; and that youheartily prayfor all forts of Men, that God would fave them from Sin and Mifeiy, and give them Grace and Mercy; and be thankful for their Welfare, as ifit were your own. 2. For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godli- nefs and honefty. . For Kings, and for all that are in Preemi- nence Or Superiority, that theymay fo govern, that we may beprotected in the quiet ferving of God in Godlinefs and decent Converfation with Men, without Reproachand Perfecution. Note; t. That the Charaeler of the Rulers that we arero pray for, is not onely g sofa, jas regeraii,Right; but y.A1fox,1l Preeminence. Pray for him that bath the Right ofGoren, ring, as far as you can know it : But fubmit to him that hath fettled Poffeffron, fo far as it wrongeth not soothers Right; and fo far pray for fuch,that we may live a quiet and peaceable Life in al; God.inefs and Honefty. 3. For this is good and acceptable in the fight of God our Saviour ; 4. Whowill have all men to belayed' and to come unto the knowledge of thetruth, y, 4. For this is agreeable to the great Mercy manifefted in Mans Redemption by Jefes Chrift, who by his Death, and Covenant of Grace, and Preaching, hath ¡sewed us how willing he in that all Men fhould be faced, and conic to the knowledge of his Gofpei. ic;