Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch, -3: Deiicons how to I. Timothy. be qualified. Ch. 2, 3, more (diftha`f from Archbithop.) as the fakIDo. I (with Gataker) marvel that fo many apply tint: de faifb maintaineth in Scripture- times. theta Words to the Church, which are fpoken lb. And let thefealto firft be pro- ofrmothy. That it is he that is called here, ved then let them ufe the office of fa Pillar and Buttref (J. the Trurh,l feemeth to a deacon, being found bIamelefs. me erident : t. In that in the Allegory it is not like that Paul would in the very next to. And evenDeacons muff not be made, words call the Church a Pillar and Butrref in all they are tryedand proved fit, and found the Houfe, when he calleth it (the HoufeirfeJ.] biamelers. He plainly ditferenceth fa Parr] from [rheWile.] U. Even fo muff their wives be TheChurch is the Whole, a Pillar is a .Parr. grave, not flanderers, fober, faithful z. It is the very Sum ofPaid's Exhortation to Ìt1 all things. T:mcrhy, that according to his Office he altou'.d a t. So alto muff the Women (or Wives) be be fa Pillar and Buttrefs <fTruth in the Church.] grave, &c. 3. The Prepefition fin the Houfe] agreeth to him, and the Word [Pillar, be. which is in the Note. is uncertain whetherby yoetet(go' Houfe.] 4. Theomiffion ofthe .Article before t JYimete1 here, be meantthe DeaconsWivts, or r 9./N1`5 ,.nd fr ttw ryJintimate,that theDeaconnetfès that then were . appointed to it fionld rather betraced[a Pill ..r, d c.]than fameCare of Women, which Men wem lets lit 'for.. 2. The Qoalificatious imply, that Women tthe Pillar); which its like would have been áre molt in danger of thecontrary Sins, that is, Put in, had it been the Churches peculiar Pri- fs to backbite vilege that had been meant S. The Apoftle ofunftayed Levity, forwardnef and (peak evil falfely, as Accafers of thole thst uferh the fain Wordof Yames, Ceehas,and ehr, hiiftafte them,not (-caber and careful of their Bu- . Gal. 2. 9. ót Axgrrit guta°t accounted finfs, nottrafty in all things. P:Pars, which Timothy was.; And the very 1.2. Let the Deacons be the hus- fame Phrafe as here, is ufed Reuel; 3. 12. He bands. ofone wife, ruling their chil- that overcometh, I will 'make him a Pillar in dren and their own houles well. the Temple efGad, s ^0v gv ryJ pe zs fix, xm The Deacons mutt not be filch as have So Pen. to. n. -the Angels Feet, &c. But the more Wives than one, or that have injurioufly Church is never called fa Pillar that's in the put away one and =tried another: Thegood Church) 6. As to them that feign it would be government of their own Children, and Houles Calla Conflsu}ion, betaute the Wordsrse.s 11b, muff thew that they are fit to ferve in ., theChurch. =dteetrwF.tai are the Nominative Cafe, have tiled the this hack no pretence from the Text: So that I 13. For they that Office of a deacon well, purchaí'e YJ doubt not but theplain fence is as it is Paraphra- thèmfelves a good degree, and great fed' and all the Fabrick inbuilt on a meet mt- baldnes in the faith which is in J efùs }lake, which the Papifts mire upon this Text: Though were it otherwife, it would not ferve Chrif. their turn. r3. For though the Deaconsbe as Servants to 16. And without controverfie, the Parlors, they that have ufed that Office great is themyftery well,are in adegree above the Vulgar, and have Y Y of godlitiels: God matter ofconfident Bofdnefs and Freedom in was manifeft in the fielh, juftìfied in the management and defence of the Affairs of the Spirit, teen of angels, preached Chriftianity. unto the Gentiles, believed on in the 14. There thingswrite I untothee, world, received up into glory. hoping to come unto thee íhortly : 16. And confIfedly the myftery of God- Y' . But if I tarry long, that thou liners, which requireth filch great Abilities in thee, as to make thee a PiU.rr and 8utrreft of know haw. thou oughteft to it in the Church is exceeding great and high. behave thy felf in the houle of God, t, God himfelfappeared to Man in the Flefh of which is the Church of the living our Redeemer, to manifeft his Love, and Will God, the pillar and ground of the for our Salvation. z. The Spirit was thrift's truth. Witnefs, which by its unimitable holy impref- rrly ; but lions, Miracles, his Refurre pion, andGomm. a q, a S. Ihop to come to thee fho left I.ihoulde delayed, I write there things to natation to his Followers, did juftifie Chrift tä to be, and l thee that thou mayetf know how thou ought- be truly what he did profels (hied ell to converte in the Houfe of God, (which is his Doarine to the World. 3. Angels beheld, the Church of the LivingGod) as (in it) a Pii' Proclaimed, and obeyed him. 4. The Wallof lar and firm Buttrefs (or Balls) of the Truth. Separation being broken down; hewas preach- - Nete, Though it be true, that the Truth of ed byhis Cornmifiioned Apoftles tothe.Gentile God is snóft fafelywetbivedin his Church, yet World. s. The World that knew hips nóra or