Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch.q.pacal's precepts-to T'im; I.Ti ving God, who is the Saviour of all men fpecially of thole that believe. 9, no. And what I fay of the Promife to Godlinefs for this Life atad that to come, isa Truth molt Cure, and ofgreateft moment, and worthy ofo :r greateft acceptation. For it is on the belief of this, that we labour,ftrive, and fuller, trufling on the Goodnefi: and Promifes of God, who is Life, and the Lord Of Life, and as their Saviour giveth the Mercies of this Life, and that to come; as Men are fisted for each, to all Men ; all Good being from him to all the World: But eternal Good being by his Promife fecured to all true Believers, (which others reje& when it is oared them, for tem- poral Good.) a I, 12. There things command and teach. Let no man defpife thy youth, but be thouan example ofthe Believ- ers, in word, in converfation, in charity, in fpirit, in faith, inpurity. 2. Thefe things teach commandingly, as neceffary, with Authority , And fo behave thy felt, that thy Youth expofe thee not to Con- tempt. Be thou ati Example, in whom all the Relievers may fee how they Should live, in thy Speech, and thy Conversation, in Love and Spirituality, in foundFaith, and (potters Purity. 13. Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to do- &rind. 13. Till I come be diligent in Reading the Scripture, (privately for thy felf, and publick- ly to Expound it to the Church) to apply it by Exhortation, and found Doétrine. 14. Negleêt not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by pro- phecy,with the laying onofthe hands of thePresbytery. 14. NegleE not diligently to ufe and im- prove thofe Eminent Gifts which were given thee, even with Prophecy of thee, as one that wouldbefaithful, by the laying on of the Hands of the Presbytery, or Elders of the Church, when thou waft called and ordained to the Mi- nifiry. (FornegleE quencheth the Spirit ) 15. lvleditats upon tefe things, give thy felfwliolly to them; that thy profitingmay appear toall. r s. Note, That even thofe that are extraor- dinarily Infpired andQualified, mull ftudyhard, and whollygive thcm;elvet to that, and all their Migifterial work, if they would appear good Prolicients; Therefore thofe that have no filch Infpirarioo, have need ofhard fludy. And they that wholly addi& themfelves to the.Miniftry, have no leifure for Magiflracy or Worldly Avo- cations: Nor can do that for atany hundred mothy.OfWidows Elders,Ch.4,5; Churches, which required the w hole ofa Tina," thy for one. a6. Take heed unto thy felff, and unto thy doctrine; continue in them for in doing this, thou thalt both fave thy felfand them that hear thee. x 6. In turn, Take greateft heed. Firft that thy own Soul and Life be Sound, and Holy, and undefiled, and next, that thy DoEtrine be fo, and thou diligently labour in it: Continue in this twofold Care and Diligence, and thou Malt fecure thy own Salvation, and in all like- lihood thy Hearers; for God will notdenyhis Bleffing to filch. Labours. C A A P. V. I. Ebuke notan elder,but intreat him as a father, and the younger men as brethren ; 2. The elder women as mothers, the young er as fitters withall purity. x, 2. When Elders (in Age or Office) tract. grefs, ufenot Magifterial rougiant fs of Reproof but Humble Exhortation, as to Fathers: And fpeak to the 'Younger with Love and Ghntle- nefs, as to Brethren: And fpeak to the Elder' Women, as to Mothers, with due refped}; and to the Youngeras Sifters, carefully shunning all that favoureth-of Immodesty or Unchafìity in thought, or fpeech, or looks, or behaviour. 3, 4. Honour widows that are wi.. doivs indeed. But if any widow have children or nephews, let them learn firft to fhew piety at home, and to requite their parents; for that is goodand acceptable before God. 3, 4. Let thofe that are Widows indeed, at once, deprived of Husbands and Maintenance, being Aged and unable to work, be maintain. ed by the Church with due refpeEt. But if any oPthem have Children and Nephews that can maintain them: Let rhefe their Off=fpring be taught that Piety and Gratitude forall their Parents care of them; oblige them to maintain their Widows, and , not to cart them on the Church; and that this is a Duty that God re- .11 iireth of them, and will accept. Note, That it is doubted, whether there Widows were Deaconeffes, or meerly kept for poverty. I think thatit wasthe CuRom of the Ancient Churches to maintain all that are Poor andAged, .and unable to gat their own livings, but not to maintain them inldlenefs, bat to ap- point them to employ much of their time, in vifiting the tack and poor Women, and court- ailing the younger fore, and giving notice of their