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Ch.4. In the lat. times'hall be I. Timothy. adep. fr. the faith.Ch.q" or defpifed him, is by a few poor unlearned eth plain'y to (peak ofa Doftrine taughtto all,. Men brought to believe in him, and fubmit to and he defcribeth Chriftian Knowledge herein him as Lord and Saviour : Philofophy fubmit- to be, That God bath made fuels Meat in kind tech, and Wit is lilenced, and Policy and Pow- to be receib el with Thankfgiving ; and not er ftoop to him in part, and more will dó. that 411 men, or any at all times, muff ufe filch 6. He was taken up into Heaven in Glory, Meats. Angels attending him, his Apoftles looking on. 4. For every creature of God is i Theft SixArticles arethat great Myfterywhich good, and nothing to he refufed, if it ;eq:irerbthe Weft Preacher, and the foundelte be received with thankfgiving : .For Faith : And hethat firmly believed( thefe,doth it i3 fan&ified by the word of God, fee into a more excellent Myftery than 4, 5 Philofo- and prayer. phy, and will bea (table Pillar in the Church, Fr that God bath made for Food is good and clean, and not to be received as in kind unlawful, if it be received lawfully, as G H A P. IV. from God's Gift, to fit us for his Service; For tofuch as do thus, it is more than lawful, even W theSpirit fpeaketh ex- a fanaified Means to fit them to fern God, h prefly, that in the latter God's Word allowing andgiving it them, and, times fome (hall depart from the faith, Prayer craving his Bleffing to that end, giving heed to feducing fpirits, and 6. If thou put the brethren inre- lo£trines.of devils : membrance of there things, thou that i. The Spirit of Prophecy plainly foretelleth be a good minifter of Jefus Chritt, ils, that in the latter times Tome who profeilèd naurithed up in thewords of faith and thecníPlves Chriftians Ihalldepart fromeither the of good doarine, whereunto thou Whole, or fomeEffential parts of the Chriftian haft attained. Faith, turning Apoftates, or Hereticks r and this 6. Thefe things thou muff fugge(t to the by giving heed to falle Revelations of feducing Brethren as their Teacher, that thou mayft ap. Spirits (in themfelves or others), and to Do- thy felf a good Minifter ofChrift, bred arines of Devils, up in found Faithand Doarine, &c. Whether it mean ejfeilively Deárines But refute prophane and old taught by Deuils, or (as Mr. Mede largely main- 7. 1 taineth) cbjeffively, Da-trines concerning Demons, wives fables, and exercife thy felf ra- be the Nature,Òrder, and Minds of the Spirits, }her unto godlinefs. like the Valentin,ans,..diores, &s. I leave to the 7. But as for the Jewilh and Heretical Fan.' Judgment ofothers. cies ofAbltinenee from Marriage and Meats, 2. Speaking lies in hypocrifie, ha- and the Idle Reafons from Tradition, or Pytha- erean.Dota$e, which they give for them, a- ving their confcience feared with a g hot iron , promote, and pra&cife plainDoffrine, and Du- a. Covering their Lies or Falfe Doftrine by ties of Godlinefs; and guide the Flock therein. Hypocritical Pretences (of Piety, or Divine Re- 8. For bodily exercife profiteth lit- velation, or fome great Excellency); having Confciences feared and branded as the Perfidi- tle: but godlinefs is profitable unto all 'ous aft to be, by their flagitious Lives, things, having the promife ofthe life 3. Forbidding to marry, and tom- that now is, and of that which is to manding to ahfeain from meats, which come. God bath created tobe received with 5. For no Corporal Aufteriries or Exercifes in thanlcf,ivina Ofthem which believe b Religion múft be overvalued : The beiloithem b. are of final Profit, in companion of that Godli- and know the truth. nefs which conlifteth in Spiritual Exercifes (of 3 Note, I think it far more probable, that Faith,'Hopo, Love, and their Expreflions): But Paul here fpeaketh of thofe Hereticks which this true Spiritual fitbftantial Godlinefs is pro- ,made up Religion ofImdaifm and Pyri,agorc- fitable to all that we can j::ftly deliire, having -an Fancies, who taught, That Marriagewas of from God the Promife of all the good of this the Devil, to propagate linful miferable Men; Life which is meet for us, and we meet for it; -and that Flea was not to be eaten, efpecially and of that which is ro come, after this Life is the unclean Beath: than of tholè erroneous ended. Chriftians who only forbid Marriage to the 9. This is a faithful fayìng, and -Clergy, and Flefh on certain Days of Abili- worthy of all acceptation. so. For nerve, or that aileft the. total avoidingMarri- therefore we both labour and fuffer age, and eating Flea, as á State of fpecial r -ftsiailefs, not required ofmoltr For j'áptl feerá rej?roach, becaufe we trill( in the li- ving-