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Ch. 2. Exhortation topray I. Timothy.' ,far all men. Ch. 2. Note, i- That while we obediently pray as fit, (e. g.) Life to a condemned Malefaftgr) if Gea commandeth us, we may confidently ex- it be given him on the fair Condition of his pei God's acceptance. 2. An extenfrve Chari- Acceptance, and brought to hisown Will, and íy rendreth us like Chrift, 3. It is not onely he intreated to receive it. 7. If any Wrang- aQforts ofmen thatChrilì wouldhave to be Paved ; ler lay, that this is unfitLanguage, (to fay, I-Ie but he willeth the Salvation ofall Men in ge- is willing that Men fhail be Caved, who offer: neral, fo far as to makea Sacrifice fufficiert for ech them Salvation freely,.unlefs he all() make ill, ifall will believe; and to make an Ait of them willing;) Let him confefs, that it is but Oblivion, or general Pardon, and Gift ofLife the Name that he denieth, and none of the to all, on ConditionofAccel'' ance, and to fend Gifts to queftion. 8. And be it known, that his Meffengers promifcuoufly to all, with the Unwillingnefs cometh not from a Phy[ical Im- Word of Reconciliation, to befèech them to be poffibility, through the want of Natural Fa- reconciled to God. What Chrift giveth to all, culties, (as it is with Brutes) but from a volun- he willeth and purchafeth.forall :But he giveth tary Pravicy, which aggravateththe Sin. y. And to all. a Pardon, and Right to Life, on Condition the mutable Will of Man is to be changedby of Acceptance, Therefore he is fo far willing Reafon : And God giveth Men Reafotis their Salvation, to their kind fafficient to perfuade theta 5. For there if one God, and one mediatour between God and men, the man Chrift Jefus; 6. Who gave him - felfa ranfotn for all, tobe teftified in due time. 5, 6. For it molt move us to pray for all, in compliance with this Will of God, that would have all Men Paved ; becaufe there is One God who is good to all, and One Mediatour be- tween God and Mankind, who took on him theCommonNature of all Men, and gave hip- felfa Ranfom for all revealed 'in the Seafon ap- pointed of God, (or to be preached to all indue time, as God pleafeth ) to accept of Clara and Life, lo. And lastly, No man can fay, that .Adam when he fell had not Grace enough to make him able ed have Stood, which he might have ufed, and Should have done, to his aival Standing: Nor, that God never giveth fuch a power to believe (orat leaft to come nearer the State ofa trtie Believer) to many that might bring it into A&, and do not. Thus much is enough to end this Conk troverliie withmodele Wits. 7. Whereunto I am ordained a. preacher, and an apotle, (I fpeak the troth in Chrift, and lie not) a teach- er ofthe Gentiles in faith and verity. 7. This Gape! I am .appointed to preach to the Gentiles, (Chrift knoweth that I feign not Note,-The Controverfae about Unìverfal Re- his Commilfron) and faithfully and truly to be demption, toohotly agitatedby.Berd, Eifcatnr, their Teacher. and others, en one fade, and by many on the other, I have fully handled in nay Catholiek7heo- logie, and Methodus Teolagi.e ; and it needs no more- than as aforefaid: 1. Whoever is dam. ned, it is not becaufe no Ranforuwas made for him, or becaufe it was not fuffrcient for him. s. By God's Will to.Pave at, is meant the Ef- feEis ofhis Will that have a rendencg to their, Salvation.' 3. It is notorious, that God bath made an UniversalA& ofGrace orOblivion, gi- ving Pardon of all Sin, and Right to Life in Chrift, to all Men, without exceptstion, on Condition of Believings acceptance, and bath commilhiöned his Minu tero to offer this Gift to all Men, to the utmoft of theirpower, and en- ChriftianLove. treat them toaccept it; andcloth by many Mer- Note,- That the Ceremony of Lifting up the eies intimate to them, that he úfeth them not Hands in Prayer, (which was an AefofCorpo- accordingto the meer violated Law ofInnoceii- tal Secondary Worship) is lawful, and fit where cy, but on Terms of Grace: 4. Few Chrifti- Cuftommaketh it fo, And yetis not neceffaty ins have the face to affirm; that this Univerfal by Inftitution; as kneeling allo is. Conditional PardonandGift (or LawofGrace) Y is no Fruit of theDeath of Chrift. 5. Ifthere- . y. In likemanner allo, that women fore thisAilofPetdou vaspurchafed byChrif, adorn themfelves in modeft apparel, and given to all, no nodalt Face can deny, with fhamefacednefs and Sobriety: that he fo far died for ill, as to puíchafe for them all that he actually giveth them: 6. IE not with broidered hair, or gold, or ufeal to fay, that we a Man a Ilene- pearls, gr Çoftly any a p. And 8. I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting. 8. According to this my CommifGon, I give chafe Di tillons following to all forts. Firft That all Men be much in Prayer to God, not onely in the Allemblies; but its all convenient Places wherefoever, open or ferret: but Mai they lift not up tò GqdHands defiled with a- ny wilful Sin, bui pure and clean lay harmlefs Converfation; and that they comenot to God; with Wrath againft others, or with a wane/. Corn, diluting, comentícus I)ifpofition; but in