Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 5. Of Widows. I. Ti their Wants astd,eafes to the Elders; fo that the fame .Women were alto as Deaconefles, tho' fométhat sere wirer and fitter than the reit might hsat(ore fpecially thus emploÿd. q. Now the that is a widow indeed, and defolate, trufteth in God, and continueth in fupplications and pray- ers night and day. ltlothy. Of Widóaps Ch. ;. ren, if the have lodged ftrangevs, if the have waled the Saints feet, if the have relieved the afiiifted, if (he have diligently followed every good work. so. It is her ChriftianBehaviour before her Poverty, that muff be rewarded wish the Churches Maintenance : Therefore the muff be one, r. That is known to have done good to others while she was able., 2. Who bathpi- ouflÿ educated her own Childress. 3. Lodged Strangers, &c. Note, That in that hot and poor Countrey thofe here called Saints ufually travelled on Foot and were Bate- leg'd, wearing only Sandals or Shoes, and had not Inns for En- tertainment, with that convenience as we have here, nor Money for filch charges; therefore it was one of the great works ofGodly Cha- rity, for Chrittians to take Travellers and Strangersinto their Houfes, and Walla their Feetfrom the Duft contrafted daily in their Travel : And to relieve all in want and alBiQi- on to their Power. It. But the younger widows re- fute : for when they have begun to wax wanton againft Chrift, they will marry; t2. Having damnation, becaufe they have cart off their firft faith. It, tr. But receive not a Young Widovl into the number of chofe that fervethe Church., and are maintained by it : For as they are not by Age pail labouring for themfelves, or fit to refolve on a fingle life for the Churches Service,fo when they grow Luftfuland wantolt and weary of the Yoke of Chaftity and Church-Service, they will Marry : And fa prove Criminal Sinners againft Chrift, by violating that fort of Devotednefs to his Ser, vice. x3. And withal they learn to bè idle, wandring about from houle to houle; and not onely idle, but rat- lers altoand bufie bodies, fpeaking things which they ought not. 13. And being idle, they learn to go about to Houfes, and their not only idly pats their time, but to fpend it in tatting, or in idle and unfit Chat, and bufyine themfelves with ocher Mesas Matters, and talkingof that which theyought not to talk of Note, Out, But are not Women Drone to tiit e. rho' they be not Devoted to Chaffity and Chunk! Service: .AnSYes, I. And thereforePaul fpeakr L 1 gth s. By a Widow indeed, I mean one that is defolate, having neither Maintenance, nor Ability to get it, nor Kindred to relieve her, but liveth by Faith and truth in God, who as fh is to live upon the Church, fo the is bound to ferve the Church, by constant Pray- ers both alone and with thefe Women whom the vifrteth and inftrucîeth. 6. But the that liveth in pleafure, is dead while the liveth. 6. But that liveth delicately, and fpor .tingly, and wantonly, with gaudy Ornaments* is a living Carkals. 7, And there things give incharge, that they may be blamelefs. 7. Acquaint themwith there Canons, that the Church and they may be kept from m e- doing. 8. But if any provide not for his own, and efpecially thole of his own houle, he hathdenied the faith, and is worfe that an infidel. st. But if any of the Church that is able maintain not his own neer Kindred, efpecially chofe that have right to be kept in his own Family (as- Parentshave) he liveth fo contrary to the ChriftianFaith,thathe forfeits theReputa- tion ofTrue Chriftians,and doth that which the Infidels themfelves will condemn, and in that is worfe than they. 9. Let not a widow be taken into the number, under threefcore years old, having been the wife of one man. s. Becaufe buch Widows, 1. Muff be main- tained as thofe that cannot labour. 2. And do refolve agaiseft Marrying again, being patt the need of it. 3. And mail be ftay'd Moni- tors to the Younger Women, therefore take in none into the Churches charge, that is under threéfcore years old, and none that hath fepa- rated from herHusband, and Marriedanother. to. Well reported of for good works; iffhehave'brought up child-