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Ch. a. -OfWom. Attire, dc:.I. Tim. Theyfhall befav: by 2, 9. And for Women, r forbid them not al Ornaments, elpecially when they come to the Sacred Aüèmblies; but let them be adorned only With Attire whichexprefethGravity, Mo- deftyand Sobriety; not like proud, vain, or al- luring Perlons, with curious Dreffings oftheir /Hair, Embroidery, Jewels, Gold, or any over- soRp y Apparel, as thole that would rem either i.içher or Comelier than they are. lo. But (which becometh women - Profefing godlinefs) with good works. io. But let them take. good Works (ofPiety to God, and Charity to Man) for their chrefeft Ornament; as they will do, if they are true rofeffors of Godlinefs. It is thefe in which theymutt excel the Ungodly, andnot in O. .ätetatation.of Wealth or Beauty. 1i. Let the woman learn in fr- lence with all fubje£tion. 1 r. Let them be Learners, rather than Teachers ; and let them ale Silence and hum- bleSubjeetion, and not be over-talkative and gnafterly; fpecially the Church. 12. But I fuf 'er not a woman to teach, nor to ufirrpauthority over the l Or, (Though Sin and Sorrow In Travail came inby the Woman, yet by a Womans Child- bearing a Saviour came into the World, (which is fome Reparation of the Honour of theSex ;) Andfo the Women maybe Paved as well as the Men byChrilt, if they continue in Faith, Cha- rity, Purity, and Sobriety, man, but to be in filence. 12. I forbid Women to be Publick Teachers, ant toufurp an Authority over their Husbands, ce over Men in Church.Government; but to to quiet,. filent, and obedient. Note, r. That Paul £orbiddeth not Women to teach their Children or Servants, or the el- dzrWomen to teach the younger. 2. Nordoth he meddle with Cafes ofCivil Government ; as, whether a Womanmay govern a Kingdom, or aCity, or a multitude of her ownTenants and SAen-fervanes. 13, I4. For Adam was firft form- ed, then Eve. And Adamwas not de- ceived, but the woman being deceiv- ed, was in the tranfgreffion. 13, t4. For Godmade the Woman for fub- jellion, by making ,Adana firft, and then ma- king her tobe for his help: And the Woman subjefted her fell yet lower, by being firft in the Tranfgrefrion deceived by the Serpent, and then tempting her Husband. 15. Notwithftanding the fhall be Paved in child-bearing, if they conti- nue in faith and charity, and hoiinefs with fobriety. 1g. Yet though herSin have brought her low, and even under a Code in the Pain and Peril ofChild-bearing, (he is, even in that low and fad condition, under God's merciful Protecion, and facing Covenant of Grace, which contain- ten the Proníife of this Life, and that to tome, ifthey continue in Faith, Charity, and p4rity, with Sobriety. C H A P. III I. HIS is a true faying, if a man delire the office of a bifhop, he delireth a good work. I. As for the Office ofa Minn; believe it he that defireth it, doth delire a very great and excellent work: It is not a bare Name, Title, Dignity, or place of Honour and Com- mand ; but a Work, and a Work of great ire:- partance, and Labour, andDifficulty, which e- very Defreris not fit for: Takeheed thetgìore whom thou dolt admit. 2. A bifhop then mutt be blamelefs, the husband ofone wife, vigilant, fo- ber, ofgood behaviour, given to hof- pitality, apt to teach; AB:Ihop mutt be ne, 1, That is not guilty ofany fcandalous fin finehis Converfion. 2,One that hash not put away his Wife, except for Fornication, and married another much lets that hath two at once. 3. One that is vigilant, and wholly addiaed to dowhat he (hall un- dertake. 4. One that is of a lober, moderate temper, and not guilty of LevityandTemerity. i. One that is ofan Orderly,Compofed, Decent Temper and Carriage. 6. By Charity to be ready to entertain Strangers, and to take in thofe that are expofed to want. y. One that is fit by Ability and zealous Willingncfs to teach the Flock theneceffary things communicated to the Miniltry tocommunicate. 3. Not given to wine, no ftriker, not greedyof filthy lucre, but pati.. ent, not abrauler, not covetous ; 3. 8. One that is not inordinately in love with Wine or ftrong Drink, 9. One that u- feth no Violence, nor hurteth others. to. One that ifudierh not after Gain, nor ufeth difho, nelly, unfeemly ways of getting. It. One that by lenity raketh all things in the belt" fenfe, and is not rigorous. 2. One that is au gainit Strife,Contention and Fighting. 13.0ne that is not in love withMoney. 4. One that ruleth well his own houle, having hischildren in filbjedi- on with all gravity; 5. (For ifa man know not how to rule his own houle, how (hall he take care of the chllrcll,: of Gott ?) 4, 5, 14. Otte