Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 6. Covetomfnefs I. T4rothy. the root ofall evil. Ch. 6. Let all that are Servants under that Yoke, at one another, and evil furmifìngs, and ill whether their Mailers he Chriftians or Hea- Thoughts of one another,' (or ill Opinions.) then; account it their Duty to give them all paltry and frivolous Difputings againft each o: the Honour and Obedience which is due in ther. coming from Minds corrupted by Pride that Relation, and not think that Chriftianity and Errour, that are void of true Knowledge, giveth them liberty to difobey them, nor der- and fly farther froth the Truth, $riving for pile them, becaufe of their defeet ofReligion : Victory, and for their Own Conceits ; taking Elfe Heathens will reproach Religion, and the Side that ismoftfor their worldly and lIeih. Chrift, and fay, that we teach Men to be un- Iy Advantage, preferring Gainbefore true God- faithful, difobtdient, and proud. liners, and fitting their Cloak of pretended Godlinefs and Wifdom to their worldly Gain. 2. And they that have believing 5. 6 From fuck withdraw thy fell. matters, let them not defpife them gut odlinefs with contentment is becaufe they are brethren, but rather reag am do them fervice, becaufe they are faith- g g ful and beloved, partakers of thebe- s, b. Such Men as thefe, being not only nefit. Thefe things teach and exhort. Hereticks; but alto proud Defenders Of theft Herefie, are neither fit for thy Communion, 2. And let nonedefpife their Mafters, be- nor to be difputed with, but to be avoided if caufe they areboth Believers, and fo Brethren they repent not. But refolve thou to adhere to in Chrift, for Chriftian Brotherhood confilleth fiücere Godlinefs, which, with Contentednefi with Inequality of Place and Relation, and with God's Allowance of daily Bread, is the with Subj.:dioh, and dochnot level Men in o- true and great Gain, and better than the Wealth Cher things, nor encourage Prideor Difobedi- of the World, which thole Hypocrites prefer. ence: But fach mutt the mere willingly do ' service to their Chriftian Maftets, becaufe They 7. For we brought nothing into are faithful, and Partakers ofall the fame Blef thirworld, and it is certain we can &ngs of Chriftianity with themfelves, and fo carry nothing out. fiore',amiable, and therefore fhould be ferved out of fpecial Love, and not only for Fear, or 7 As for Bodily Provifion and Wealth, as we Wages. Thefe Duties are of great moment ; brought noneofit with'ús' into the World, fo therefore teachand preis them earneftly. its certain that we can take none of it away with us ; and therefore truly have no more 3. Ifanyman teach otherwife, and than we profitably andwell ,aid while we are confent not to'wholfomwords; even alive. the words of our Lord Jefus Chrift; 8. And having too and to the do£trine which is accord- g d and raiment ing to godlinefs; 4. He is proud, let ysbe thèrewíthcontent: knowing nothing; but doting' about 8 If wehave Food and Raiment, and what is needful' to the well-doing of our Work; queftions and ftrifes ofwords, where- we have enough, and muff be contented with of cometh envy; ftrife, railings, evil it : For, delire of more, except to do good furmifings, 5. Perverfe difputing, of with it to others, is but the finful Difeafe of men of corrupt minds; and deftitute the M-ndr of the `truth,- fuppof-ng that gain is 9, But they that will be rich, fall godlinefs into temptation, and a fnare, and 3, s There beforuerifen up that teach o- 15550 many foolili and hurtful lusts, therwife, án pretepceof Chriftian Liberty, and which drown men in deftruEtion and Excellency above Heathens: But they go con- perdition. ' trary to she Words of Chrift our Lord, which 9 But they that love and fet their Hearts on arethe wordsof Truth and Life, and to the e3 Dethrine which is formed to true Godlinefs ; Riches, and Peek after them, do thereby cant and.they are alert ofproud, felf conceitedMen, themfelves into dangerous Temptations and puffed, upwith a falfe Opinion that theyknow Snares, andkindle and parfúe inch Delves as anprethanothers, and are butBrain-fick,doting mew their groll Folly, and inftead of Gain, about unprofitable Qeftious,and ftriving about do but huts themfelves, aú5 èaft themfelves Words;. and inftead ofedifyingMen to Salvati- into the GulfbfDeftruetiou and Damnation. do, the Fruitofall their proud Contention is but Akre, t. Oh how little then do the molt of the increafe ofEnvy eud'trifes,,andRailings the'World,'that Rudy and fcramble for Riches, i> think.