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Chap 5. Of Elders. I. Timothy. Of Elders: Chap. 6. 19. Seeing no private Men fhould believe Satans Delgn to bring them to dilhonour by an accufation againft a Grave Ancient Perlon, engaging them in contrary odious work, much- lets againft a Perron of the Church, 22. Lay hands muddenl on noman, without fuffcient proof; much lets mutt thou y 5 that art Prefident in the Presbytery admit neither be partaker of other mens any publickly to defame an Elder in Office fins : keep thy fell pure. by entering his accufàtion againft himwith- out two or three W ítneffes ; and much lets 2.2. Lay not Hands in Ordination rafhlyon may'ft thou believe fach an Acculation. any unworthy Candidate; nor for abfolution Note, For, 1. It is to be firppofed that itch too haftily on thole. that profets not Repen-- are more unliíely to be guilty than Other tance crelibly; kft thou màke thy fell par Men. 2. And that for their Works fake, the taker of the guilt of the fins of unworthy Mi- Wicked or Reproved tort will be more mali- :lifters, and unfound penitents. Keep thy felt cious and forward to accule filch; and they r° fro the fins which thou tnenít reprove. in fhall never want Palle acculera, if filch can but find Judges that are willing to believe them. 3. And their defamation is molt in- jurious to Religion, and to the Church. 26. Them that fin, rebuke be- fore all, that others allb may fear. 20. Thole that fan fcandaloufly, either o- penly, or after reproof for private fin before two or three, and repent not, rebuke before the Church (orCommunity of the People, faith Dr. Hammond) that others may be warned ro áyoid fach fins andfuchimpeuitence. 21. I charge thee before God and the Lord Jefus Chrift, and the !e- led angels , that thou obferve theme things without preferring one be- fore another , doing nothing by par- tiality. 2.1. So heinous is the fin of unjuft judging in a Guide of the Church, and fa great a ntif chief to the Church, that I do hereby molt (alemnly charge thee before God and the Lord JefusChrift, and the Eleft Angels, that thou obtèrve there Rulers of Jnftice, without à hafty or forestalled Judgment or Prejudice, and that thou do nothing according to a par- tial inclination to one Party. None, I. There are Eleht Angels, both as relpec?ing Reprobate Devils, and as cholen to the Service of Diftint Churches. 2. Tho' we know nor jolt how far, and when An- gels are prefent, we may fo far prefitme of their Notice of Church-Affairs, and their re- gard thereof, as to adjureeven the Paftors of the Church to avoid fin, as before the Elea .Angels. 3, 0 how heinous then is the fin of tInofe who under the name of Bishops cart out and lilence Chrift's faithful Minifters, and are prejudiced and partial againft the molt Godly Cnriftians who dare not obey all their QQeftionable Canons? The honour of Bifh- áps being dine to them for their wordc, it is 23. Drink no longer water, but': ufe a little Wine for thy ftomachs fake, and thine often infirmities. 23. Note, 1. That Diet mutt. be fitted to health; and Men fhould know what is fitteft for it. To ufe Wine, yea, much Wine or ftrong Drink for moor Appetite,iuftead ofa little for health, is iufid feufuality. 2. Even risen the Apoftles that had the gift of Heal- ing could not ufe it commonly, but mutt help Infirmities by órdinary means. 24. Some mens fins are open be- fo e-hand, going before to udg- ment ; and foam raten they follow after. 25 . Likewife glib the good works of force are manifeft before hand; and they that are otherwllè_ cannot be hid. 24, 25. I know that when the. helt is done, Church Difcipline will not cleanfe out all lin. Ir dealeth not with ferret, but with open fins: Some Mens fins areopen and proveable, of which God will have the Church judge them before his Final Judgments and fame Mens are unknown, and thole not we, but God mutt judge. And fo Mens good Works and Sincerity of Repentance and Obedience ire manifefted to the Church tojudge of; and Hypocrites that ;counterfeit fach, Godwill o- pen in lais time. CHAP. VI. I. Et as many fervants as are un- der the yoke, count their own matters worthy of all honour'; that the name of God, andhis-doctrinebe not blafphem.ed, L1 z a, Let